Chapt 62
Suran's arms each breath had been trembling as she had re accounted what had happened that night to both Hoseok and Lisa.
To say that Hoseok and lisa were shocked were an understatement. Lisa had made endless gasps and 'Ohmygods' throughout the narration, silently crying into her hands as Suran narrated, oblivious with here eyes closed.
With every shaky breath that Suran had taken, more tears flowed from Lisa and by the end Hoseok had his hands full trying to stay calm and comforting whilst trying to soothe both Suran and Lisa. But in the end he too broke down, bursting a the seams when Suran had at last finished and opened her eyes to look at them and had said-
"Please don't blame yourself."
Suran then had reached out and wiped out the tears that still fell from Lisa's eyes.
"I-I I'm sorry." Lisa cried and Suran shook her smiling crying softly herself.
"I-I'm sorry f-for r-running away that night."
Suran shook her head, "You got away."
"It was y-you, I always thought that gir got a-away..."Lisa cried harder and Hoseok immediately ran his fingers soothingly through Lisa's hair, finally understanding that Lisa's disheveled appearance from the past days had not been merely due to being a trainee. The guilt for leaving the girl who had saved her, alone, must've taken its toll on her.
"Rani-ah, Lisa-ah," Hoseok began, his heart breaking with each tear that fell from both girl's eyes. "Promise me something."
At that both of the girls looked up at him and he stared at both of them, taking in their tears , their features, the things they must've gone through alone, remembering their smiles and teasing words as he spoke the next words.
"Tell each other everything. Promise me that you'll keep nothing from me or from each other." Lisa and Suran nodded.
Somehow during the past moments, Suran and lisa had ended up on either side of Hoseok, both leaning against his shoulder, and now Hoseok watched as Suran's finger's cupped Lisa's face and said, "I promise."
"I promise." Lisa echoed, leaning against Suran;s fingers as her other hand twined with her sister's hands.
"I promise too." Hoseok whipered, just holding them both against him.
It was then That Hoseok remembered about the offer that Yoongi had given Hoseok and Suran.
"Yoongi scouted me for being an idol." Hoseok suddenly admitted and both of them pulled away from in surprise. "Suran too." He finished, watching their stunned faces.
"But How-" They bothe yelled simultaneously and Hoseok smiled. Somethings never changed.
"But he hasn't even seen me dance!" Suran suddenly exclaimed and Hoseok shook his head.
"He has. He saw the dance battle we had the night..." Hoseok suddenly trailed off stopping himself as he realized what he was about to say.
"That's good!" It was Lisa who interjected, saving the silence before it could get too somber, "We could all tr-"
"Its not for me." Suran said softly but not weakly and Lisa stopped herself.
"But why?" Lisa asked and suran smiled.
"Dance and performing is not something I have a passion for." Suran replied. "I want to go for a career path that aligns with my passion Lisa-ah." Hoseok nodded at Suran's words, expecting it but Lisa was still not convinced.
"But you danced so well! You were famous an-" Lisa started again oblivious and reckless as usual to other people's sensitivities . It was not purposeful though, she meant good. It was her won way of caring but sometimes Hoseok could shut her up at times like these when Suran seemed to be weighed down by her sister's dreams and hopes.
"Its not her passion Lisa. She's not going to waste away with helping in your dream." Hoseok interjected firmly and Lisa shrank back as the weight of the words oh the latter's words suddenly dawned on her.
"Just because I was good at it, necessarily doesn't mean that I'm passionate for it. I enjoyed it, sure. But its not something I want to go back to again. Especially since I'm not good with crowds." Suran supplied shrugging .
"So you'll never dance again?" Lisa asked gently, guilt in her voice and Suran panicked at the fresh tears brimming in the corner of her sister's eyes and Hoseok just nodded supportingly, mouthing an 'she'll be okay.' towards Suran.
"I'm not saying that I'll never dance again..." Suran started hesitantly, "I don't want to become an idol Lisa. I'll dance for when I feel like it of course and there's strawberry shortcake who won't leave me alone if I don't..." Suran trailed off giggling a bit and Lisa raised an eyebrow.
"Strawberry what?"
Hoseok watched Suran's soft smile and realized something.
"Her dance partner for showcase she randomly signed up last month." Hoseok supplied and Lisa made a soft 'oh' of understanding.
"So what do you plan on doing?" Lisa asked Suran.
"Don't know. Psychology, literature or art." Suran replied smiling. "Maybe all." She laughed along with Lisa at that.
"Nerd." Lisa poked at Suran's nose and as the younger girl shooed her away.
"I decided to accept Yoongi's offer." Hoseok admitted and both girls nodded smiling.
"Dream Hoseok-ah." Suran said sincerely and Hoseok flicked her head lightly after smiling at her words.
"Its oppa."
"Does it look like I care?" Suran sassed and this time Lisa flicked Suran's head.
"Yeah yeah whatever." And then the twins were giggling as Hoseok watched on fondly.
"Is there anymore that any of us are hiding?" Hoseok suddenly asked and Lisa slowly raised her hand.
"Uh. Jungkook proposed to me last month."
"Knew it!" Suran exclaimed waging a finger in Lisa's face.
"Yeah haha.." Lisa laughed nervously pushing Suran's finger away.
"Wait. Don't tell me you didn't reject that smol bunny." Suran narrowed her eyes and Lisa looked down shamefully.
"I kind of did?" Lisa said her voice small, as if questioning and Suran immediately softened.
"Its okay to say no Lisa." Suran soothed . "Its better than leading him on and breaking his heart when you didn't even like him in the first place."
Lisa nodded.
"Well that certainly descalted fast." Suran laughed.
"I know right."
A soft silence blanketed them.
"I never told you about my past did I?" Hoseok began as th e girls looked up at him curiously. He could understand their feelings, he never really opened up about his past to them, always saying that past was the past and it was better left behind.
Nevertheless, Hoseok narrated same memories of his past that he had shown Yoongi. The short fingered, clumsy and kind boy named Park Jimin. Their memories, how in the end he had denied remembering Hoseok and Hoseok's consecutive carting off to seoul and meeting Park Jimin later in seoul years later at a café while going on a date with Yoongi.
"I'm going to find this blood Park jimin and teach him a thing or two about hurting peop-" Lisa raged suddenly but Hoseok stopped her.
"It was not his fault. I was so in love with dance, my only relief that he must've felt abandoned." Hoseok spoke, realizing what must've actually happened as he spoke.
Suran, he suddenly realized was frowing. "Park it's a common name..." Suran seemed to be muttering under her breathe.
"What is it Rani?" Hoseok inquired gently and Suran's eyes snapped toward his.
In a flash she was pulling out her mobile phone and unlocking it, as if to search for something. Almost just as suddenly, the phone screen was shoved in his face.
"Is this him?" Suran asked showing a familiar picture of a red haired boy, with an eye smile chubby cheeks and plump lips.
"It is." Hoseok breathed meeting Suran's wide eyes.
I'm kinda sad coz I felt like you guys werent shook over the twist that I was so hyped about?? Either you guys are really smart or Im predictable or i suck at plot twists XD
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