Chapt 57
Min Kyunsoo
The black letters in hangul on the drab colored urn spelled mournfully.
A bunch of white lilies graced the front of a picture of Yoongi and Kyunsoo, the girl enveloping the younger in a smiley back hug. It sat side by side with a picture of a younger looking Seokjin with chopped off hair kissing Kyunsoo's cheek in a photo.
Yoongi's fingers tightened their grip on hoseok's fingers.
They stood in the spacey and sunlight filled memorial near the Han river, hand in hand. They spoke nothing for a long while just leaning on each other, one reeling down his memory path while the other swept his eyes over the memories and stories bared open before him.
"She's beautiful." Hoseok said gently after sometime smiling softly down at Yoongi.
"She is." Yoongi said after a pause, not bothering to change the tense, a fools throw at a life he wanted to keep to himself despite time's show of hand.
Hoseok softly folded the elder into his arms allowing him to rest his head against Hoseok's shoulder.
"I feel at peace." Yoongi murmured, pulling back and looking into Hoseok's eyes.
Hoseok smiled and said nothing, allowing the elder to collect his thoughts.
"I love you."
Hoseok's eyes suddenly widened wondering if he misheard the elder.
"I have wanted to say that for the past few days, It might be too fa-" Yoongi started but Hoseok immediately shut him up with a kiss.
"I love you too." Hoseok admitted softly, resting his forehead against Yoongi's . The elder seemed to melt into Hoseok's arms at that and Hoseok held him against him gladly smiling into Yoongi's hair.
They shared a moment of warm silence before Yoongi suddenly whirled around from Hoseok making the younger confused.
"Noona. I met the love of my life." Yoongi's sudden confession made Hoseok's blood heat in something wonderful and eternal even as he blushed.
"Its this idiot here." Yoongi jabbed a thumb in Hoseok's direction and Hoseok chuckled and bowed sincerely to Kyunsoo's pictures.
"Its me." Hoseok started lamely at the pictures. "I'm Jung Hoseok."
Yoongi snorted at that.
Hoseok shushed him with a light slap and pulled the elder back into the back hug.
"He is my world now." Hoseok started, resting his chin on Yoongi's shoulder as the words flowed from his heart. "I thank you for making him the way he is. His flaws and perfections, the little mole on top of his left lip to his awkward skinny legs, everything is loved by me." Hoseok said softly and he felt Yoongi stiffen in his hold.
"I promise to cherish him for who he is. Even though I cant promise flower paths in the future for us, I promise to hold his hands through every path we take, together. I promise to strive for his smile and the light in his eyes. So please give me your blessing." Hoseok said, each word strung like the notes of a guitar.
Hoseok stepped away from Yoongi and bowed towards the urn. He got upp to find Yoongi's gentle smile, the love in his eyes so palpable like the clearness of a crystal.
"She would say 'Go get a room already'" Yoongi laughed even as his voice cracked towards the end and Hoseok joined in on the laughter.
"Then why don't we?" Hoseok asked teasingly and earned a light slap form the elder.
"Come. I promised to show you my studio one day didn't I?" Yoongi said as they stepped into the warm spring sunshine outside after saying their goodbyes to Yoongi's sister.
"Okay." Hoseok shrugged, suppressing his eagerness to watch Yoongi work.
Yoongi smiled at him, the Han river glistening behind him In the morning sun like some benevolent beast.
It was a sight that Hoseok folded away into the catacombs of his heart.
"He's with me." Yoongi said to the receptionist in the posh building, smiling. The receptionist looked more confused at Yoongi's smile than the stranger by his side and Hoseok found himself trying to hold back a chuckle.
Yoongi was suddenly pulling Hoseok, almost like a little child even before the confused woman could say something. Yoongi yelled something about delivering an id to his office later on just as they went past the corner.
"Yoongi-ah" Hoseok laughed. "Whats the hurry.?"
Yoongi looked back at him a pout on his face as he shrugged. "I dunno. I'm just happy." Yoongi grinned before continuing with pulling the taller along.
Lord help him.
Hoseok watched in silent mirth as many people that crossed him, bowed from respect but ended up stopping confusedly at the bright gummy smile on Yoongi's face and his intertwined hands.
"Genius lab!" Yoongi exclaimed as they came to a stop in front of a high security looking door.
Yoongi punched in two different passwords in two different systems and then unlocked the door with a key. Hoseok felt stunned at the amount of security Yoongi's studio had.
"Why do you have so many locks?" Hoseok snickered as they entered and closed the door.
"Protection from jealous assholes and I generally don't like people barging in." Yoongi explained and just then something went beep and the door was opened effortlessly by a tired looking teenager.
"Hyung I hear-" Jungkook started and immideatly shut himself up after seeing Hoseok beside Yoongi.
"Except Jungkook." Hoseok chuckled.
"And Lisa." Yoongi nodded begrudgingly and if Hoseok wasn't already in love, he was well head over heels now.
"What is it?" Yoongi asked turning around as if he didn't want to acknowledge the younger's presence.
"Hyun-" He started brightly but got interrupted by his phone ringing.
Jungkook answered it with a soft yes hyung? And the giggles that followed made Yoongi even more suspicious, as did the color staining his cheeks. But the younger was out the door before he could even question him.
"Brat." Yoongi huffed as Jungkook disappeared.
"But you love him anyways." Hoseok laughed and Yoongi didn't even bother denying it as he settled into his easy chair beside his piano.
"Can you play a song for me?" Hoseok requested leaning beside the table.
Yoongi smiled and plunged on, feeling the familiar slippery slide of the keys under him as he began. Then everything fell in light notes with dark undertones of melody as he played.
Hoseok closed his eyes and felt it, the music flowing through his blood like fire. It spread through his heart like warm sunshine with lilting notes and thundered through his veins with its low timbres.
It was over before he knew it.
"Hoseok-ah." He heard Yoongi call from eternities beyond and he opened his eyes.
"T-that was so beautiful." Hoseok whispered as if he did not want to disturb the traces of melody still lingering in the air and Yoongi laughed.
"I know." A gummy smile and Hoseok rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile back.
He looked around the studio as Yoongi adjusted some of his instruments. He walked around and soon he found a worn out leather book that looked out of place amongst the shiny devices.
"Can I see through this?" Hoseok asked snaring Yoongi's attention.
Yoongi looked at Hoseok, staying silent as he recognized the book.
Yoongi then shrugged and turned around but Hoseok recognized the stiffness in the shorter male's shoulders.
"I wont read it if you don't want me to." Hoseok said gently, respecting the other's privacy.
"Go on." The older urged in a monotone, his back still to him.
And so Hoseok opened the first page.
I felt like I wrote a lot but it seems like its not ? XD
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