Chapt 24.
Who else wants to talk about how absolutely manly and hot Hoseok looked while they recieved the Daesang?
Hoseok didn't go to the park the next day.
If he had gone during the day, suran would get suspicious. Besides, he sleeping was for night, right?
Then why was he feeling guilty and restless?
It was not like he was the one who ditched Hoseok yesterday right?
Hoseok rubbed at his chest in annoyance as if that would help him ease the guilt of.
Not going to the park had taken his entire mind today, restraining himself had taken his energy. Today while helping Suran overcome her mental block, she noticed his halfheartedness and his restless energy.
"Oppa? are you listening?" Suran asked softly mildly irritated when Hoseok's eyes gaze blanked out as he stopped responding to her for the umpteenth time. It wasn't that Suran hadn't already asked him what was wrong. He had waved away her questions saying that it was nothing.
"huh?" Hoseok asked sheepishly as he blinked out of his reverie.
"Oppa. Focus." Suran said sternly. Her eyes fierce in a way that made Hoseok gulp.
A storm was coming if he didn't comply.
Suran calling Hoseok 'Oppa', still threw him off. But he was still getting used to it. It was a pleasant thing to get used to. It made him feel useful and wanted for once.
So Hoseok slowly went through the simple routine they had made with Suran again.
She was slowly getting better. Hoseok could already see the fluidity in her movements even while she stumbled over steps.
Her determination shone like a fire in her eyes as she took control over her body again. From what Hoseok could see, they were already making good progress.
He smiled as he watched Suran's back as she corrected her own movements and watched herself through criticizing eyes as she danced alone this time. Hoseok smiled proudly at her reflection.
His mind wandered off to the silver haired man as he watched Suran. Hoseok was thinking how the older had his hands around when Suran and he locked eyes through the mirror.
Suran froze. Shock took over her face before she whirled around suddenly, making her her long curly hair flip around with her. Suddenly Hoseok was face to face with Suran's shocked features.
"W-what?" Hoseok asked hesitantly as she took his face in her hands and looked into his eyes.
Was she going to hit him?
"Your smile." She breathed.
Hoseok frowned in confusion. "What about my smile, Suran?"
"You just smiled."
Hoseok's stopped breathing.
He was smiling?
"S-so?"Hoseok asked trying to pry suran's long fingers from his face.
"You smiled. Like genuinely."
"No I did not." Hoseok lied in order to get Suran off him.
It did not work.
"I have never seen you smile like that before, Hoseok."
"Whatever happened to oppa?" Hoseok joked.
Suran pinned him with a stare. Hoseok nervously let out a laugh.
"I have never seen you smile like that before. Are you drunk? Did you not get your sleep?" Suran rambled worriedly.
At the world 'sleep', Hoseok found himself thinking of a certain silver haired man.
The way Yoongi had snuggled into him.
Fuck. How the hell was he going to be a jerk to that asshole?
"There! you are smiling again!" She wagged a finger in his face.
"Your smile changed. There's something weird about it." Suran's eyes were searching his face.
"Rani" He drawled, calling her his nickname for her when they were younger and far more annoying .
"Hobi the horse." Suran retaliated, eyes flashing. It was the nickname she had vengefull made when he had first called her Rani.
Well at least, the old suran was back.
Yoongi pinned against the tree flashed against his mind.
"Your eyes." Suran said in realization. "They smiled."
Hoseok's eyebrows shot up.
Yoongi made Hoseok smile? What. Why?
"Theres someone isn't there?" Suran said smiling.
Hoseoks eyes shot to suran.
"No there isn't." Hoseok said flatly.
"There is."
"No there is isn't."
"Ohmygod. There actually is."
"He isn't anyone! I dont like him!"Hoseok blurted out irritably.
Hoseok widened his eyes at his slip up. He prayed that Suran wouldn't have caught it. But judging by Suran's silence he knew he was already caught.
"He?" Suran asked softly.
"OHMYGOD HOSEOK GOT A BOYFRIEND" Suran giggled and sang loudly jumping about the studio, a bright beam on her face.
As luck would have it, Lisa chose that moment to enter the studio.
Why she was here when she was supposed to be training, he had no idea.
Lisa froze at the sight of a squealing and hyperactive Suran. She turned to look at Hoseok in disbelief.
"Hoseok GOT A BOYFRIEND!" Suran yelled at Lisa in happiness.
"WHAT.WHEN?WHERE?HOW?!" Lisa yelled back and soon both were soon jumping around squealing .
Hoseok did not know whether to watch in awe as Suran became the person she was before or bang his head on the wall thinking of the interview of that was soon to follow.
Suddenly Lisa broke off from Suran and rushed to Hoseok to give him a big bear hug. Hoseok wrapped his hand around her as she barreled towards him at full speed and crashed into his chest with an 'oomph!'
Hoseok reeled backwards with the sudden action but he managed to catch himself as Lisa hugged him even tighter.
It was a sister's relief and happiness Hoseok heard when Lisa said,"Thank you. Thank you, thank you so much for bringing her back."
Hoseok felt her trembling with relief against him while Suran was still squealing around the studio.
Yoongi might not know it yet, but he was healing three people at once.
And consequently, his entire world.
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