Chapt 14
Guys when I say suran, I dont mean the real suran. Its just a name.
Btw Holy shit, so far away is one of the most beautiful songs I have heard. Suran's voice is so beautiful and Yoongi's passionate writing. GODS OF OLYMPUS.
My man deserved that award. He is one of the most talented artists out there.
He had met Suran shortly after he had becomes friends with lisa. Suran had taken one look at him and asked him to stop being a fakeass around her the moment Lisa left them alone. He hadn't known how to respond. But Suran didn't bother waiting for a reply as she threw Hoseok warning glare and walked towards Lisa with a gentle smile.
Hoseok could immediately see that she was extremely protective over her elder twin and that Suran was not a woman to be messed with. He respected that.
She was a bitch. To put it lightly.
Hosoek had never seen Suran cry. Even after that horrible night.
She was snarky yet caring to Lisa and maybe a little bit friendly toward Hoseok beacuase of their long term friendship. To other people, she was just plain snarky. It was easy to see that she didn't trust easily, nor love easily.
She was the most beautiful person once you got past that bitchy exterior. She gave no two shits about strangers, yet at the same time cared for her loved ones in ways that was way useful rather than resplendous.
Till last week he had thought that he knew Suran through and through. But he learned that he had not even touched the surface of who she was when he found her having a solo dance battle with one of the biggest dance kings out there. With a midnight black mask on.
Suran according to him had been a smart, multilingual, bookworm artist who was not good with feelings. She always seemed to fumble to express them and stutter when it came to consoling somebody. More than often she left the person in more tears than they started with.She sucked at dancing or that's what she made everybody think with her flappy dance moves, even Lisa.
But Hoseok recognized with no small shock that it was Suran who was the 'Hermosa' who people whispered in awe in the underground.
Hermosa, A woman who chose to keep her identity covered in the underground world, one of the best female dancers in Gwangju. Her name was known throughout Busan, Daegu , Geochang and even in Seoul.
He had only recognized her from the eyes that peeked from underneath the mask and her voice. And then while she danced her black tee moved aside to show the tattoo they both had secretly gotten on a night out drunk while Lisa was busy with her pre debut practices.
That night she had danced with such ferocity, moving like fluid and dancing like there was no tomorrow. It had shocked him to his core. He hadn't seen her dancing at all after that night.
Hoseok entered the abandoned studio silently. As he entered the dance studio, he saw Suran position herself as if to dance. As he watched, she moved her hands fluidly and yet there was something off about her moves. She ended the simple move in a simple body roll and yet again it was as if she was a beginner learning how to dance.
She suddenly fell to the floor and lay on the floor laying on the floor. Something inside Hoseok broke at that.
He slowly approached her and sat beside her. She looked up at him, sensing his presence.
"Hoseok-ah" She said softly. Her stare moved to the ceiling and she smiled humorlessly.
"I cant do anything anymore Hoseok-ah."She said, her tone bland.
Hoseok watched her quietly, choosing not to say anything, letting her say whatever she wanted to say.
"I always wondered if the smile you always wear was hard to show. I always wondered how your real smile would look like. I wondered about the sadness in your eyes that disappear as soon as that smile sets in, Hoseok-ah." She wasn't smiling, she was just staring blankly at him. "Does it ever get easier? Is this all easier to endure with a smile?"
Hoseok slowly lay down beside suran, relishing the few moments where he could be himself with another person.
"sometimes its hard, sometimes its easier than breathing." Hoseok said honestly, meeting Suran's eyes. "Sometimes that what scares me the most."
"I'm not going to say that its okay because I know its not," Hoseok started but Suran interrupted.
Hoseok ignored her, if there was at least a few people who he cared for deeply, one was undoubtedly Lisa and Suran. He wasn't going to let her go like this.
"I'm here." Hoseok said after taking a few moments to collect his thoughts.
Suran slowly turned to look at him. There was no emotion at all on her face. It was unnerving .
"You don't mean that." Suran said smiling.
"I do." Hoseok said without hesitating.
"They never do, all of the leave don't they? Our families left us, our friends left us and the people who we will love will also leave us one day. We are only here for ourselves in this world." Suran said nonchalantly.
Hoseok weighed her words before replying.
"You are my family, you brat." Hoseok said reaching over to pinch Suran's nose. "Family is not always blood related, its who you make them to be. And you guys are mine and I'm yours."
Suran's eyes filled with tears as he looked at Hoseok.
"Aiesh this kid," Hoseok said wiping away her tears even as he was panicking at the sight of Suran crying. Suran never cried. Ever.
"I cant do anything I love anymore, Hoseok-ah. They are all a reminder" Suran said sobbing into his shoulder.
"What? That's it? you can't draw and dance anymore? So what, we will learn again my dongsaeng." Hoseok said trying his best to cheer her up.
"You are going to teach how to draw?" Suran said looking at him with that arrogance that was so her. He forced himself not sigh in elief too loudly.
"I can t teach you to draw but I can teach you to dance once more." Hoseok said standing up, he held out a hand towards Suran, praying that she would take it.
"We can learn together, again. Don't let them stop you, Suran." Hoseok said looking into her eyes, for once in his life, sincere.
Suran slowly slid her calloused hand into Hoseok's equally rough ones and held on tightly.
"Thank you, Oppa." Suran said standing up with Hoseok's help. Hoseok's eyes snapped towards hers at that. She had never called him oppa.
He realized that word was serious with Suran. It meant family more than anything else. And Hoseok's answering smiled echoed in his own heart for the first time in his life.
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