Chapter 28 Adam
"Nikko. you have been quiet since you walked into the office and that was over an hour ago. What is wrong?" We were in the Humvee on our way to the diner that Sam said she heard Hunter tell her. Nikko usually was a hard person to scent what he was feeling or thinking but this morning it didn't take my nose to figure out something was off. I thought something was up before we left and once I sent some our wolves to ride in a different car and Nikko didn't seem to notice I knew for sure. Just like I knew whatever he was going to confess to was even worse.
He sighed then rubbed his hand across the back of his neck. "I had a vision this morning." I wanted to jump in with a million questions but if he was acting like this it wasn't good news. So I stayed silent. "Listen, Adam, it went by really fast and I only caught a few things." I wasn't sure if he hesitated to make sure I was listening or because he was trying to find the right words. "There was a white house, bigger than a house actually. Sam was in her lion form. There was a battle." He stopped so abruptly I knew there was more. I came close to yelling at him but he said the final thing. "Hunter was covered in of blood."
I had nothing to say. No words would come out. No thoughts came to mind. We sat beside each other while he drove the Humvee towards the diner. It had to be a good 20 minutes that past before I could speak. "It doesn't mean she is dead." And that was all I said. The rest of the ride was in silence.
It wasn't long after that when we made it to the diner. A few other pack members, including Sam and our men beat us there. Jumping out I noticed that at least half of the packs that were on this trip were already inside and seated while the rest either waited in their cars, walked around the building, or drove a further down the road in case they could see or find something.
Sam, Lawrence, Jack and a couple others sat in a both and pulled over a table closer to theirs for us. I sat and Nikko followed suit. Shortly after his sons, all three of them, and Grayson joined our table. The mood was light but weary. Sam seemed calmer than last night. Lawrence seemed at ease but his constant watching proved otherwise. I knew they did not like having Sam here, especially since they believed she may be in danger as well now.
We kept the conversation impersonal but it flowed so there was no awkward silences. A few pack members scattered around the diner and listened to see if we could hear anyone talking about someone who may have looked like Hunter but so far nothing. Almost done our breakfast Sam excused herself to head to the washroom. I heard her sigh as soon as a couple of her pack and pride moved closer to the end of the diner where the washrooms were located but said nothing. I guess she decided what battles to chose.
"Jack?" One of the wolves that had moved to follow Sam came back and bent over to talk to his Alpha. "Adam? It may be nothing but he thinks he caught a slight scent of a couple wolves in the third booth back."
I didn't want to make a scene so I forced myself to stand up slowly and follow Jack's wolf to the booth he thought he smelled another wolf. I knew the last time we were here we did not sit near this area and I doubted our scent would have lingered this long. We were only here once.
Standing by the table with Jack beside me we started to talk about the weather so it didn't look too strange to get up from the table and move away. No one else with human ears would know what we were talking about. The weather didn't make a difference, it was just a topic I started with.
"I smell it. Three of them but it is faint," Jack announced before taking a step back so I could move in closer.
I agreed, there was three scents and I knew two of them and the other was that familiar scent that I couldn't place. The same one that was in Hunter's room and sat on her bed. "I know them and I am pretty sure it is less than a day old. James, Hunter, and the other that was in Hunters cabin. She was here." That knowledge had me take a deep breath.
Before I knew it Grayson and Jarek sat in the booth that Hunter was in less than 24 hours ago. Grayson seemed paralyzed as soon as he caught her scent. Jarek looked shocked and stared at Niiko who was now standing beside me. So much for not attracting attention. Giving the boys a few minutes alone I returned back to the table. My appetite was gone so I pushed the plate away. The others were pretty much finished so I asked for the bill.
That was when Sam came busting out of the bathroom with a huge smile on her face. She opened her mouth to say something but shut it. She had something clenched in her hand and bounced in the spot till we all stood then she raced out the door with her guards trailing close behind. Instead of waiting by the cars she walked closer to the road and stared down the empty road in the opposite direction that we came form.
After I paid for breakfast I followed all the confusion and looked at Sam. She said nothing but beamed at me and passed me what I noticed in her hand earlier. Taking the paper towel I flipped it over where I seen a black smudge. I stared at it and had to read it three times to make sure I was understanding it correctly.
"This is...where?" I stammered out asking Sam.
"In the bathroom! The smart little cookie that she is hid it in the paper towel dispenser. It is something Adam. She's close, I know she is," Sam's excitement was contagious.
"Adam?" Nikko pulled my attention to him. Now I was beaming like an idiot and passed the paper towel to him so he could see for himself.
"Dad, what is it?" Jarek was out of patience. I didn't blame him.
Nikko smiled and looked at his son. "Hunter left it. It says that she was her yesterday afternoon and she overheard someone say they had just over an hour to go before getting to where they were going and they were head that way," Nikko pointed in the opposite way of the camp.
We knew two things now. Hunter was closer than we thought and we knew the direction to go. Now all we did was put everything together.
"Adam? Look," Sam said pointing a little to the right but in the direction we believed Hunter had went. "The mountain. She said mountain."
We all stopped and looked in the direction of where there was the closest mountain. And that was the direction we were going to head off too. "Ok, everyone get their stuff together and head back to camp. We have things to plan!" With that said everyone moved quickly to their cars and peeled out of the parking lot. We had a big day ahead of us.
"We're coming for you Hunter. We're coming," I whispered into the air in hopes she would get the message.
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