Chapter 23 Sam
Lawrence and I wondered back to the campfire just under an hour after he did his caveman stunt and dragged me off into the woods. A well needed hour. I was more at ease and Lawrence seemed less tense even though he still wasn't happy with me shifting earlier. If Jonah was out here then he would know I was here now. Since we are both a Tlazolteotl Joseph was almost positive that his father, Jonah, could sense when I changed. I guess that was one of his many gifts he had.
As we broke the tree line we noticed that we were not the only ones who seemed a little more relaxed. It was a good sign. I knew this hour break was my fault but we wasted time and there was one thing I wanted to try before we all went to bed. It was too late to wander around the woods looking for my daughter, especially since no one had a clue where to start. Taking the offered hotdog that Jarek, the very attractive young born who was one of my daughters "guards", passed me as we walked up. I winked my thanks.
"Samantha he is too young and you are spoken for," Lawrence growled at me. I was about to say something but he cut me off. "Samantha," he growled with more force. He knew I was just playing around but a dominate mated wolf you should not play with but it was my weakness. I loved to rile him up plus when he growled like that it went through me like fire. Once he seen my smile and glint in my eye Lawrence shook his head and led me back to my seat.
"There is something we can try tonight," I told Adam once I finished my hotdog. "I am not saying it will work but it might. Plus what harm could it do?"
"What did you have in mind?" He asked with no suspicion in his voice. It was nice not to have everyone think the worst of my ideas.
"Lawrence?" I looked at my mate.
"As she said, it may not work but I think it will. If Sam is really Hunters biological mother than that connection will be strong. Add in what I can do and what Sam can do we may be able to contact Hunter but she may think it is just a dream. We will need something so she will know it is real." Lawrence explained.
"That may be difficult," Nikko said, "Hunter, like most borns, have their extra gifts. Hers is a gift of sight. Basically she can have dreams or flashes of the future and sometimes the past." Some look went through Adam and Nikko that I didn't like. "She can sometimes tell the differences between a vision and a dream. So that may hinder this exercise."
Looking at the men in my daughter's life, I seen hope and dread. I had to give them hope or something other than nothing. "Well gentlemen if we don't try we will never know. Now where are the delicious young men of my daughters?" Jarek was here but I couldn't see him now
"Samantha!" Lawrence growled.
"What? Did you see them? Seriously Lawrence they are going to be something else in a few years." I had to tease him a bit. To make it up to him I thought of what I wanted to do to him once we were alone. This mind to mind thing had its advantages.
"Samantha!" There was a choir of voices.
I looked around and I seen the humour in most of my men's eyes and the shock in the other packs. "What was that?" Nikko said as Adam looked at me speechless.
"Well it is what I want..." The look from Jack shut me up. "Sorry I accidently shared to you what was only attended for Lawrence's mind. Did you all see?" When the nods started I wasn't sure what to say or think. I was pretty sure my face took on a lovely shade of pink.
One of the borns came up. "Actually dad it makes so much sense. Hunter has the sight and Sam can talk from her mind to others," He looked at me and I must have given something away because his smile grew. "If I am right she is the reason why they can talk to each other mind to mind. Most of them anyways but all the ones here can. Dad she is just like Hunter."
Another born walked up, this one's identical twin. I looked over to Lawrence and wiggled my brow. He shook his head and sighed. He tried to cover up that smile but he couldn't, I amused him more than irritated him. He knew I was joking around.
"Dad?" The other twin said. "Can we take her home?" They both smiled and winked at me. I laughed and Lawrence growled.
"I don't know boys. You are asking me to give up my Leader of the Pride. That is pretty high expectations to follow." I teased right before Lawrence pulled me into his lap and bite the back of my neck just enough to send shivers up my back. "Ok, playtime is over. This will take about an hour so everyone might as well sit tight and relax. Oh and the quieter it is the easier it is for Lawrence to do his thing."
I sat in front of my mate and waited patiently for him to find the place he needed to be in. I wasn't really sure where that was. He just said it was like mediating. Something I should do. Of course I ignored that comment. When he was ready he would put out his hands and I would take them. Then I would concentrate on a link that was not one of the lions or wolves. We have practiced before, not searching for Hunter since I just found out she was alive less than 2 days ago. We practised on our pride members and Jack's pack. I was the single link that combined pack and pride together. Of course since I was the Pride's Leader's mate my connection with the lions was greater.
I was at the point that if I concentrated I could feel all of the pride. If they were close it was like they had little beacons and I could see where they were. If I was just looking in general I could see vines. It was like Lawrence was the tree and each of his pride had their own vines. If I followed the vine to the end I would know who they were but not where they were. Not yet anyways. That was what we practised.
With the wolves it was more like thread with Jack being the spool of thread in the middle. A few members, the ones I had a stronger connection with were easier to see, thicker almost. So my job was to look for another thread, sorta speak that was different. But I wondered if she would be a thread since that was what Jack's wolves looked like to me. Lawrence was sure I could do it and I took his confidence in me and wrapped it around like a secure comfy blanket.
It didn't take Lawrence long to fall into his trance, or whatever you like to call it. The group around us stayed back enough so we did not feel like they were smothering us and kept very quiet. As soon as Lawrence reached out his hands I took them and closed my eyes. I concentrated on my breathing first. Once I was calm I immediately found our lions links. Another few minutes the wolves in my pack started to pop up. Jack was always the first then the ones I was closest too. Slowly one by one they appeared. It was getting easier to bring the whole pack bonds in view.
I started to relax even more. I had all my lions and wolves. The comfort and confidence these ties gave me had me believe I could do anything. I was pretty sure that if I touched those ties I could feel what that member was feeling at that moment. I was so tempted but for one it was a huge invasion of privacy and the second I couldn't let myself get sidetracked. But the power and impulse was so strong!
It was a struggle but one by one I released the bonds from our lions from my sight. That left the just the wolves. There was something different now. It wasn't the vines or threads that I was becoming so used to seeing. Now there were beads of light. I had not seen them before. I know I had not done this that often but I knew the lights were something else.
"Lawrence?" I knew he did not like talking when we did this but I had to know if he could see what I did.
"It is ok Sam. Just keep doing what you are doing." He did see it. I had the feeling he knew what it was and sounded in between being in awe and conflicted.
I did what he said. I started to let go of the wolves slowly so I would not lose my concentration. When I became more confident I was able to release more members at the same time. The wolves gone from my sight and only left the soft glow of the beaded rays of light. Underneath that glow there was more. The soft glow had faint echoes of red. Ever so slowly I released one light at a time. It was more like a laser show that covered my mind. Afraid I would lose it all at once I started with the faintest light and moved up to the brightest. Before I was done I realized what those lights were and what the red tainted ones were. I was amazed and speechless. My excitement had me almost slip and lose the rest all at once.
"Breath sweetheart. You are doing it. Stay focused," Lawrence said with confidence. Sharing it with me when he squeezed my hands.
Taking a deep breath I concentrated on those lights, taking my time to see if I could sense a familiarity through them. A few of them I did but it was not the one I wanted. There in the middle of the tinted red lights was a solid golden one. It was so bright I didn't know how I could have missed it before. Those tainted red lights surrounded that single gold light as if to protect it. The problem was ever time I removed a red tinted light the golden light grew dim. I was afraid I was going to lose it if I removed another one of those lights so instead of doing that I put all my concentration on that beautiful golden glow.
It was her. It was my daughter.
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