Chapter 19 Adam
I already decided that the cliff note version was best but starting from the beginning. Sam had a right to know everything. Nikko and I sat beside each other on a couple of the lawn chairs that my pack members rushed to bring out. I appreciated it. I wasn't against sitting on the logs or the ground but the chairs seemed more appropriate. John was still with us and sat closer to Sam then he did us but she seemed ok with that even though some of the men with her stuck close. I don't think John even notice or cared. My second, Cal sat with Jarek and Grayson. The boys seemed to relax a lot since Sam showed up. They couldn't keep their eyes off her. Nikko's other sons stayed on the other side of the fire. They sat there quietly and took in everything. Nikko kept his eyes on them. They were being unusually quiet but the glint in their eyes gave things away. They were waiting for their time to come.
Sam sat in the middle of Lawrence and Jack with a smile on her face while she toasted a marshmallow. "I have not done this in years. Lawrence we need to make a fire pit when we get home. Shit!" her outburst had us all look her way. "Dammit I still can't make one of these without burning then!" Sam pulled a flaming marshmallow out of the fire.
Grayson chuckled and walked over to her. Her disappointment was written all over her face as she stared at the burnt looking rock that was attached to the stick she used. "It's ok Sam, Hunter can't do it either. Here I will trade you if you want. I usually did the marshmallows for Hunter," Grayson held out his perfectly roasted marshmallow still on the stick.
Sam's smile widen as she stood up and switched sticks. "Thank you Grayson," she said. "I guess once we have her back you will have to teach us both."
"Does Hunter have a problem of concentrating on more than one thing at a time as well?" One of the men asked. He was a wolf and always seemed to be closer to Sam than the others. The way the two were I may have thought he was her mate because when she moved so did he. There was a connection between them that I had not noticed with the others.
"Mason! I am not that bad. I swear you guys act like I can't do anything by myself." The men just looked at her with a knowing smile. "Hey I told you all my cooking skills are less than desirable. That BBQ was already broken! There was a leak in the hose. I did not blow it up! It just happened," she said in a huff as she defended herself as the men roared in laughter.
"Anyway," Sam looked at Grayson and winked. "If you don't mind I would like to hear all of it. If we have time but if not the highlights would be good," Sam ignored the chuckles coming from her men, giving myself and Nikko her full attention.
"Cliff notes from the beginning so it gives you both of what you want," I said.
Jarek stood up with something in his hand and moved toward Sam. "My brother took this last week. I had a couple copies made and thought you may like it. He past her what look like a photo.
Sam sat there and stared down at the photo. Everything was quiet, no one said a word. Lawrence had his arm around the back of her chair looking at the photo as well. "She's beautiful. If you are not her biological mother I would lose a lot of money," Lawrence said in a soft voice.
Sam nodded and wiped a tear off her cheek. "You all look so happy together," Sam looked up at Grayson and Jarek. She handed the photo to her mate and stood. Walking over to the boys they stood up. "Thank you. Thank you so much for this." Sam took Jarek's face gently between her hands, pulled him down to her height and kissed his cheek. She repeated the process with Grayson. When she turned her back to walk back to her chair both of the boys fell back into their chairs. They looked at peace and in shock at the same time. In unison they touched the spot she kissed and seemed to melt in the chair.
Their reaction bothered me a bit and seemed to concern Jack and the others. "Samantha you need to block it out," Jack said.
She looked at him with a questioning look than back to the boys. "Ah fuck. Shit I am sorry," she said truly concerned. Taking a couple deep breathes and closing her eyes the boys seemed to snap out of whatever they felt. Shaking their heads with their eyes a little bigger they stared at Sam. "When my emotions run high I forget to block everything and with you all being new to me the effect hits you a little harder then the people who are with me all the time. Sorry. I will try better." She meant every word of it and the boys seemed to be ok and accepted her apology. I thought Nikko would have had something to say but he too seemed to accept what had happened and the apology.
"Ok then I will start the day Hunter was born. I will tell you what I was told then I will tell you what we have found out," I waited for their agreement before I went on. "We were told you died right after giving birth and William's wife made the arrangements for him to have Hunter. To be honest we did not really look into how fast everything happened. We were overjoyed with Hunter and her arrival. William was heartbroken when he heard you passed away. The only thing that kept him going was that little girl in his arms.
"She was healthy and a very happy baby. When she was almost three years old we found out she was not just a happy little girl who would one day decide what her fate would be but that her fate was chosen. She was a born. That was when things started to get a little intense. You see we knew borns were rare but a female born was extremely rare. As far as we know Hunter is the only one in Canada. So one night we were going to have a meeting to see what protocol was going to be put in place to protect her. William started to work from home and never let Hunter out of his sight. But that night his wife convinced him that tempers may be high and thought it was better to leave Hunter with a sitter instead of having her around in case things got loud.
"On their way to the meeting they were ambushed and killed, William and his wife. That was when I decided we could not leave Hunter in one place too long. So every year or two we put her care in a trusted pack members home and once she turned seven years old she attended camp every summer." I watched Sam as she collected everything I told her so far. She was doing great and sat there and listened. There was no judgement coming from her. I did see the sorrow on her face when I told her William was dead.
"This went on for years, it was the only way we could come up with to keep her safe. Even the camp moved every year. We never used the same place twice. The camps main purpose to to allow our follow pack members children a place where they could get to know each other and possibly find a future mate. It helped them accept who their families were and gave them the choice if they wanted to risk becoming a shifter. Unfortunately not everyone makes it through the change but our survival rate is around 70 percent for the males. That has doubled over the last 50 years.
"Here in the camp I have been the Head Counselor for over 50 years as well as the Alpha of this pack. So I was able to spend every summer with Hunter since I would not allow myself to see her during the school year. For her own protection. Here is where she met Grayson," I looked over and nodded to the young man that has grown so much over the past couple of weeks and has gained my respect.
"Since that first summer those two were connected at the hip," Sam smiled at that and looked at Grayson. "After a few years and watching their friendship bloom we decided to start to train Grayson to become one of Hunter's guards. We knew she would need them as soon as she turned 16 and completed her first change. Grayson accepted this role and has worked hard in his training and completed his change last summer. We also trained another young wolf as well," I didn't even try to hold back my growl. It still stung that we had traitors among us and I never knew.
"When Hunter was young we had her in a home where another young boy stayed with his aunt for a few months, C.J., they too got along extremely well so it was decided that C.J. would stay with his aunt till that school year ended. C.J. did not come to camp like some of the others would but they stayed in touch through writing each other. A few years later we placed Hunter back with C.J. with his family this time. She thrived that year and started to come out of her shell. The hardest thing was to remove her from that home but there was safety concerns so we placed her in yet another home." I could see the confliction on Sam's face. I was pretty sure she understood why we did what we did but she didn't like it. Neither did I but Hunter's safety always came first.
"This last year Hunter stayed with John and Gisele." The mention of her name had John flinch, Sam noticed it and raised a brow but didn't ask. "When they drove Hunter to camp he started to tell her he was her uncle and would be back soon to explain everything. We thought we had a few weeks to explain to her what she was. We had a plan in place to let her know who she was and why we had to keep her safe. That is way Nikko and his pack were here. To help her through that change. Being a born I knew she would need the extra help and would have questions I could not answer. Unfortunately her change was coming to fast and we had to move things up fast and we were not able to do things with more grace.
"For now I will tell you things did not go well at all. That night she took off and almost changed but Nikko and Jarek were able to stop it. That night Gisele was killed but another pack that was looking for Hunter. That was when we found out she had a gift. The gift of sight. Nikko can explain that much better than I can. Long story short Hunter had seen what happened to Gisele in a dream after the it had happened. That was when we had to tell her even more then we were prepared to." Rethinking everything was exhausting.
"Even with Grayson here and now C.J. it was not enough for her. She felt alone and she thought her aunts, and her parents death was her fault. It wasn't at all but she thought it was. Things got rough again. Then after her change and finding out she was the red wolf. Our future Red Queen, well she..." How do I tell someone who thought their daughter died at birth but didn't then she tried to take her own like?
"Hunter tried to hurt herself after all that. That is when we found out that her and Luna were more separate then they should be." That bit of information did not get a shock that I expected. If anything they all seemed to understand and Sam looked a little sick. "Anyways Luna, her wolf, took over for a bit till Hunter was able to come back to us. Stronger, more determined to live.
"Between the death of Gisele and the safety of the kids we decided to shut down the camp and move. Everything went smoothly and Hunter was doing so much better. We had our camp covered and I never would have thought in a millions years they could have taken her but they did. I had a traitor, well traitors. Two wolves I trusted. These wolves helped raise Hunter and one was being trained to be one of her guards. They took Hunter and now we cannot find her. She was here today but we missed her by no more then two hours." I stopped there deciding I had laid out enough information for awhile.
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