"Jodi. I don't care if I'm rushing into things. I am in love with you. You have stolen my heart with out even trying. Your all I can think about. And I am not losing you to anyone. Ever. I will protect you till the death of me. Please. Be mine. Be my girlfriend. Be the only thing in this world I can call my own." I smiled. I pulled his mask off and kissed him. I then heard someone clear their throat at the door. Delirious grabbed his mask and slipped it on. It was Lui. "So..? It seems your taken now. Congrats. And... Evan said he was sorry. He is just scared. He doesn't want to lose anyone." I nodded. "I know. I understand. When you lose someone you care about. You don't want to let anyone in. You don't want to get hurt again. Tell him. That JoJo accepts his apology. And that Ev needs to lighten up." Lui nodded and walked out. I looked at Delirious. He seemed happy. His hands were gently running through my hair. This guy isn't as bad as everyone thinks. He is just a giant Teddy Bear. I smiled at that. I then kissed him again. These were my first real kisses. The ones that weren't trying to seduce a target. Or the kisses of a drunk man. This was love. This is what it felt like to be loved. Actually loved. Not just using the other person for personal gain of any kind. "We can't stay here. I'm still being tracked. They're gonna find me." I said after ending the kiss. He looked at me. An mischievous grin appeared on his face. "Not if I have anything to say about that. Come on. I know a place that no one will ever find you." He picked me up, lowering his mask as he did so. "Where are we going?" "You'll see." He said as he walked down to the garage. He sat me in one of the nice cars. "Who's car is this?" "Mine. I like to ride in style. he besides. It's super fast." He then chuckled. I smiled his laugh was so cute. It couldn't help but make me smile.
"And here we are. My own personal safehouse. This place is unknown by all except me and my buddy Cartoonz. And well... Now you." He parked the car in a garage and we got out and went inside. "Hey Jon? That you man?" "Yeah Luke! It's me! I brought a ... My girlfriend." I chucked. He took off his mask and hung it up. He took my hand as we walked through the house to the living room. "Well... Well.. Seems like you caught yourself a mighty fine catch there." I smiled "It's more like I caught him." Luke laughed. "Anyway. Your sister sends her love. She also tells me that she wants you to come home. She said that they all miss you." "Ha! They don't miss me. The only one who misses me is her. No one else back there can stand me. Like she and you can." He looked like he was remembering bad memories. I squeezed his hand to have him remember I'm standing next to him. His expression lightened. "Sorry... Jodi... I just don't like my past." I nodded "Not everyone likes where they came from. But sometimes is best to talk about it. And other times. It's good to leave it unsaid." He nodded. "Yeah." "Damn Jon. She is smart. And pretty. She is a keeper. You need a smart girl in your life. To keep you from doing stupid shit." Luke then laughed. Delirious had a smile on his face. "Come on Jodi. I'll show you to your room." "Your not kicking me out are ya?" Luke said. "No? Why?" "Cuz there are only two rooms." "She is staying with me." "Well... Then... Keep it down. I don't want to be hearing anything in the middle of the night." He then chuckled. "I'm gonna head out how man. Keep safe." We both nodded. "Bye miss Jodi. Have a good day." Cartoonz then left. "Luke seems nice." "Yeah. He is. He's like a brother to me. He is close family." I wrapped my arms around Delirious. "You know. Your not as scary as everyone thinks. Your just one giant Teddy Bear." He laughed. "Roaaar! This Teddy Bear is gonna tickle you!" I laughed. Letting go and running from him.
We both slipped and landed in each other's arms. "Hey there. Fancy meeting you here." I said. He laughed. "I didn't fall you know.... I was just testing if gravity works.... It does... By the way." I said propping my head on my arm. He couldn't stop laughing at this point. "Your a riot Jodi." I then hugged him and pulled him close to me. His arms wrapped around me and we just laid there. I then sat up. "Alright. Let's get off the floor. And how about you show me where I can sleep and where I can take a shower." He smiled getting up off the floor. Hoisting me up as well. "Ok. Follow me." He dragged me into the master bedroom. "This is my room. And now your room too. That's the bathroom. It only gots guy stuff but we can supply it with womanly products if you so want." I smiled. Delirious continued to ramble about the room and the bathroom. And all I can think about is my future. What it would be like to be out of this mess. Without assassins trying to kill me. And all that. The only good thing I can pull out of this mess... Is Delirious. He can make this bearable for me. As long as he is at my side. I will be happy.
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