Late night visiters
I stared at my next victim. General Chadre. The leader of the military base near Los Santos. I eased my blade into his heart as I covered his mouth. Then the door opened and a woman screamed. Damn. It must be his wife. I finished killing the General so I grabbed the wife. "You should have stayed with your lover tonight." I said as I carved the life out of her. I dropped her on the grown and jumped out the window and made my way back to my base of operations. I cleaned up and called my client. "The deed is done." The man grunted on the other line "Good. You are better than I thought you were." "Well. You shouldn't doubt the Top Assassin should you?" "No. I shouldn't. Not anymore. I shall be in contact with you soon. Miss Owl. Your payment is waiting for you in the usual location." I chuckled "thank you for doing business with me." I said. "No thank you for letting me do business with you my dear. Now my next target is a gang leader that goes by H2ODelirious. If you take out any other member I'll ad an extra hundred thousand dollars to the payment." "Alright." I then hung up. I turned to my computer and started to research my target. I found some pictures of him. They all had him at an angle. And in a mask. I frown. This wasn't going to be an easy kill. I need to take precautions. I don't know his fighting style. I don't know much about him. Hmm. Well. This can wait another day. My phone then rang. "Hello?" I said. "Hello? Is this the Owl?" "Who wants to know?" "I uh... Never mind!" The caller then hung up. I propped my mask back on my face. Time to enjoy the night.
I was sitting on a roof near a popular Gang hangout. When I heard the click of a gun and the pressure of the gun barrel on the back of my head. "Get up." That voice. "Now." I got up slowly. "Turn. Face us." I turned to see the man pointing the gun in an Owl mask. A man in a monkey mask a man in an Eagle mask and a man in a raccoon mask. "Who are you?" That voice... I know that voice. I smiled. "Buh Bye." I then took off. Jumping from roof to roof. A bullet whisked past me. I dropped down off the roof and into a building.
(Vanoss P.O.V)
Damn. We lost her. "Hey... Evan. Who the hell is she?" Moo asked "She is the Owl. The city's most deadly assassin." "Are we going to kill her?" "Well... That depends on her now doesn't it." "Yeah." "There is one thing... About her.... I can't put my finger on it. I feel like I know her from somewhere." "We should try and kidnap her. Then I can torture her for information." Delirious said. "Delirious... Seriously?" Lui said. "Yeah. I am." "Yeah. Let's do that." I said.
(Jodi's P.O.V)
I slipped back into my base. I took off my mask and disarmed myself. I then slipped back out and went home.
It was the middle of the night when there was a knock at the front door. I pulled a pistol out of my night stand and went to the door. I looked through the peep hole and then was knocked out from behind.
I woke up in a room. I am tied to a chair. Then a man enters. He has black hair and his eyes are covers by sunglasses. "Hi there. Owl." "Hi there...... Evan." I let his name fall from my lips. I smiled. His cocky smile turned into a frown. His hand rapped around my neck. "How do you know my name?" "Damn? Forgot me? Well... Then again... I haven't seen you in like six years. How is Mom and Dad?" He let go of my neck and backed up. "No. It can't be. W-We got word that you were murdered. We buried you..." "Evan. It's is Me. Jodi. Your twin sister. Remember when you pushed me off the roof and I told everyone I fell. and you felt so guilty about it but stayed silent about it. And... I remember when I caught you in the back of mom's car with that Damn Bitch Stacy Coleman. And remember how I ratted you out to dad? And he was sooo pissed at you, you got grounded till graduation." He stayed silent. And he studied my face. He ran his hand across the scar that ran across my cheek down to my lip. "Sis? Its really you isn't it?" I smiled. "Well.... Glad to see you haven't forgotten me." I said in a somber tone. "How did you get this scar?" He said looking at it. "Long story. Uh. I was on a mission.... And.... My partner... Well... He vanished... And I was stuck by my self and well... I was overwhelmed by a bunch of men and one of them hit me with his blade right in the face. It hurt... A lot... But I'm fine now." "What happened to you? Why did you run away?" I looked at the wall away from Evan. "Reasons.... I..... I'll tell you when I'm ready." Then I felt the wire that was tying my hands together fall away. I pull my hands forward and set them on my lap. "Thanks Evan." He nodded. I stood up and I hugged him. "Evan. You have no idea how good hugs feel. I've been alone for so long. I may kill people but I still have feelings. And I missed you. I miss mom and dad. You have no idea how many times I was this close to contacting you guys." He sighed. "I'm glad to have you back." I looked at him. "You can not tell mom or dad that I'm still alive Evan. You can't." He shook his head. "I won't." Then my target walked into the room. "Fuck." I said. Evan turned to see Delirious. "Del?" "What the fuck Vanoss. Flirting with the enemy!" "Eww" me and Evan said in unison. "Fuck no. I'm not flirting with her. That's disgusting." Evan said. "You got that right Evy Boy." I said using his old nickname. He groaned "oh god. Please don't bring that back. When ever mom messages me 'Evy boy you OK? You haven't in called in a while.' Or some shit like that." "She KNOWS YOU NAME?" Delirious yelled. "Of course she knows my name! She's my sister!" "And H2ODelirious is my target... Along with the rest of your crew..." I said. They both looked at me.
"WHAT?!" They yelled in unison.
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