Catch up
I bit my lip. "I'm an assassin. I was hired to kill you and anyone else closely related with you. But. Since my brother is now involved with this I'm gonna have to cancel the deal. Senlo will just have to fin another assassin who I will easily take out. And then that will be less competition later on for me." Evan looked at me. "Sorry Evan. I didn't mean to scare you or anything." My phone rang. I picked it up off the tray where all my things are laid out, and answered it. "Hello Mr Senlo." "Hello my little Owl. How is your mission?" "Canceled." I heard him growl. "What ever their paying you I'll double it. Triple it even." I laughed. "There is nothing I want from you that will make me want to kill these men. Find yourself another assassin. But if I were you I'd be wise and not send another assassin after these men. Or that assassin will die." He then hung up. I laughed again. Evan stood up. "I'm going to go check on the guys. Del... Show her to a bedroom where she can stay.
Once Evan left the room Delirious pinned me against the wall. "I don't know who you think you are. But I see you manipulating my friend. I don't think your really his sister. I don't believe you." I smiled and pushed him off of me. "You don't have to believe me. Only Evan does. And he is my brother, and I care for him, And I am his sister no matter what you think. Now. If you'll excuse me. I'll take my leave." I pushed him out of my way and I walked out the door.
(Evan's P.O.V)
I watched as she stormed out of the base. "Delirious. What did you do?" I said. "I was being precautionary. Obviously you don't realize that people can lie. She could be a fake a phony. And you just let her out here like she was one of us! What is wrong with you?!" "Delirious she is my sister." "How Do You Know?! Huh? She is an Assassin! She learns about her targets then gets close! Then she kills them! That's how assassins work!" "She told me things. Things that only my sister would know. Like things that happened to us when we were kids that we lied to the adults about. She Is My Sister. Besides. We are twins. I know it's her." Delirious then got furious with me. He stormed out of the base.
(Jodi's P.O.V)
I was watching the streets when I was shot at. I dropped off my rooftop and into the streets below. I saw three different Assassins on the rooftops chasing after me. God Damn it. I'm a target. I quickly ran across a busy street and into an ally way. The next thing I know I was pulled into a small room like place. I turned to see a man standing there. "What are you doing?" "Shh. Be quiet." Why is he helping me? He then pulled me close to him. He looked at me. "Um... I'm Jonathan." "Pleasure." His face was gradually getting closer. Was he making a move on me?! Then his lips connected to mine. I couldn't move. He wrapped his arms around my waist. Why am I not fighting this? What is this feeling I'm having? He then let go. He then walked to the door and peaked out. "Come on. They don't know where you went. Go. Before they come back." I was still in awe. The feeling of this man's lips against mine was all I could think about. Freedom or the fact that he technically assaulted me. Was nowhere in my mind. I took off my jacket and turned it inside out. So now the outside was black instead of red. I took off my mask and slipped it into my pocket. I then popped on my sunglasses. "Let's go then. They are looking for one girl. Not a couple. It would be less conspicuous." He nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked out and down the street. "I can't go home. They know where I live." I said. Jonathan looked at me "How do you know?" I then pointed to my apartment building and you could see things being thrown out of the third second floor window. My apartment window. "How about a motel? Or a hotel?" He asked. "No. I'll stay with my brother. Come on. I know where he lives."
We approached the building where Evan lives. He is probably still at his base. "You can leave me here. It was... Nice to meet you..." I said as I go to enter the building. He looked at me and nodded. He then left. I got up to Evan's house and let myself in. Hmm. It's a nice house. I poured myself a drink and I sat down on his couch. He had a nice view. I then heard the front door open. I heard Evan talking on the phone with someone. "Yeah. Thanks for the update. Alright. Talk to you later." I then heard him walk to the living room. "Hey Jodi." "Hi Evan." "Sorry about Delirious... He doesn't trust new people. He never trusted people in general. Um... I heard that your place was ransacked." "Yeah. It was. Good thing I never put it under my real name. I use like seven different aliases. I haven't been Jodi Fong in a long time. It's good to hear my name for once."
I'm still walking on air after that kiss. I don't know what made me do it. But I'm sure glad I did. Her lips were so soft. Even with a scar cutting through the corner of them. The way she felt so close to me. The way she kissed back. I'm falling for an assassin. God damn. And I was mean to her too. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she really is Evans sister. She looks like it. I hope Evan doesn't hate me now for being an ass to her. Being in that ally with her so close to me. It made my mind melt. It made me feel comfort even though there were men hunting the both of us.
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