What's Their Big Deal?
Street lights are illuminating the roads of Azimuth city, guiding the busy crowd bustling through the sidewalk. Red's on his way home, walking with his hands in his pockets, face sullen, brows knitted. He never thought Benzer would brush aside such a crucial matter! He wishes he could go back in time and drag Benzer to the scenes.
The road narrows as he turns. If Benzer doesn't believe me, whatever happens is his fault, he thinks and tries to focus all his energy to go home.
Now that he's no longer in spy business, he feels his legs are throbbing. Walking for hours in excessive heat isn't his kind of job. Yet, he knows he better get used to legwork if he wants to be a PI.
After a few twists and turns, he comes to a more open place—the calmest residential district within the city.
A few more minutes, and he's just before his home—a single-family dwelling with a tiny yard and a wall around it. Its bisque-brown color hides its concrete construction, while gray roof shingles cover its head. Though the colors now are not as distinct as they are in sunlight.
The best place in the world! Just when Red's about to press the doorbell, a thought strikes.
It's too late and he's yet to figure out what to say when put in the interrogation.
He brings out his phone and not to his surprise, the phone's blinking with 99+ notifications. He inhales through bared teeth as he unlocks his phone.
Better know the inside story before I get in. He decides to text Jin but to his disappointment, Jin hasn't seen the previous texts he sent him earlier.
Weird... he scrolls through the texts, unmindful.
Wait! He abruptly reads the texts as he walks out onto the road again.
A text from Sofie, his 12-year-old sister, confirms Jin's too hasn't returned home yet. Her last message today reads:
"Dummies!! If you two don't return before dad's home, be prepared for your doom! I'm 100% that mom will file a report ( ꈍᴗꈍ)"
"On our way! Save dinner for us!" Red replies, tucks his phone back inside his pocket, and runs at the fastest pace he can with his protesting legs.
Be there! Be there! Be there! He prays in his mind.
Soon, he reaches the cemetery. This is the most probable place he can think Jin is.
The place is quiet and dark. Not enough street lights around, though there should have been. Red taps on his phone's flashlight app and is ready to head in when he catches someone coming over his way.
"Jin?" Red raises his phone. It really is Jin.
"Red!" Jin takes a few quick strides.
"I knew I'd find you here!" Red says, punching Jin's shoulder.
"What are you doing here?" Jin asks as they both walk toward home.
"Babysitting," says Red and gets a punch in return. He chuckles, happy inside that Jin's calm down.
It's a tranquil night. The air's a lot cooler than during the day. A gentle breeze rustles through the trees, causing their leaves to murmur and sway in the darkness.
Jin has his hands shoved into his trouser pockets, walking quietly and observing the waxing crescent.
"Want to know what I did today?" Red asks, breaking the silence.
"Cursed Benzer all day?" Jin says, still watching the moon.
"I didn't," Red says. "But... I'm kinda now."
"Forget the license," Jin looks ahead and walks faster.
"Not that easy!" Red shouts as he stands firm in his position, excitement filling his voice.
Jin pauses and turns, crossing his arms. "Tell me you're not up to something stupid."
"I'm not." Red walks up to Jin and winks. "We just have to take down some drug dealers."
"I'm listening," Jin says with a questioning gaze.
"You know you need to be home before sunset," Kate scolds Red and Jin as they down their spaghetti.
"Sorry, mom," says Red.
"Don't think sorry will cut it," Kate fumes.
"Ask them why they didn't answer their phones," Sofie chimes in.
Red gives her a blank look. "My phone was silent," he twirls the fork and stuffs the pasta into his mouth.
"Why would you silence your phone in the first place?!" Kate asks. "James, say something!"
James is sitting at the head of the table. He's supposed to join the lecture but doesn't seem like he wants to.
"Ah..." James says, "promise your mom you'll never be late again."
"Sure, Dad! We promise!" Says Red, with a grin.
"Wait! What about Jin? Why didn't you answer?" Sofie chimes again.
"I don't talk on the phone in the cemetery," Jin answers. He puts the fork on his plate, pushes the chair, and stands up. "Thanks for the dinner," he says, walking out.
"Welcome... dear," Kate replies in a daze. "You two were at the cemetery the whole time?" She asks when Jin's gone. Her voice is now lower, almost in a whisper.
"Don't worry. He was feeling down but okay now," says Red.
James sighs and rubs his forehead. "Let me guess, you met Benzer?"
Red nods.
Kate drags a chair and drops down.
"You still don't get it? No use in hounding them," James says. A hint of grief adorns his voice. "They failed John." He gets up the moment the last words come out of his mouth and leaves.
A few minutes crawl past but Kate doesn't talk. She sits with her face buried in her hands. Sofie walks behind and starts massaging her shoulders. "Mom..."
"I'm okay, Hun," raising her head, Kate pats Sofie's hand. "Red."
"Yes, Mom?"
Kate sighs. "Don't make things worse for him."
"Mom, we..."
Kate puts a finger on her lips, stopping Red. "He's been through a lot. Don't let his past haunt him by reminding the old memories again and again."
"It's not like he can forget..."
"Don't talk back," Kate once again cuts him off. "Deaths in the family are unforgettable. Their memories always kill you. But life has to go on."
Red stares at his empty plate, Sofie continues massaging.
Kate continues, "I'm being rude. But you know why."
Red nods.
When Jin's parents died, he went through a mental breakdown. He was in trauma, and it took him years to recover. That's the reason James and Kate are always cautious whenever they talk about John and Callista, Jin's parents, afraid that any memories may pull him back into the abyss of trauma again.
"Now go to your room," Kate commands.
Red stands up, preceded by a slight nod. "Good night," he says faintly before exiting the dining room.
He pauses at the stairs, looking up toward the room he and Jin share, thinking if they're going too far. Maybe they should listen to Benzer and leave the investigation to the police.
No. It has been thirteen years. Freaking thirteen! Red thinks with every step upstairs. Not a chance they're letting the perp roam around any longer. He clenches his fists, exhales to get back his calm, and turns the knob.
Getting in, he latches the door, in case Kate decides to check on them when they're plotting against the evil.
The room has two beds against opposite walls, two desks side by side with a pair of swivel chairs, and a closet and a shelf standing idly at the other side.
"Guess what I've found," Jin greets him from his chair. He's on his laptop, squinting at its screen.
"How to pick up a dour face? Suits you." Red chuckles.
Jin ignores. "The way Benzer talked, the security around the seashore is really tight."
"And...?" Red turns a bit serious.
"You remember a toy factory that shut down a few years ago?"
Red steps forward, grabs the headrest, and bends to have a better look at the screen. "The Seashore Toy Factory!"
"Right," Jin says. "The Seashore Toy Factory, located at the edge of the city and far away from the seashore."
"So the deal is going to happen there?"
"Maybe. Here's the summary, take a look," Jin rolls back his chair to make room for Red.
Red drags his chair and slumps down. "Seashore Toy Factory filed for bankruptcy a few years ago and was temporarily shut down. It was restructured last year and returned to production once again."
"Also, by hacking into their database, I've found a familiar name in the employee list," Jin remarks when Red's done reading.
"Correct," Jin says. "If this Andrew and that Andrew are the same guy, then I assume the Seashore Deal is some kind of a business deal, rather than being a drug deal between the drug lords."
Red lets out an 'oh' in disappointment, still gazing at the screen. "Guess all my efforts went down the drain," he mutters. "But what about that pouch?"
Jin shrugs.
"I won't believe those were candies unless Benzer runs a lab test," says Red.
"I'm skeptical he would."
"What now?"
Jin drums his fingers on the desk, thinking. "We wait till tomorrow. If it's a business deal, the media should know. If not, we plan our next move."
"Sounds good to me," Red yawns and shambles toward his bed. He's so exhausted from today's adventure and the master plan now is to get a goodnight sleep. "Good night."
"Night," Jin wishes back, shutting the laptop, and plugging it in to charge. He turns the light off and flicks on the nightlight before calling it a night.
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