Chapter 8- Nightmare
Reginald Pov
"Hello? Is anyone here? Righty? Henry? Ellie?" "I see someone who is worried about something..." A familiar voice says. "Who are you?" I asked very worried about this. "Oh you don't remember me? What a shame..." "Who even are you!" "Well... I'm Terrance! The one and only!" 'Terrance.... Nonono! I need to get to the clan! But how will I get to them? It's just all black.' "Where is Right Hand Man, Henry, and Ellie!" I demanded. "Well they're in a good place now..." He said as he pulled out the head of... Right Hand Man! 'Nonono! This isn't happening. Right?' Terrance pulls more heads out from behind himself. They were the heads of Ellie and Henry. All covered in blood just like Right Hand Man's head. "What did you do to them!" I shouted at him with tears in my eyes. "Isn't it obvious? I killed them! I killed them all! The whole entire clan!" He said as he laughed maniacally. Soon bodies showed around him. All were dead, motionless. It was the whole clan. 'This can't be real! This is all some sick joke. No one is dead' Tears steaming down my face as I fell to my knees with my hands over my head. "W-why...? Why did you do this...?" "Why? WHY? I DID THIS BECAUSE YOU AND THE WHOLE CLAN THREW ME OVERBOARD FOR BEING A TERRIBLE LEADER! I WANTED REVENGE!" "And killing the whole clan was your revenge!" I say with anger in my voice, though tears are still streaming down my face. "IT WAS THE ONLY WAY!" "Really?! There's like other ways on getting revenge! Killing the whole clan wasn't so necessary!" "I just wanted to see you suffer the pain I felt after being thrown off the airship!" I heard voices of the clan member along with a silhouette of them in white. They started saying hurtful things like "You're the worst leader" "I thought you would protect the clan" "You're selfish for letting us all die!" "I wish you died instead of us" "You should burn in hell Reginald!" 'No! Make them stop! Please!' I covered my head with my arms and just fell on my knees. 'I'm a failure' I just stayed there. "You failed your job as leader. You'll join everyone else in the clan! In HELL!" I woke up tears streaming down my face. I... I'm alive. I looked over to my right and I see Righty peacefully sleeping. A wave of relief went over me. I soon started to cry about what happened if it were real, as I brung my knees to my chest and my crying turned into small sobs but I tried to not be too loud or Righty would wake up. I guess I was too loud because Righty did wake up. "Reggie... Are you okay...?" "I'm s-sorry R-Righty... y-you can g-go back t-to bed" "No Reggie... is something bothering you?" "W-Well... I had a nightmare... you, Ellie, Henry, and the whole clan... all d-d-died..." "We didn't die, Reggie. We're all here. Alive." "I-I know... I-I just don't want to lose you all..." "You won't lose me. I promise that I'll never leave your side till the day I die" "You p-promise Righty...?" "Yes. I do" "If it helps, would you like to cuddle with me?" "Yea. I would like that I guess." Righty laid down on his side and I did to. I put my head on Right Hand Man's chest as he placed one of his hands on my waist and another hand ruffling my hair. Our legs intertwined and I tried to match my breathing with Right Hand Man's breathing. "Good night Reggie" Righty said. "Good night Righty" I said back. And now I soon drifted to sleep with Right Hand Man around me.
Sorry for the short chapter. I kinda wanted this chapter to be Reginald's nightmare and I've been planning it for about a day so ya. I promise that I will not do these short chapters, but if I have to, then I'll have to. I guess I'll see you tomorrow and have a good day/afternoon/night my fellow hoomanz! 💜
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