The next day was a Sunday, and Phoebe was miserable to find herself trying to memorise everything there was to know about magic.
So far she had skimmed through A History Of Magic, Modern Magical History and Where There's A Wand, There's A Way.
Before she'd begun reading them, she had to ask Hermione if she knew a translation spell. When asked why, Phoebe had said that she had dyslexia and found it easier to read in her first language. Hermione had looked sceptical, but proceeded to teach her how to change the text from one language to another.
When Hermione had left, Phoebe spent a few minutes saying the words to herself and practising the wand movement, before she worked up the courage to actually try the spell.
She had been tentative on the first try, but after reciting the words (Graeco Vertere), Phoebe had been pleased to see her attempt worked - the book was now in full Greek.
The process to turn all her books to Greek was long, and she messed up on several occasions - she made all the words in her transfiguration book turn backwards, which took a while to fix. But eventually, all of her books had been successfully translated and she could read every word in them.
Just because Phoebe could read them, however, did not mean she could understand them. There were loads of words she didn't know the meaning of, or had no idea how to pronounce. And, though she tried, she just couldn't remember all of the information.
Phoebe mentally groaned. she should have revised before coming here, Chiron could have warned her of the difficulty of things. Oh well, she would just have to get Neville and Draco to help her, the trio could help as well, but she didn't want them getting suspicious of her lack of knowledge.
What was it Hermione had said earlier? She was a muddle born? It was something like that, but whatever it was, Hermione had said it like she should know what it meant, so Phoebe would have to remind herself to learn about that too.
Shutting Where There's A Wand, There's A Way, Phoebe picked up her charms text book, maybe she would have more luck with this one.
Harry, Hermione and Ron were sitting in the corner of the common room talking, and what else would they be talking about other than the mysterious new girl they had befriended?
"I don't know, it's just, she's barely told us anything about herself." Hermione was saying.
"Well yeah, but she's only been here a few days, she's obviously not gonna tell us her whole life story."
"But still, we've been pretty open haven't we?"
"She's probably just shy." Ron piped in.
"Maybe." Hermione said, but her eyes had unfocused and she looked like she was in deep thought.
"I think she's a veela, don't you mate?" Ron questioned Harry.
Harry thought about the Beauxbatons girls from last year, and the mascots from the world cup.
"Yeah, I guess she could be. I mean, she is very pretty."
Ron scoffed. "Very pretty? She's more than that, she's gorgeous!"
Harry saw Hermione had come out of her brain storm and was rolling her eyes at Ron's statement.
"Who's gorgeous?" A familiar voice asked from behind Harry.
Harry, who had not been expecting it, jumped, before turning around to see Ginny.
"The new girl." Ron replied, completely unabashed.
"Oh yeah, I've seen her, well everyone has but... anyway, what's she like?" Ginny said.
It was Harry who replied. "She seems nice, we don't know that much about her though."
"I think she's in our dorm right now if you want to see her."
Ginny thought about it for a second, "No, that'd probably be pretty awkward and I don't want to interrupt whatever she's doing."
"You don't have to worry about that." A new voice said.
Like Ginny, Phoebe had managed to come up behind them without them hearing, and Harry was ashamed to say that, again, he jumped.
"Hi, I'm Phoebe." She said to Ginny.
"Ginny Weasley, nice to meet you." The red-head replied.
Phoebe nodded her head. "Anyway, I came here to ask if you knew where Neville was."
"Uhh, he might be in his dorm, or it's possible he's down by the lake. But really, he could be anywhere."
"Am I allowed to check if he's in the dorm or will I get shouted at if I do that."
"Well, girl's aren't really meant t-" Hermione started but was quickly interrupted by Ron.
"Yeah I'm sure no one would be too bothered if you went up, do you want me to show you which one it is?"
"Yeah, that would be great thanks."
The small group watched as Ron led Phoebe towards the boy's dorms, talking all the way.
"Well he's rather into her, isn't he?" Ginny smirked.
"He'll be over her in a month or two." Harry replied.
"Hopefully - we don't want another repeat of the Fleur incident do we?" Hermione put in.
Harry and Ginny both smiled at the memory of Ron's failed attempt at asking Fleur Delacour (a veela from the magic school Beauxbatons) to the yule ball.
"I don't think that's the only reason, is it Hermione?" Ginny smirked again.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh I think you know."
Before Hermione could respond, Ron and Phoebe came back down the steps and towards them.
"Did you find him?"
"No, so I'm going to go check down by the lake and see if he's there." Phoebe said. "Thanks for helping me." And with a smile she was gone.
Finding her way outside was harder than Phoebe imagined. She had got to the moving stairs and gone down them as far as she could and was now trying to navigate her way through the school. She thought she was somewhere on the fourth floor, but couldn't be sure. Phoebe racked her brain, trying to remember what the trio had told her about this yesterday.
'The fourth floor corridor connects Gryffindor tower and the west tower, which is where the Owlery is.' Hermione had said, she had also said something about a study area and a balcony on the fourth floor, neither of which would help Phoebe very much at this moment.
At that moment two girls rounded the corner and Phoebe recognised them as the two girls who shared the dorm with her.
"Hey, uh could you help me, I'm a bit lost."
The two girls stopped their chattering and turned to look at her.
The girl with the curly hair spoke first. "Yeah, sure. I love how you've done your make-up by the way!"
Phoebe smiled awkwardly. "Uh thanks."
"It's okay, we'll have to swap tips sometime." The girl smiled back brightly.
The other girl spoke up now. "Sorry about her, where do you need to get to?"
"Uh, well I was going to head to the lake but it would be easier if you knew where Neville was, I'm trying to find him."
"We haven't seen Neville, sorry, but to get outside just follow the corridor until you reach the moving steps, head down when they're pointing right, then you'll be on the second floor. There's a painting of Basil Fronsac there and he can tell you how to get to the herbology corridor, and once your there you can easily get to the central courtyard and find the lake."
"Okay, thank you." Phoebe nodded trying to remember all of that. Who was Basil Fronsac?
"Also, if you get lost again, you can always ask a painting, one of them is bound to help you."
With a nod Phoebe set off down the corridor again. Like the girl had said she got to some steps, but did she say go down when it was facing left or right?
She decided left, seeing as it was already facing that way. When she walked past the charms room, she realised she must of gone the wrong way - she was on the third floor, not the second.
Phoebe was annoyed with herself, the girl had given such simple instructions as well, how could she have got lost again?
Phoebe looked out the window, she could see the lake, it was huge and shimmered darkly in the sunlight, with scattered groups of students sitting by the edge or walking across the grounds.
Phoebe considered opening the window and seeing if there was a way down from where she was, but decided against that seeing as she didn't fancy becoming a stain on the ground any time soon.
She would have to backtrack to the moving stairs and go the opposite way. As she walked she wondered why there were so little people inside the school. Maybe because it was such a nice day, or perhaps the school was just so big that you didn't run into people that often during the weekends.
It would take a long time before she got the hang of manoeuvring through the school.
Word Count: 1508
Bit of a weird place to finish, but oh well.
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