Give me a Break
"Let me do it for you"
"I'm fine Eren"
"No you might hurt yourself Levi , please rest"
"Just let me do this one thing"
"Fine after this I want you to please rest..promise me you will"
"Alright I promise can I finish now?"
"Ok fine...go ahead"
"Thank You"
"Yeah whatever
"I'm just making sure you'll be safe"
"Safe from a broom Eren? Really?"
"Many things can happen while sweeping"
"Name things that could happen..."
"Shut up...."
"Shitty brat..."
Usually morning like this would happen constantly in their household, constant nagging from the brunette whining how Levi shouldn't be standing for long periods of time. Which was true, but according to Levi's stubbornness he hated sitting down for too long. He had gotten up to clean the kitchen while Eren was out at the grocery store.
"When I get back I want to see you in that bed, promise me that" Eren had said before he left, but now here Levi was wobbling about. After cleaning everything that looked like a mess to him he sat down in a chair by the table, he set his hand gently on his swollen belly. Of course he was happy but he just couldn't help being worried and scared what if he just wasn't ready for it yet, no he knew he wasn't mentally ready for it. Yes.. you guessed correctly, an if you haven't by now pay attention! Levi was in fact pregnant, with non other than Eren's child.
Just as he was about to get up to go upstairs the front door opened, there was no way he could get out of it now.
"Levi I'm-...." he started off but was cut short when he meet eye contact with the smaller male, his smile turned into a frown and Levi rolled his eyes heading upstairs.
"What are you doing up? I thought I told you to stay rested, you never listen to me" he sighed putting the groceries in the kitchen.
"No one likes to be cooped up in a room all day, thanks for being more of a mother than a boyfriend" Levi mumbled under his breath closing the door to the room.
"I'm just trying to make sure that you two are safe, but your always trying to do things that could possibly result in you being injured in some type of way"
"Make sure you repeat the word 'possibly'..Cause I know what I'm doing" he huffed sitting down on the bed carefully slinging one leg over the other so he could lay down comfortably.
"Alright fine.....I'm sorry for being overly dramatic. But I'm just worried and scared of what can happen when I'm not here." He responded and sighed softly running a hand through his hair. Eren pursed hid lips once he didn't get a single response from the other male. Ever so slowly his hand rested against the door knob, he turned it slowly and opened it just enough to where he could take a peak inside.
There be was a relaxed expression, face free of furrowed eyebrows or frowns. Eren smiled and walked in quietly so he couldn't disturb the calmed, peaceful aura. Levi had fallen asleep in an instant, it was surprising really how he was just talking to the male and yet he was out like a light. Eren only pursed his lips and walking the remaining steps to the bed, ever so gently he placed a soft sweet kiss on Levi's forehead. He grabbed the little blanket that was left on the bed and placed it over Levi.
Eren let the male sleep, he knew Levi absolutely needed rest, that was in the handbook after all. He left the door slightly open just in case of anything. He jogged downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed the plastic bags that were left on the table. Eren couldn't wait, he was literally jumping with excitement. It wouldn't be long until Levi was going to give birth! Thus one of the reasons why Eren has been so protective.
Maybe overly protective? No way
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