Chapter 3: "I'M A FRICKIN' MUTANT!"
I woke up in a glass box, in a lab. I flicked my tail I'm impatiently as i waited for something to happen. Wait, hold on, TAIL?! i spotted my head back, accidentally hitting my head on top of the box, and sure enough, i had a tail. There was a mirror behind me, and instead of my normal self, a snake stared back. I began to thrash around in panic. I tried to scream, but only hissing came out. Seeing my disress, a woman in alab coat came over to me,and picked up the box i was in. Sadly, she did not let me out.
"Oh goodie, you're awake!" She seemed cheerful, but i knew i was in trouble. She had bright red hair, and a neon pink shirt with earrings to match. Her eyes were also unnaturally green. "My name's Stephanie, but mutant scum like you call me doctor!" I immediately stopped my thrashing. "Did she just call me what i think she called me?" I thought. Curious to hear more, i stopped thrashing.
"We at Generation X are dedicated to find each and every mutant on earth, then locking you up and experimenting on them so we can make weapons out of you!" Surprisingly, i wasn't fazed by this. I was too preoccupied on why she kept calling me 'mutant'. I bared my fangs in a snake like version of a smile as i came to the realization.
"I'M A FRICKIN' MUTANT!" I mentally screamed. Stephanie kept talking, something about transferring me to the experiment section, when i heard a voice in my head. "Just realized that? Took you long enough. I figured the fact that you're a snake would help"
I froze, but Stephanie was still talking. The voice in my head was female, sweet and soothing. "Don't worry (F/N), my name is Jean Grey, and i have some friends here that are gonna help you. But before that, i need you to help me. " i nodded, then realized this would do no good. "How can i help Miss Grey?" I thought. Jean immediately burst into laughter. "Oh, that's hilarious. Just Jean will do. And just describe your surroundings very clearly so i can find you. Got that?" I agreed, and began to describe my surroundings. I was in a long corridor with multiple glass cells on one side. In each cell, there were what I assumed were other mutants. One guy had horns sticking out of his head, and there was a girl with purple skin. There were thousands of cameras, and i saw a sign that said "HOUSING FACILITY 23b" in bold letters. I reported this all to Jean. "Okay, i found you. Three cells down there should be a blue guy with a tail. Remember his face, because he's going to come get you soon." Sure enough, three cells down, the was a blue guy with a tail. His skin was a dark blue, with scar like markings all over. His hair was black with a few blue streaks, and his eyes glowed yellow. His ears were pointed, and i thought i saw fangs. He seemed to be watching me in my box as Stephanie passed his cell.
As Dr. Perky-Pants continued down the hallway, i relayed my surroundings to Jean. Also, i practiced being a snake. I moved my tail around, and repeatedly popped my fangs in and out. After a while, we came into a large arena. I was unceremoniously dumped out, and immediately turned back into a human. After i got over the shock, i jumped toward my captor, hoping to surprise her and run off. Instead, she clamped her hands around my neck. I heard a click, and i fell to the ground. "That should keep you in check! Have fun!" Before i could tackle her for being so gosh darn annoying, she slammed the huge iron door in my face. There was a large monitor overhead that read; "PREPARE FOR BATTLE: 1 MINUTE REMAINING." There was lots of trees and shrubbery, so i assumed i was facing someone with similar abilities. Me being a extremely brave person/snake thing, i climbed a tree, mentally screaming. "JEAN???? Could use a rescue right about now! " i thought. No answer. I poked my head through the branches while trying to stay on the branch. The countdown now read "45 SECONDS REMAINING." I considered finding another hiding spot, possibly in a large bush, but decided against it. After all, what if this opponent couldn't climb trees? It was a stupid thought, but i stuck to it.
I covered my mouth, seeing if i could slow my breathing a little, but i felt a small dent on both sides of my nose. Remembering a book i read about snakes saying that some venomous snakes had 'heat sensors' by their nostrils, so they could see their prey. Thinking i could see my opponent ahead of time, i looked around the arena for anyone close. All i saw were a few orange blobs to my right behind the wall, and a few above me.
I was beginning to really freak out. My blue savior was no where to be seen, and Jean STILL wasn't answering me. I really hate it when people do that. I climbed a little higher in my tree, and knocked my forearm on a branch. I looked at my arm, expecting blood, but there was a large patch of scales. They looked like bronze, and were super hard. I still had my fangs, which were extended in fear.
I was immediately struck out of the tree by a whip. It struck me on the side, and I landed on the ground with a loud crack. My right side was bleeding badly, and i think i broke something. There was a thud beside me, and a large mam put his boot on my stomach. "You aren't going anywhere for a long time mutant. And here's a little reminder. The guy's voice was about as smooth as gravel. He bent close to my face, and i realized it was the other guy that had kidnapped me. Was it Alfred? Alex? Whatever, I'd remember later, assuming i was still alive. Whatever his name was, pulled out a large bowie knife and placed the tip on my cheekbone. The knife dragged down my cheek, stopping just above my carotid artery, making me scream in pain.venom spurt out of my fangs in a pool, making the grass steam. Allen (I'm sure it's Allen now) hissed, and i realized that some venom got on his hands. Before he could hurt me again, there was a loud BAMF.
Allen's face turned from hate to shock as a blue tail wrapped around his neck, and flung him towards a tree. Allen hit the trunk hard, and collapsed. My vision was getting woozy from lack of blood. I tried to sit up, but found someone pick me up instead. I recognized him as the blue guy from the cell. He smiled at me and said something, but i couldn't make it out. There was another BAMF, then we were gone.
(A/N- I hope that was better than the last few! Feel free to give me ideas and help in the comments. And again, SO sorry for taking so long, and see you in the next chapter! ~Ghost_Queen101 )
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