Soul Stealer - Part 2
Word count : 2809
Warnings : language, smut (a little bit), angst and fluff.
A/N : Before you start reading it, I'd like to apologise for being so late with the update. I've been feeling a little bit off these days and I didn't want to write something horrible just because of my mood. I still don't think it's great, but I tried my best. Hope you understand. Also, thank you for over 3k reads. I love you all! 🥺❤️
Khushi-Stark , thank you once again for requesting this. I really hope I didn't dissapoint you. 😞❤️
"Wow dude, it's been a long time since I last saw you this happy." Rhodey smiled at his friend as they were sitting on the couch, having a drink and catching up with things. Ever since Tony has met Y/N, he kinda stopped communicating with the others, and the cop decided to pay him a visit to make sure he was ok. "This girl really is something else, isn't she?"
"Indeed." the genius beamed, his brown eyes shining as he spoke. He was literally emanating joy, happiness and fulfillment, and Rhodey felt his heart warming at the sight. "She's just... She's perfect. I feel like she's the only person who managed to finally understand and accept me without actually judging me, you know?"
Rhodey nodded his head, sipping from his drink and listening carefully.
"I... I don't know, Rhodes. I think I'm in love with her."
The other male noticed a change in Tony's tone as soon as the later pronounced the last statement, making him frown. Tony was biting his lip nervously, his eyes wondering around the room as his fingers started trembling around the glass he was holding.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Is there something you're not telling me?" Rhodey asked softly, moving his hand on his friend's back and rubbing it comfortingly. Tony gulped, placing the glass of alcohol on the nearby table and struggling to find the right words.
"It's just that... I'm not sure if she feels the same way and... I'm scared." he admitted. "I wanna tell her how I truly feel about her, but at the same time, I'm afraid she might freak out and... leave."
"Tony, look..." the other man spoke. "I may not know her very well... Damn, I don't even know what she looks like, but from what you've told me, I can tell she could never leave or hate you for loving her. She doesn't seem like that kind of person. Just be honest with her, alright? And trust me... If she really cares about you, she won't leave. Not now, nor ever."
" Thank you, Rhodes." the billionaire smiled. "And I'm sorry once again for avoiding you lately. I was just nervous and confused and-"
"It's alright, man. I'm just glad to see you happy." Rhodey returned the smile. "Now I'm afraid I'll have to leave, but please let me know how it goes with Y/N, ok?"
"You can count on that."
~A few hours later~
"Mr. Stark, miss Y/N is waiting for you in the living room." JARVIS' voice echoed as
Tony was tinkering something in his workshop.
"Really?" he looked up, glancing at the time. "Tell her I'll be there in a minute."
In the meantime, Y/N was sitting on the sofa, staring at her nails as if they were the most interesting thing she has ever seen. Her heart was beating too fast for her liking and her body was shaking a little bit, knowing what she was about to do to the engineer.
"I was starting to think you weren't going to come today." someone said all of a sudden, startling her. She looked around, only to see Tony approaching her, a wide grin evident on his face.
"Really?" she grinned. "Why is that?"
The genius shrugged, sitting next to her. He glanced at her outfit shortly, gulping at the sight, before trying his best not to stare. "You usually come earlier so... I don't know. I just assumed."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I've been kinda... busy today." the girl replied, moving closer to him. Tony inhaled deeply, watching as her hand travelled to his thigh, rubbing it gently.
"It's uhm... It's okay. You look great today, by the way."
"Do you really think so? Thank you, Tones." Y/N smiled sweetly, moving her hand to the inside of his thigh. "I-umm... I actually picked this outfit up for you." she blushed, avoiding his gaze.
The engineer's eyes snapped to hers, his heart stopping for a second, while Y/N did nothing but move a strand of hair behind her ear, smirking internally.
"Look, I... I know we have known each other for only a few weeks, but... I really like spending time with you." she continued, before he could speak. "You're an amazing person, Tony. You're smart, kind, trustworthy... And although you can be a jerk sometimes, you always try to help people, even though no-one is forcing you to do that. I just... I hope you won't hate me for this, but these days I've realised that I really like you and... I was wondering if there was any chance we could, you know, be more than f-friends?"
The genis stared at her for a few seconds,with an unreadable expression, before huffing and standing up. "Not fair." he mumbled, crossing his arms and shaking his head.
"W-what?" Y/N asked, frowning in confusion.
"I said that's not fair." he repeated, turning to face her properly. "You weren't supposed to say that."
"Why not?" The girl's frown deepened. "Are you... Don't tell me you're mad. I'm sorry if-"
"Of course I'm mad, Y/N!" he snapped, making her jump. "I was supposed to say that. Not you. You have no right to come here and steal the words out of my mouth, for fuck's sake!"
As soon as realisation hit her, Y/N laughed, getting up as well and approaching him. "No, you don't get to laugh, alright? You have no-"
Before he could finish speaking, the girl placed her hands on his face and kissed him, taking him by surprise. The moment he relaxed, Tony pulled her closer by the waist, kissing her back.
"You talk way too much, you know?" she grinned as she pulled away and looked into his eyes.
The billionaire smiled, pecking her lips. "If that's how you're gonna stop me from rumbling every time, I think I'm gonna talk for the rest of my life."
Instead of replying, Y/N kissed him again, forcefully this time. Her hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him as close to her as possible, while he returned the kiss, biting her lower lip gently and making her whimper.
Tony groaned at the sound, taking the girl into his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist, his lips moving desperately against hers. Slowly, he started nibbling on her jaw, moving down to her neck, leaving open-mouth kisses all over it, while all she did was moan and grind against him.
"T-Tony..." she whined, squirming in his arms.
"Yes sweetheart?" the male asked in a low tone, sending shivers down her spine.
"T-take me to your bedroom. Please."
The engineer growled lowly, before leading her to his bedroom and throwing her on the bed. Y/N watched as he crawled over her, his mouth finding her neck once again.
"You have no idea how much I've waited for this to happen." he whispered, his hand caressing her thigh. "Every time you came here, I had to stop myself from kissing those sweet lips of yours, from holding you into my arms and keeping you here with me forever."
Y/N gulped, trying not to let his words affect her mission, while he went to take her clothes off slowly, leaving the girl only in her underwear.
"Fuck..." he muttered quietly. "You're so beautiful."
He cut her off with a kiss, making himself comfortable between her parted thighs and making sure not to crush her with his body. "I love you." he whispered, lowering his head to her chest. "God, you're so perfect."
Y/N moaned as he started to kiss her all over her chest, gasping as soon as his lips connected to one of her nipples. He sucked it gently, tracing his thumb over the other one.
"Tony... Tony ple-"
The genius interrupted her once again by pecking her lips, before looking at her lovingly. "I'm here, baby." he kissed her shoulder. "I promise I'll give you whatever you want, but I don't wanna rush things, ok? You should see how gorgeous you look right now. I can't even-"
Y/N flipped them over all of a sudden, getting on top of him, her eyes darkening as she wrapped one hand around his neck. "Shut. The fuck. Up!" she gritted, tighting her grip. "I'm fucking done with you, Stark."
Tony watched her wide-eyed, breathing heavily underneath her. "Y-Y/N?"
She ignored him and took off the rest of their clothes, before getting ready to sit on him. However, before she could do so, a hand stopped her.
"Y/N, I don't wanna hurt you." he spoke softly. "You're not ready yet. Please, baby."
The girl ignored him for the second time and lowered herself on him, making the genius groan and throw his head back. Slowly, she started moving up and down, breathing unevenly as she did so.
Glancing at Tony, she noticed he was whimpering with every move she made, his eyes closed in bliss as his hands gripped her hips.
'This is your chance, Y/N...' she thought. 'Do it and you'll accomplish the task.'
Y/N's eyes glowed red, ready to take Tony's soul. She was close, so close to do that and finally go back home and-
"I love you." a voice stopped her, making her look down at the man. His eyes were still closed, his chest moving up and down quickly. "I love you so much, Y/N. You're perfect... "he whimpered. "Shit, baby, you're amazing. I'm so lucky to have you. So lucky. I'm so glad you came into my life."
Y/N's movements stuttered, a knot forming in her throat as her eyes filled with tears. Her insides started burning, making her cry in pain and stop. Tony opened his eyes at the sound, gasping at the sight in front of him.
The girl felt her wings ripping through the skin of her back, her tail and horns appearing soon after. She backed away, falling off the bed in the process, before moving to one of the corners of the room and starting to sob.
Tony was watching her stunned, his mouth hanging open as he tried to comprehend what was happening. He found it hard to breathe at that point, his heart beating out of his chest.
The girl ignored him and kept crying, her body shaking with sobs. She felt pathetic. Once, for not being able to finish her mission, and then because she, a doomed creature, fell in love with a fucking human being.
"JARVIS, what's going on? Help me out a little bit, buddy." the engineer called as he hurried to put his clothes back on.
"According to my researches, miss Y/N is a Succubus, Mr. Stark, meaning a female spirit that belongs to hell." the AI clarified. "Her purpose is to seduce men in order to take their sou-"
The AI started buzzing all of a sudden, before shutting down completely. Tony frowned, then looked at Y/N, only to see her eyes glowing red, her jaw clenched in anger while tears kept rolling down her cheeks.
"There you go..." she rasped. "Are you fucking happy now?"
The genius gulped, taking a step forward hesitantly.
"Don't you dare!" Y/N exclaimed, trying to sit up. "Don't you fucking dare come closer or I'll-"
"You'll what?" he narrowed his eyes. "Kill me? There were plenty of times you could have done so, you know?"
"Shut the fuck up! You know nothing!"
"What's that supposed to mean? Do you think you'll scare me now just because you turned into a..." he pointed to her wings. He was scared shitless, but of course he'd never admit that. "... whatever JARVIS said? What was that? Succibus? Succabus?"
The girl stared at him for a few seconds, her expression not as stern, but not very friendly either, before bursting into laughter. Tony frowned, watching her confused.
"Su-su... Succibus." she laughed, falling on the ground and holding her stomach. "Succibus."
The engineer's face softened, a grin replacing the frown as his feet led him closer to Y/N. He bent to her level, feeling his body calm down at the sight of her.
The girl stopped laughing at some point, her eyes finding his, before filling up with tears once again. "I... I'm so sorry." she sniffed. "I... The devil sent me to steal your soul and bring it to him, otherwise he wouldn't let me go back home. He'd force me to remain here forever."
"What's so bad about that though?" Tony asked softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. She flinched away, pressing herself against the wall.
"Please, stay away from me, Tony." she cried. "I don't wanna hurt you. I'm a monster."
"No, you're not, Y/N. Stop saying that. Jesus, come here."
He stretched his arms out for her and she jumped into them almost immediately, hugging him tightly.
"Why aren't you scared of me?" she sobbed. "Why don't you hate me? I lied to you all this time and-"
"Shh..." Tony pressed a finger over her lips, stopping her from speaking any further. "You had no other choice... You were forced to follow the orders." he spoke quietly. "But still, here you are, crying and telling me the whole story. You could have killed me anytime you wanted, but you didn't, because-"
"Because I love you!" she cut him off, holding onto him tightly. "I love, Tony. I really do. And I couldn't hurt you. You mean so much to me and I just... couldn't."
Sighing, the billionaire took her into his arms, making her squeal, before leading her back to bed and laying her down. He joined her soon after, and she moved close to him, her body shaking slightly.
"Calm down, alright? I'm right here." he pulled her to his chest. Y/N's wings, tail and horns started dissappearing as she felt her body relaxing, her nostrils inhaling Tony's scent. The genius took a blanket and covered her exposed form, before kissing her head.
"You should kill me for what I've done." she mumbled against his chest. "I don't deserve your forgiveness. I've hurt you so much."
"Sweetheart, you didn't have a choice-"
"Yes, I did, Tony. I could have just refused, but I didn't. I'm a fucking monster. Please, just... Kill me." she cried, griping his shirt tightly in the process.
The male pushed her on his back, hovering over her and looking at her sternly. "Never say that again! Is that clear?"
Y/N sniffed, moving one hand to his face and placing it gently over his cheek. His gaze softened once again, his lips kissing her hand. "Is that clear?" he asked once again, but so much softer now.
"I just... I'm scared Tony. If I stay here forever, there is a huge possibility for me to remain stuck into my real form forever too. What will people think of me? They will hate me. They will be scared of me and they will want to kill me."
"No, they won't, baby." he pecked her lips. "I'll make sure of that. I'll protect you no matter what, okay? I won't let anyone hurt you."
"I... I don't understand. Why are you so kind to me?" another tear fell down her cheek, her lips trembling.
Tony wiped it away, leaning his forehead over hers. "Because you've changed for the better and because I love you." he replied. "Yes, you may have done some horrible things, but you've realised it wasn't right. And yes, you have been sent to take my soul, but not even once have you harmed me. Every time you came here, we talked and you helped me understand that I wasn't as horrible as I thought I was. Now it's my turn to do the same."
Y/N watched him teary-eyed, her heart warming up at his words. She felt something she has never felt before. She felt she could die anytime for that man, she felt she would do anything to be there for him and make him happy. That's how much she loved him and he obviously loved her just as much.
"Thank you." she whispered. "Thank you for everything, Tony. I love you so much and I swear I won't betray you ever again. Just please, promise me you won't leave me ever."
The genius smiled, caressing her cheek. "I'm afraid you're stuck with me then."
With that, he closed the gap between them, kissing her tenderly. It was nothing like the kisses they've shared only a few minutes ago. This one was full of love and compassion. It was a promise that their love will never die, a reassurance that things will finally be okay.
The end.
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