20) Family Meeting - Request
Word count : 2603
Warnings : angst, fluff, some curse words.
Requested by : alxhamxra
I'm sorry it took me so long to get this done. Hope you like it, love! ❤️
Summary : Tony finally meets your parents.
Y/B/N = your brother's name
Y/L/N = your last name
Y/M/N =your mother's name
It was 07:30 in the morning when you stirred in your sleep, feeling a pair of soft, familiar lips tickling your face. Your back was pressed into someone's chest, providing you the warmth you needed, while a hand was wrapped around your waist, holding you securely.
The lips trailed from your cheeks, down to your neck, where they started to leave open mouth kisses along the skin, making you release a breath you didn't realise you were holding as your entire body shivered in delight.
You loved mornings like this, when both you and your boyfriend were free so that you two could wake up into each other's embrace and enjoy each other's company.
"Good morning, angel." Tony's voice whispered as soon as you opened your eyes, turning around into his arms and facing him. "Slept well?"
"Mhm..." you hummed, too lazy to open your mouth and reply properly, fact that only made him smile and kiss your forehead. "What's the time?"
"It's still early, don't worry about it." he said. "You can go back to sleep if you want."
"Nah..." you nuzzled your face into his neck, placing a quick kiss on the skin. "Wanna cuddle."
Tony's smile only grew as he pulled you closer, holding you tightly as he moved his hand to play with your hair.
Today was going to be a special day. You and Tony have been together for a few months, but he hadn't had the chance to meet your parents until now. Why was that? Well, besides the fact that the two of you were busy almost all the time, Tony was also a little bit scared to take the next step.
The genius was aware of the fact that his past reputation wasn't something to be proud of and, although he had changed a lot ever since you came into his life, he knew that he couldn't just erase what's been done.
He feared that your parents might judge him, think that he wasn't good enough for you and maybe even try to put an end to your relationship, which was something he could never handle. You meant the entire world to him and the thought of ever losing you was scaring him to death.
"Hmm, you're thinking." you mumbled against his neck the moment you felt him tensing up. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, sweetcheeks. I just... I am happy that I'm finally going to meet your parents."
Pulling away so that you could look into his eyes properly, you analysed his facial expression, knowing very well that something wasn't right. He was looking anywhere but you, a little frown making its way on his face.
You lifted one hand slowly, placing it over his cheek and caressing it tenderly, which encouraged him to look at you, his eyes gazing into yours hesitantly.
"Everything is going to be ok, my love." you whispered. "My family is going to adore you. I know what you're worried about, but just have some faith in me, alright? You're not the person that people think you are. You're kind, funny, caring, smart and you love me more than everyone ever did. I have never been this happy in my entire life and that is all because of you. You make me feel safe, cherished, adored, nothing I have ever felt before and I'm sure my parents are going to like you just as much as I do, Tones."
"And if they don't?" he hesitated, his face getting closer to yours. "I don't wanna lose you..."
"You won't." you reassured, pecking his lips shortly. "Just be yourself and everything is going to be ok. You do trust me, right?"
Tony nodded almost immediately, a heartwarming grin replicing his frown. "Thank you, beautiful. I don't know what I'd do without you." he spoke as he kissed you softly. "I love you so much."
You smiled brightly at his cuteness, hugging him tightly. "I love you too, my dork."
~Later that day~
You were in the car, staring out of the window, while Tony was driving the two of you to your family's house.
The weather was perfect for spending some time outdoors, the sun rays brightening the day as the wind was blowing lightly, preventing the possibility of a much too high temperature value.
To say that you were excited would be an understatement. The simple idea of Tony meeting your family and the other way around was making you happy and nervous at the same time. You knew that they were going to get along just great, but you were also aware of the fact that it was the first time you were about to introduce your other half to your parents.
Of course, you've had plenty of relationships before, but none of those lasted more than 2-3 months. At some point you were about to start thinking that maybe that was your luck or that you were never going to find the right person for you, but then boom, Tony appeared out of nowhere and managed to make you love him more than you love anyone else.
"We're here." the genius stated as he parked the car in front of a familiar house, interrupting you from thinking any further. "I can't believe this is actually happening."
"Me either." you replied, smiling as you saw him rubbing his palms over his thighs, something he'd do whenever he was nervous about something. "Hey, I'm here, ok? Nobody is going to judge you, love. Just calm down."
"It's not just that, Y/N... I have never been in this position either and... I don't know, all of these emotions are getting to me and I don't wanna dissapoint you or your family."
"Tones, you're not gonna dissapoint anyone. My parents are very kind and understanding, so you won't have any problem with them either. My brother, on the other hand, can be a little bit annoying sometimes, but I'm pretty sure you'll get along with him as well. He's very protective, because I've been hurt so many times before, but I know you're never going to break my heart."
"Never." he emphasised, kissing your hand. "I swear on my life. And if I do anything to harm you in any way, just kill me. I'm pretty sure your brother will gladly help you with that too."
"Ok, that's a little bit too much." you chuckled. "For real now, they are going to love you. As I said, just be yourself."
"Alright." he let out a deep breath. "Let's go then."
With that, the both of you exited the car, before making your way to the door. As soon as you stood in front of it, you rang the bell, waiting for someone to welcome you inside. Tony stayed behind you, trying to control his emotions.
All of sudden, the door flew open, revealing your mother. The moment she saw you, her entire face brightened up, her lips curving upwards into the biggest smile you've ever seen.
"Y/N, darling, I've missed you so much." she exclaimed wholeheartedly, pulling you into a hug.
"Missed you too, mom." you grinned. "It's been a while."
"Indeed." she took a step back. "I'm so glad you were able to pay us a visit."
Glancing behind, she saw Tony, who watched you silently. Noticing her attention was now on him, he smiled, stepping closer.
"Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm Anthony, but you can call me Tony. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Oh, dear, just call me Y/M/N." your mother smiled softly, hugging him as well. "I've heard a lot about you."
At that, Tony's body tensed up, his eyes snapping to yours. "Uhm... I--"
"You did a great job at taking over your father's business." your mother cut him off. "I've also heard about all of your donations and technical contributions to the entire state. Your soul and brain are one of a kind, my dear, and although it's been about a year since I last saw my daughter, I never worried about her, cause I knew you were there to take care of her."
You grinned at your mom's response while Tony did nothing but stare, obviously taken aback by those kind words. Shaking his head, he smiled brightly, his heart already warming up.
"Wow, I... Thank you so much. It means a lot." he beamed. "Also..." he glanced at the flowers he was holding. "These are for you. Y/N told me you loved roses."
"Aww, thank you so much." she hugged him once again, before taking the flowers. "I'm going to put them in a vase. Please, come in."
As soon as you entered the house, the both of you took off your shoes and jackets, before placing them on the hanger.
"Y/M/N, who was at the--"
You looked up as you heard another familiar voice, only to see your father joining the two of you, your brother following him close behind.
"Y/N, sweetheart, I almost forgot you were supposed to come here today." he smiled, hugging you. "How is my little girl doing?"
"Dad, I'm not so little anymore." you laughed. "And I'm doing perfect, thanks. Just missed you guys a lot."
"You'll always be my little girl, sweetie. I'm glad to see you so happy. Oh, you must be her boyfriend." he glanced at Tony.
"Indeed I am, Mr. Y/L/N. Nice to meet you, sir." the billionaire spoke politely. He wasn't as nervous as he was in the beginning and you were glad to see him warming up to your family.
"I've heard so many good things about you. Thank you for taking care of my daughter... though she can be kinda difficult to deal with sometimes." your father whispered the last part, making Tony laugh.
"Dad!" you whined. "Stop being mean."
"I'm just stating facts, sweetie." he shrugged.
Tony glanced at your brother, who stood behind, his hands crossed over his chest as he watched everyone through narrowed eyes. Unlike your parents, he wasn't smiling at all, but the billionaire didn't feel intimidated by him.
"Y/B/N, stop staring and introduce yourself." your father said. Your brother only rolled his eyes, extending his arm so that he could shake Tony's hand.
"Hey, I'm To--"
"If you ever hurt my sister, I'm going to kill you with my own hands." he threatened.
"You won't have to worry about that." the engineer assured before you and your father could scold him.
The two kept staring at each for a while, but fortunately, your mother came back at some point, breaking the tension between them.
"You must be hungry." she smiled. "Come on. I've made pasta."
"And then I had to make my own arc reactor so that the pieces of shrapnel couldn't pierce my heart." Tony explained as everyone was at the table, eating, talking and having a good time.
"Pfft, weirdo." your brother rolled his eyes. "You look like a freak with that dumb thing on your chest."
"Y/B/N Y/L/N, apologise right now!" your mother scolded him. "That's not how I taught you to speak to people. He's older than you and you should respect him!"
"Respect him?" Y/B/N snapped, standing up angrily. "Mom, this dude probably slept with every single girl in this God damn city and you're expecting me to trust and respect him? He's gonna hurt Y/N just like the others!"
Before anyone could add anything else, your brother turned around and left the room. Your parents sighed, looking at Tony apologetically.
"We're sorry about him, dear. He just wants the best for his sister." your mother apologised as you placed your hand on Tony's shoulder.
"It's alright, don't worry. He did have a point." the genius gulped. "I've done horrible things in the past, but Y/N helped me become a better version of myself. I know how much she's suffered and I understand why Y/B/N can't trust me so easily, but I promise I'm not like any of the guys she's been with."
"We can see that, my guy." your father smiled. "You're the first one our daughter has brought home. It's obvious that you're making her happy, so we're not gonna do anything to destroy your relationship. Just don't break our trust."
"I won't." Tony replied, kissing your cheek. "I think I should try to talk to Y/B/N."
"Are you sure about that?" you asked hesitantly. "As you noticed, my brother can be very rude and stubborn."
"He just cares about you, love. I am sure I can handle him."
"Ok... Just be careful." you sighed. "Second room upstairs. You'll find him there."
"Thanks, sweetcheeks. I'll be right back."
With that, he stood up as well, before making his way upstairs. You continued to eat and talk to your parents, happy that they didn't have any problem with him.
"Y/B/N..." the genius knocked at your brother's door. "Uhm, I know you don't wanna see my face, but we need to talk."
"Fuck off, dude!"
"Come on, buddy, if you really love your sister, you should be happy for her."
"Stop acting nice. I know you're just using her." Y/B/N yelled from the other side of the room.
Tony winced at his tone, letting out a deep breath. "Look, I... I know what she's been through, ok? I know and I wish I could kill those guys as much as you probably do." he stated. "And yes, I've been a fucking jerk in the past, but I had my own reasons. Girls slept with me just because I was rich and famous and not because they really liked me. I was only fooling around to hide my own pain, cause no-one ever wanted me for... me. I might have had all the money in the world, but they were completely useless, because I was alone. They didn't bring me any happiness anymore."
He paused, expecting to hear other complaints from your brother, but when he didn't, he decided to continue."When I met Y/N, my entire life changed for the better. Unlike the others, she didn't start spending time with me because I was rich or whatever... And although she knew how much of an asshole I was, she still gave me a chance. She showed what it felt like to truly love someone and to be loved back, but at the same time, she helped me change into someone I didn't know I could ever be. She helped me find my true self and for that I'm always going to be thankful. I don't know if it helps, but I told her to kill me if I ever hurt her. You have all the right to help her."
At that, Tony heard a small chuckle from the room and before he could add anything else, Y/B/N opened the door, a small smile playing on his face.
"Alright, Stark. You have my approval." he sighed, stepping out of his room and closing the door behind himself. "Don't screw things up though. You may be Ironman, but your flesh is not exactly made of iron."
"True." Tony agreed, smiling brightly. "Thanks for giving me a chance."
"It's alright... Sorry for what I said earlier. I was trying to protect my sister."
"I know. It's ok, I'm not mad. I just wanted to make sure we're on good terms."
Y/B/N grinned, extending his arm once again for Tony. "Friends?"
With a smile, the genius shook his hand and nodded. "Friends."
The end.
A/N : Off topic, but the picture below is adorable. 🥺
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