12) Always And Forever
Word count : 1638
Warnings : a little bit of angst and some curse words, but mostly fluff.
The moment your eyes blinked open, an involuntary groan escaped your throat. Your head was throbbing in pain, making you feel dizzy, even though you were still laying in bed, your body shivering as your hands gripped the blanket, pulling it closer.
Something seemed off though... Tony's arms weren't wrapped tightly around your waist, which was weird. However, everything made sense as soon as you caught sight of the empty spot where he usually slept, the events that took place last night immediately rushing to your mind.
Since you were a workaholic, just like a certain billionaire, you forgot that the two of you were supposed to have a date that evening. Coming home late, an angry, frustrated Tony who was sitting on the sofa and waiting for his lover greeted you. He looked as wonderful as ever, his expensive, elegant suit complimenting his beautiful body as the smell of his cologne invaded your nostrils.
The moment your eyes locked with his, realisation washed over you in an instant, making you face-palm at your own stupidity. The numerous attempts of apologising proved to be useless to the dark-haired man as he stood up and approached you, not even hesitating to let out his disappointment.
What was even worse was the fact that you were both tired and frustrated after a long day at work, which encouraged the two of you to start arguing, yelling and throwing mean words at each other, although none of that was true. The fight, of course, ended up with Tony deciding to sleep in a different room.
It was very difficult to fall asleep without him by your side, but after hours and hours of thinking, you eventually managed to get some rest. Now that you were getting sick though, you needed someone to hold onto more than ever. On the other hand, you were aware of the fact that you did a horrible job at being a good girlfriend lately, so maybe that was some sort of punishment from God.
"Shit, my head hurts..." the words left your lips at some point and you frowned in confusion since your voice had never been that deep and hoarse before.
Waving it off, you decided that it would be best if you went to the kitchen, to make yourself some tea and take some pills, but the moment you tried to get up, the entire room started spinning. Your knees buckled all of a sudden and your legs gave out, making you fall on the hard floor with a thud.
You grunted in pain, eyes watering. The fact that you weren't even able to stand on your feet made you feel useless and pathetic.
"Miss Y/L/N, are you ok? Should I call Mr. Stark?" JARVIS' voice suddenly spoke, shaking you out of your thoughts.
"Y-yes. Please..." you struggled to reply, but as soon as the words escaped your mouth, your vision got blurry, turning black before you could try to get up again.
Tony was already in his lab, working on one of his new projects in order to take his mind off you, as he drank his coffee. He couldn't rest properly without you in his arms, but since he had been looking forward to that date, the fact that you forgot about it so easily made him think that maybe you didn't love him as much anymore.
And still, deep down he knew that he had been a little bit too harsh. You were tired after a long day and he probably made things worse by overreacting, as always.
"Mr. Stark" JARVIS brought him back to reality. "I'm afraid Miss Y/N is not feeling very well at the moment."
"What do you mean?" Tony hurried to ask, his body tensing. "Is she still in our bedroom?"
"Yes, sir. She-"
Before JARVIS could finish speaking, Tony ran out of the lab, his feet leading him to his and your shared room. The moment he stepped in, the superhero gulped at the sight of your unconscious body laying on the cold floor.
"Oh, my f- Y/n, baby!" he gasped as he rushed to your side, shaking your body in attempt to wake you up. Since he didn't get any reaction or response, he checked for your pulse, sighing in relief as soon as he felt your heartbeat.
Tony tried his best not to freak out and took your body into his arms, laying it down on bed carefully. His eyes widened in shock the second his cold fingers made contact with your burning face, his teeth biting on his lower lip harsher than intended.
"Fuck, I'm so stupid..." he mumbled to himself as he rubbed his hand over his face in frustration. Guilt was eating him alive by now, the thought of you being alone in this condition breaking his heart.
After a minute of thinking, the billionaire brought a cold, wet cloth and placed it over your forehead ever so softly.
"JARVIS, order some soup for Y/N and let me know if she wakes up. I'm gonna be in the kitchen in the meantime." he announced.
"Understood, sir." the AI replied obediently and Tony kissed your cheek tenderly one last time, before leaving the room.
The second time you woke up, you weren't feeling as dizzy, but your head was still hurting. Sensing something pressing on your forehead, you realised that someone must have put that cloth there.
"JARVIS, where... Where is Tony?" you asked quietly, needing your boyfriend more than ever.
"He is on his way, miss. Do not worry."
As soon as the AI finished speaking, the door opened, revealing your worried lover, who was holding a tray of food in his hand. He placed it on the nightstand, before taking a seat at the edge of the bed.
"Love, I'm so glad you're awake." he kissed your forehead. "How are you feeling?"
His voice was softer than ever as he watched you concerned, taking your head into his hands. You stared into his brown, sparkling eyes for a second, taking one of his hands into yours.
"I'm ok, I guess... My head hurts like crazy, but other than that, everything is fine... W-what happened though? I can't really remember."
Tony brought your hand to his lips, kissing it softly as he looked at you.
"I found you laying unconscious on the floor. You were having a fever and... I... I panicked. Please, don't do that to me ever again. I was... I was so scared." he whispered in a tiny voice, his lips pouting slightly as he played with your fingers.
"I'm sorry about last night." he continued. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I know you would never forget about me on purpose and I overreacted. Forgive me, sweetheart..."
"Aww, come here, babe." you replied, opening your arms, and he got the hint, getting closer to you and hugging you tightly. "It's alright... I should have been more careful, so I'm sorry too. I promise I won't do that ever again."
He smiled against your chest, his grip tightening. "I love you so much." he mumbled. You kissed the top of his head and he blushed, pulling away.
"I, uh... I ordered some food for you." he whispered. "I know you don't really like soup, but you need to eat some, so you'll feel better. Then you can drink some tea and take the pills I brought you. I also called your boss and told him to give you a week off."
"Oh?" you gasped. "A week? Isn't that a little bit too much?" you asked and he shook his head.
"You've worked so hard lately and I wanna make sure you rest properly." he said, his voice soft and stern at the same time.
"Alright, love. As long as you promise to spend it with me, I'm not complaining." you smiled, kissing his cheek and taking the bowl of soup into your hands.
"I would have done that anyway." the genius returned the smile. "Here, let me help you."
Before you had time to complain, Tony took the bowl out of your hand and started to feed you, making you laugh.
"Tony, my love, you do know that I'm not a baby, right?"
"What do you mean?" your boyfriend frowned in confusion. "Of course you are... You're my baby."
You rolled your eyes playfully, feeling your heart melt at his cuteness. This man was your everything and you were more than thankful to have him.
As soon as you finished eating, the two of you laid down, Tony's arms wrapped securely around you.
"How are you feeling now?" he asked as he kissed your nose.
"More than fine." you replied honestly. "Thank you for being here and taking care of me... I love you so much, Tones."
Instead of replying, Tony got on top of you, sending you a grin, before starting to leave kisses all over your face.
"Hey... S-stop. It tickles." you giggled, trying to push him off.
"Hmm..." he hummed as he thought for a second. "How about... No?"
As soon as he said that, he went back to kissing you, totally ignoring your "protests". Your arms wrapped around him and he laid on your chest, his head just below yours. The both of you sighed in content, happy to be in each other's embrace again.
"I can feel your heartbeat." Tony suddenly whispered, looking up at you lovingly. You stared at him speechless, your cheeks turning a deep shade of red. "I love you, Y/N... So much." he added, bringing one hand up to stroke your cheek.
The corners of your lips twitched upwards and you leaned down, pecking his lips.
"I love you too, Tones... Always and forever."
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