Tonight We're Superheroes
Hola Sophanators!
So, since a few of you wanted it, here is the one shot that I wrote for a writing project for my English class! No dirty scenes or gay action in this one unfortunately. I had to make it appropriate for school. Anyway, it's all about 5sos being their superheroes and saving their fans.
Also, no offense to any fans of Fifth Harmony or to their band. I needed an enemy and I'm not a fan of that band so I just used them as the villain in the story.
Anyway, I hope you all like this! Let me know what you think! Comment, vote, message, and fan me :)
Sophie Horan Tomlinson Irwin Hood Malfoy Grimes xxxxxx
Tonight We're Superheroes
5SOS Superhero Oneshot
"Breaking news!" the TV broadcaster said.
"Ash, please turn that off. It's way too early in the morning to hear about breaking news," Calum groaned, collapsing onto the small couch. Ashton rolled his eyes and turned the volume down.
"Leave him alone, Calum. If Ashton wants to watch the news, then let him watch it," Luke sighed from the other seat.
"Do we really have to debate this? I agree with Calum, it's way too early for news," Michael whined.
"Maybe you both wouldn't be so tired if you hadn't stayed up all night playing video games," Luke pointed out, which caused Michael to flip Luke off.
"... Fans been kidnapped... 5sos... latest news..." Ashton heard snippets of the news coverage. "Guys! Shut the hell up a second. Listen to this!" Ashton said, panicking as he turned the volume up.
"Rumored, the kidnapping happened late last night. A group of fans of the band, known as the 5sosfam, were attacked on the way to the concert that the band was having last night in downtown Chicago.
Apparently, it was a team of Harmonizers, fans of the band Fifth Harmony, that stole the group of at least 30 fans. Officials are doing all they can to find the 5sos fans. Speculation is that Fifth Harmony is behind the attack, and that they are holding the fans hostage.
No word yet on how the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer are taking the news. Representatives of the band have remained quiet too; choosing to say 'no comment' when questioned this morning.
For the sake of the fans, and the band, we hope the 5sosfam are found soon and that they may remain unharmed. This is Brian Peters signing off. Back to you, Katie," Brian said.
The four boys sat in silence, looking at each other in shock. "Some of our fans have been stolen?" Michael asked. The others just nodded, at a loss for words.
"What do we do?" Calum questioned suddenly wide-awake.
Luke opened and closed his mouth a few times, but no words came out. Everyone remained silent. What could they do to save their loyal fans?
Ashton glanced around the bus, his eyes landing on a box. When he remembered exactly what was in the box, he mentally slapped himself. How could they've all forgotten?
Quickly, he got up and grabbed it. "Ashton, what are you doing? This isn't a time to be messing around," Luke accused.
"Are you all forgetting something?" Ashton asked, raising an eyebrow. He then pulled his blue superhero outfit from the box, and smiled at his band. "I think it's time that 5 Seconds of Summer kicked some bad guy ass again. I say, smAsh is back and stronger than ever. Are you in, Cal Pal?" Ashton asked.
"I'm in smAsh. Let's go get our fans back, 5sos style," Calum said, grabbing his green Cal Pal outfit from the box.
"Well, if Cal Pal is in, then Mike-ro-wave is here to save the day," Michael said, appearing around the corner in his red costume.
"What do you say, Dr. Fluke. Are you going to join us and save our fans?" Ashton asked Luke.
"Hell yes I am!" Luke said, picking up his black Dr. Fluke suit and putting it on.
The boys looked at each other, and Michael put his fist out. They all grinned and
put their fists in a square together. "5 Seconds of Summer, unite to fight!" Michael screamed.
With that they all took off out the door on their search. They scoured the city for any signs of their beloved fans. There was no way they were letting some other band steal their family away from them.
After an hour of searching, the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer finally found the tracks they had been looking for.
"Mike-ro-wave, down that alley! There's a group of ninjas. Do you think that is where they are holding our fans captive?" Dr. Fluke asked.
"We're about to find out," Mike-ro-wave replied. "Hey, what the hell is that?" he called out into the alley. The ninjas looked around in confusion and Mike-ro-wave knocked them out with some well-aimed punches.
"Well, well, well, look who decided to show up," the girls of Fifth Harmony said as they conveniently stepped out into the alleyway.
"If it isn't the lame superheroes, 5 Seconds of Shame," Camila said.
Cal Pal lurched forward in anger. "Relax, Cal Pal," Dr. Fluke said softly. He was trying to keep tensions low without causing too much of a scene.
"They insulted us, and stole our fans! This is not a time to be relaxing," Cal Pal argued.
"Give our fans back to us," smAsh spoke carefully, balancing out Cal Pal's anger with his calmness.
"No, I don't think so. You and your fans are a threat to our success. How can a girl band dominate the charts when a boy band like you has taken that from us," Ally said.
"We are not a boy band," Mike-ro-wave spat.
"Does it matter? All that matters is, without your fans, you are nothing. We won't stop until we have taken all your fans from you. Then we will take our rightful place as #1 in the charts," Dinah stated.
"Like hell we are letting you get away with this," Cal Pal said.
The boys lurched into action. Cal Pal kicked the girls back, as Mike-ro-wave and Dr. Fluke started to take out the ninjas surrounding them.
"Why ninjas?" smAsh asked, joining Cal Pal to deal with their archenemy.
"We know that ninjas are also one of your biggest enemies," Normani smirked.
"You didn't do your research well then, because if you had, you would've seen that we always win against ninjas," Cal Pal said smugly.
Everyone glanced over to see Dr. Fluke and Mike-ro-wave taking out ninja after ninja.
"Where are our fans?" smAsh asked, losing his patience. The girls shrugged.
"If you aren't going to relinquish our fans, you leave me no choice. Dr. Fluke, hand guns," Cal Pal called.
Dr. Fluke switched with smAsh, taking his place next to Cal Pal. He put his fingers out in the shape of a gun, and moved his thumb. Just like that, Lauren dropped to the ground unconscious.
Before the other girls could react, Dr. Fluke successfully knocked them out. He smirked in triumph, giving a nod at Cal Pal.
The two boys turned around to see all the ninjas were either taken out or had run away. "Well, that deals with that. Now all we have to do is find the fans," Mike-ro-wave said.
"I bet they're in this building somewhere, but how do we get in?" Dr. Fluke asked.
"Leave that up to me," smAsh said. True to his name, he went up to the building and smashed the wall, causing it to cave in. A huge hole formed, granting the superheroes access inside the building.
The four boys made their way into the building. They kept a look out for any other lackeys of Fifth Harmony. As they rounded a corner, they ran into another clump of ninjas.
"I'll handle this, you guys go on," Cal Pal said. The other boys glanced backwards one last time before they kept searching for their fans. Cal Pal easily fought of the ninjas. He wasn't kidding when he said they always won against ninjas.
Meanwhile, the other three heroes continued through the maze of the building. Turning another corner, they finally spotted their fans tied up against tall pillars. There were only a few guards watching over the 5sosfam to make sure they didn't escape. It was an easy task for the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer.
Cal Pal soon rejoined them, and together, they went down and took out the last few guards and untied their fans.
"5sos saved the day," one fan said. "You actually came to get us!" another 5sosfam member cheered.
"You guys are our family, of course we would come to save you," Mike-ro-wave said.
"Now, let's get out of here before Fifth Harmony wakes up and sends more people to attack us," Cal Pal added.
Marching out victoriously, the superheroes led their fans to safety. With the promise of giving the group of 5sosfam a private show, the 5 Seconds of Summer boys made their way back to their tour bus.
"I would say that was a success," Luke said, once they were back on the bus.
"Mission accomplished. 5 Seconds of Summer save the day once again," Michael grinned.
"Enough superhero stuff for one day. I say we get back to doing what we do best, making music and doing band things," Ashton laughed.
"I'm already on it," Calum said, grabbing his bass guitar and throwing Ashton his drumsticks.
Luke and Michael grabbed their guitars, and the four boys got ready for their next show on their tour. All superhero things were put to the side, that is, until the next time the boys were needed.
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