Friday, 20th of March 2115
I felt like I dropped. I looked around and saw that I was in an awfully clean alleyway with 2 very large high rises either side of me. I quickly walked out of the ally and saw people walking around with briefcases. There was not a speck of colour on them only perfect white, grey and black suits. They were looking at me like I was a piece of gum stuck to there perfectly white shoes. I heard things like 'why do they even come here' or 'this is no place for art.' I guess my jeans and a baseball tee aren't welcome?
I looked up and gasped. I saw the block white silhouette of the Empire State in the distance. The high rises were huge. There were all perfectly clean and had the same colour theme as the peoples suits. Some were fascinating shapes as the building grew taller, they would grow skinnier. There were bullet trains at all different levels attached to the buildings, speeding around on the thin cables that were holding them.
I went up to an old man that was playing with his watch, "Excuse me but what's the date?" I asked kindly.
"It's Friday the 20th 2115." He said.
"Thank you." I said and walked off. Wow, it actually worked, I'm in the future, props to Journey Inc.
I walked down the perfect grey pathways, as I turned a corner I bumped into a girl around my age. She had short bob of ombré brown hair, she was wearing the most colourful outfit I have seen here, she easily stands out here.
"Sorry!" She said quickly, then looked up, her face instantly softened." Are you lost?" She said curiously.
"Um, yeah?" I said, Not really sure what to say.
"I can tell, with the colour you wearing I can see you from a mile away." She said stating the obvious. "C'mon I'll take you back to the west side." She started walking.
I quickly followed after her." Wait what? West side."
"Your not from here are you?"
I thought for a second."defiantly not."
"Then were are you from?"
"From here" I answered, "but 100 years ago." I muttered.
"I'm Azalea Phoenix by the way."
"Naomi, what were you doing over here anyway."
"I was delivering a painting. Just because you live on the east side doesn't mean you can have good decor."
"I don't really know anything about this place."
She took me though an elaborate path of twists and turns, she didn't stop once. She obviously knew were she was going. We make it through the east side. I'm guessing and came to a large park. When I say large, I'm talking about the size of Central Park.
She turned to me. "And this is Ivon Park, built in 2068." I looked around at all the greenery, kilometres of it. There was a huge lake over in the far left with kids playing around it or feeding the ducks.
We walked through the rows of trees, " And this is the west side."I stood there in awe, it was so colourful. Some if the buildings were weird shapes, some had colours radiating off them. There were blimps flying around in the atmosphere, colourful lights hanging from building to building and there was non-stop party music booming around the city. Everyone was greeting each other and being kind, unlike the east side were they just gave the cold shoulder to everyone. Everyone was in colourful clothes or selling colourful things.
"I love this place." I said in awe. This place is so amazing, it was more colourful than a rainbow-scratch that a room full of rainbows.
"I need to show you the food, come with me." She tugged on my arm as she led me through the crowded streets to should I say,
what looks like a fast food restaurant.
"I'll have a fish scalpoy." she said to the blonde, female cashier with coloured streaks and multiple coloured earrings. She got her order and went walking. I examined the fish. It looked like it deep fried with pink dye, maybe it makes it taste nicer, who knows?
"So were are you really from?" She looked at me, "Before you say from here you look like a lost puppy."
"I'm from uh 2015." I said warily.
"Like back in time, that's so cool!" She jumped."I've read about that era, it's called by us 'the creative time.'" She motioned her hands.
I gave her a confused look ."Look at this place." I motioned to the city,"it's as creative as it gets."
"But I mean everyone is creative, they all wore colour and expressed themselves. Now we have this place, we call them 'The Robots'.
"What's it like living around here?"
"It's very colourful, the only way that I get my money is by selling my paintings."
"Don't you get money from your parents?"
"The age that you can live on your own is 15 and I'm 16, my parents were living on the east side. I hated it so as soon As I turned 15 I moved here with my older brother and his friends."
"That's so young, I have to be 18 to be independent." I said,
Right I was on a mission, I reminded myself "What time is it?"
"2 why?"
"I have to be at the place you found me in one hour."
"Ok I guess we can make a circle." We turned around.
"So what do you do around here for fun?"
"There's a glow club down the road." I looked at her curiosity. "Its a club that's glow in the dark." She clarified. "People also call it a neon rave."
"Awesome, what else?"
"I go to art school so that takes up most of my time, um- there's an arcade somewhere around here. The arcades are so high tech it's so awesome."
A strange ringing came form near us, a mixture between a car alarm and dance music.
"One second." Azalea put her hand up to me. She pulled out a thin clear piece of glass with a silver corner from out the back pocket of her jeans. The glass flashed blue saying 'incoming call' on the front.
I couldn't help but eaves drop. "Yes. yes. I'm with a friend. I'm showing HER around. Whatever. Uhhh yes I'll be home in an hour. Bye." She clicked her phone off. "Sorry that was my brother. Come on I'll take you back to the east side."
I followed her through the brightly lit city, you couldn't have even told that it's 2 in the afternoon. We finally made it too the park. I was admiring the fine scenery when azalea started dragging me through the park muttering "it's almost 3." That snapped me out of my trance and started jogging after her.
We finally made it to the dreadfully clean alleyway that I was first teleported. I turned to azalea "thank you for showing me this place, I hope to see you again."
"I hope so too."
"Ill see you sometime so-"
I was cut off with the familiar falling sensation that began it all.
I was greeted with the overly blonde boss again, she was smiling bringing a certain softness to her face.
She asked me to write a log about my journey to say In front off the staff of the company about my travels, so there is it.
The End
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