(9) Saved Hybrid
AU: kingdom, hybrid
Information: There are two kingdoms, hybrids and humans. Both kingdoms have a agreement... yet both hate each other. Phil is the ruler of the hybrids. Tommy had been abused since his wings were showing. Hybrids are tortured and sold for what they are if they are on human kingdom lands. Tommy is also twelve at this time.
Family: a shitty mother, a shitty father, a shitty brother. (All only mentioned.)
Trigger warnings: mentions of abuse, injuries, blood.
He groaned as his eyes opened, pain flared up through his body. He groaned and silently cursed out the royals, he was supposed to call family, had beaten him merely minutes, hours, days before... he hadn't been sure when the last time he was awake.
He merely pushed himself up and walked to his bathroom, despite having a bedroom and washroom for himself... he was never safe, this kingdom was never home.
The twelve year old stared into the mirror, looking at the blood dripping down his face with a cruel red.
He knew fully well why they hated him... they hated him because he was a hybrid, a mistake to the family. You see, there are two separate kingdoms in the lands, splitting it in half. One kingdom was the kingdom Tommy has been born into... the human kingdom. The royal humans believe that hybrids should not be alive yet due to a peace agreement, as long as a hybrid isn't caught on their land... they can't kill them. They torture and kill any hybrid on the land. Tommy knew his fate was to die or be sold to someone for his feathered wings.
However the other kingdom was the hybrid kingdom... Tommy was a bit unsure from the stories he's been told what was actually true. If they were, he didn't want to be anywhere near them. He just wanted peace... he just wanted a single day where he could feel normal and not a curse to everyone around him.
The boy wiped the blood from his face, a red stained line was left on his face. He was about to check the head wound where the blood was coming from but froze when footsteps walked into his room. He pondered if the royal family wanted to beat him more... was it his time to die?
As he pondered unfamiliar voices spoke quietly, quieter so that no normally human could hear them, despite that... Tommy's heightened hearing could hear and understand them perfectly.
"Is this his room?" A male voice asked another person in the room. Tommy didn't dare move, his eyes never left the mirror as the mirror had the perfect view of the door from where he stood.
"Yeah..." another male voice stated calmly after a moment, "Do you think we came in time?" The male wondered with worry clear in his voice. The twelve year old finally looked away from the mirror, his eyes ignoring the door. He turned to the door and got into a defensive stance in case they came through the door. The moment the door moves, Tommy stares, his hands will light ablaze. Fire will surrounds his hands, burning the two alive if they dare step close.
"They better have fucking not. Cruel mother fuckers doing that to a kid." Anger laces in the first males voice leaving Tommy a bit confused... he thought for a moment. He shook his wad clear from his thoughts and crept silently to the door to peak out. He wanted to see who these males were... why were they in his room looking for him?
He managed to sneak up into the silence and glanced out of the crack in the partly opened door. He noticed two well built males.
On had dirty blond hair with a mask tied to the side of his head. He wore armour that seemed a bit familiar in his mind. Wondering for a moment, it clicks... they were from the hybrids kingdom. Their netherite swords were clear as the human kingdom didn't dare travel to the nether to get such items.
The other male had smooth raven coloured hair, he had a bandana tied around his head. His amour was the same as the other one.
Tommy pondered why people of the hybrid kingdom were looking for him. They didn't look hybrids... had he been wrong with the amour? He was unsure as he hadn't properly seen the amour of the hybrid kingdom before.
"Shit... Dream, there's blood." The raven haired male bent down suddenly where Tommy had laid not even ten minutes ago. The boy hadn't noticed the pool of blood that had gathered on his floor...
"It's new... we're gonna need Bad and Niki ready when we find this kid." The masked male, Dream if Tommy heard correctly, stated glancing around for more blood.
Dreams eyes scanned the room for another moment before his eyes paused, locking eyes with Tommy. The boy panicked and closed the door swiftly. The poison coloured eyes, they seemed trusting but Tommy, in a panicked and dizzy state, decided quickly to not trust them.
He heard a quite swear being mumbled after the door slammed shut. "Kid... listen to me," Dreams voice came through the door. "We're here to rescue you from this hell," the male stated. "I know it's not logical to trust two strangers that are in your room after you were just beaten but you just need to trust us..." the male stated calmly. "We can bring you somewhere safe... where you'll be loved and protected."
Tommy squeezed his eyes shut, he couldn't think... could he really leave...
His thoughts trailed off, they weren't his family. They were the humans royals whom hated hybrids and the mistake they made twelve year ago. Tommy slowly opened the door, looking straight into the poisonous green eyes.
"Hey kiddo... I'm Dream, that's Sapnap." He immediately stated with a soft smile.
"Tommy..." he mumbled watching the two to make sure he wasn't making a mistake. His mind was foggy... Sapnap noticing this, walked closer carefully and pulled the boy into a hug. Tommy flinched slightly in his grip but something in him, his instinct, told him to trust the male.
The suddenly warm touch made Tommy lean on the male, his eyes closed and he soon after blacked out.
His eyes slowly opened, talking in the room made him aware of he wasn't in the kingdom he was born in... he sat up and glanced around for a moment, noticing the slight pain. He glanced down and noticed he was wrapped in bandages with one bandage over his eye. His vision was a bit weird as it had been cut in half due to the bandage.
The boys wings fluttered slightly, he noticed with the dried blood being cleaned off of his wings... they were a bright red with golden tips. The boys wings wrapped around him as he heard people coming closer.
"He's fine but I suggest waiting a bit before teaching him anything. Get him as comfortable as possible and be careful not to bring up any bad memories. If he panics at a certain few words, don't say they after it." A new voice said as the footsteps echoed through the room. "I need to check on him when he wakes up and then you can show him around."
The curtains moved slightly as footsteps seemed to pause. The male voice that was speaking paused as he seemed to regain his voice. "Hey kiddo..." the familiar voice sounded... Dream. Tommy moved his wings slightly to look at the male who had been with two unknown people. Dream walked to the boys side and sat at the end of the bed. "It's okay, you're safe now. Can Bad check up on you? He's a demon hybrid," The male stated gesturing for the obvious demon hybrid to move closer.
The demon hybrid moved a bit closer with a soft smile preset on his face. Tommy waited for a moment before nodding, Dream was nice... "can I touch you? I know it's a bit sudden but I need to check your eye." Tommy nodded once more slowly. Bad slowly came closer and walked Tommy through what he was doing before he even touched the bandage. Each step was carefully explained and Tommy had been told at if any point he felt threatened or in danger to scream.
Bad carefully, while explaining, took the bandages off and letting the boy see fully. Tommy blinked a few times, "Can you see properly?" The male asked looking in Tommy's light blue eyes.
"Mhm..." Tommy hummed not wanting to verbally respond.
"Alright, Tommy, I'm going to wrap back up your eye. It's still healing," bad explained as he slowly walked through the steps once more of putting it back on. Tommy had relatively ignored the unknown male in the room but he turned to him.
"Oh, that's Philza, he's a bird hybrid like you. I thought you'd feel more comfortable if he was around since hybrids are normally more attached to their own species." Dream explained knowing Tommy probably didn't know it with being raised by asshole humans.
Phil was a blond, quite tall with two pitch black wings like a crow. Tommy flinch when a voice immediately screamed at him. 'Flock!' Bad pulled away after feeling Tommy flinch. A bit worried he had harmed Tommy.
"It's okay baby bird, what happened?" Phil asked as his bird brain immediately wanted to protect the baby bird that seemed to accept him into the flock already.
"Brain just screamed flock..." he mumbled as he looked away, Phil smiled as he walked forward making sure Tommy could hear him coming closer before he touched the boys wings. Tommy flinched again at the touch but calmed down a bit and relaxed into Phil's hand as the male combed through the boys messy wings.
"That's normal baby bird..." Phil stated as he looked to Bad and nodded to continue. "No need to be afraid of it."
"W-what are you doing...?" Tommy asked as he looked over as Phil carefully combed through his wing.
"Preening, it's often used to organize feathers, build trust amongst the flock, or to calm fledgling like you down." He stated as he continued to comb the wing with his hand. Bad at this point had finished silently as he glanced over the other bandages, he nodded and didn't touch them as all of them were good to keep on until the next day when he'd be forced to change them.
"You're safe here strawberry..." Phil stated, already having a nickname for the small boy he was preening the wings of. Tommy aloud for himself to trust the males and closed his eyes. For once in his life... he felt safe.
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