(3) Ready.
AU: Kingdom
Information: Tommy is the youngest prince of the Antarctic kingdom... the kingdom had been attacked by another kingdom while in a war with them. The king and the two eldest faced off against, joining the guards in the fight. Tommy was told to run and not look back as they began the attack. Tommy left... yet he would take back the kingdom. Magic and hybrid do exist, yet many people don't have them.
Family: Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur.
He stared out into the rising fires that pledged the kingdom he grew to love and hold dear. He watched as the flames roared and threatened the lives caught in the crossfire.
He glanced away, his family and kingdom was gone. He needed to leave just as their last words had stated to him, he would come back and rule over the kingdom he had abandoned when he turned sixteen. For now, he must survive and let the years pass swiftly as he worked towards his only goal to achieve his families thrown back.
He was only six years old and hoped he didn't die in the cruel world he had to now grow into.
The teen, once boy, was almost sixteen as he got up upon his horse, Clementine. Clementine had been with him for nine years now, if it wasn't for Clementine, Tommy wouldn't live to see his kingdom.
He adjusted his bag that hung limply over by his side. The memories he had stored was more important then anything as it proves he was the rightful ruler of the said kingdom.
He grabbed onto the rope before riding off towards the kingdom to see what it had become... whether a kingdom of ruins or a thriving kingdom who wasn't ruled by the right bloodline.
The boy would soon arrive and know what happened to his home and kingdom he longed for for years.
After a few hours he was before the gates, ever looming and great. It was just as he remembered it, he noticed two guards posted up outside the gate. He jumped off Clementine and grabbed her leash, he walked up to the gate.
"Good evening gentlemen, may I be allowed entrance?" Tommy said Boeing slightly... he needed to keep his calm as he didn't want anyone to question him just yet.
"Of course sir," the guard turned to the other, "open up the gate." He stated harshly to the seemingly younger guard. The younger guard quickly nodded and went to some sort of lever. "So," the older guard turned to Tommy in a wonder, "if I may ask sir... why are you here?"
Tommy was ready with a stable answer, "I was just passing through. I've been traveling for quite a while to see my family up south. Yet I won't get there before dark so I'll be staying here for a couple of days for rest." The guard nodded and gestured him through the gate. He lead Clementine to a stable first, paying what was needed to get her to stay there and not out on the street.
Tommy was attempting to stay at a Inn somewhere in the kingdom, despite this... he didn't remember much on where inn's were as he never had to stay in them before the attack, he was a prince.
The teen noticed something waving on the ground for a moment, he walked over and picked up a missing persons poster. He froze when he saw his face on the poster... he didn't know what to do but the paper looked oddly old. He pondered if the person who forcefully took the kingdom had wanted to find the boy only to kill him.
He stared at the paper for longer then he should have because he heard a voice behind him, "Do you know him?"
Tommy turned around at the sudden voice, not showing any fear. He stared at the figure for a moment. The male had long pink hair that was braids neatly behind him, a crown rested loosely on his head, his outfit was much like his eldest brothers style back then... more royal then the rest seemed. Tommy hated this fact that this must be the prince of the kingdom and he looked so much like his dead brother it hurt.
Yet, the painfully fake smile was put on as he shook his head. "Not exactly, my brother had told me stories about the kingdom and how it used to be years ago. The sons and the father ruling..." Tommy paused and decided to say a secret line only his bloodline knew. "He'd always say, it was much like the remains of L'manburg. Never quite got what that meant." He scanned the males face.
The pink haired male starred at him for a moment before he nodded slightly, "to be honest my brother said the exact some thing before he went missing..." he glanced over the old missing photo. "He'd always refer this place to Pogtopia."
Tommy froze and thought for a moment, he took in the males look one last time before muttering something under his breath. "Techno...?" He asked a bit unsure as the red eyes of his assumed dead brother stared at him.
"Welcome home Toms," the older said and pulled the boy into a hug. "Let's get you home..." he mumbled as he pulled away. "Dad and Wilbur will be happy to see you." The older stopped for a moment after saying that, he scanned the boys face before turning away. Tommy glanced away slightly, his facial scars were very much there and a huge pain in the ass.
The walked in silence, "when'd you get here?" Techno suddenly asked out of the blue.
Tommy hummed, "just a few hours ago maybe. I was looking for a Inn to stay in. I left Clementine at a stable." Techno paused and looked down at his brother.
"Who's Clementine?"
"Oh, my horse. Shes probably the whole reason I'm alive and here standing."
"Let's go get her, we have a stable by the kingdom for our horses." Tommy merely nodded and the headed back. They were closer to the stables then they were the actual kingdom so they just walked back.
The two arrived, Tommy being riding on Clementine as Techno walked, and put Clem with the other horses who seemed a bit unaccepting of the new horse.
The two walked into the kingdom doors and worry filled the boy. He was too much in thought so it lead to him stopping. The teen glanced to the ground, a moment of worry on his face.
"What's wrong?" Techno asked, quickly seeing the little brother pause in his movements.
Tommy looked up, faking a confident smile, he spoke quickly, "I'm fine. Just an old memory resurfacing." He started a quick lie, yet if Techno was anything similar to the way he was in the past, the older brother would know the lie and tell the other two.
Techno studied the boy for a moment before nodding and leading him to the throne room. Tommy couldn't remember all that much of the lay out of the castle he grew up in for a short part of his life.
As they entered the room, Tommy noticed his father instantly. Phil sat on his throne while speaking to some of the guards. One of the said guards caught Tommy's attention. The masked guard...
The masked guard was one he saw wandering around the most often. He had noticed him in almost every village he had traveled to, almost as if the guard had been following him.
"No King, the tracker can not be broken. If it were, then it would stay in one place. Yet it's been moving and recently it lead me back here." The guard stated, Tommy made a confused face.
"It's fine Dream, I'm not mad your back. I just want to find him... are you positive your not drained and you being drained broke the compass?" Phil asked a bit worried for the guard.
"I'm positive King, I'll-" he paused for a moment, "one moment my king but the compass is acting up." He apologized as he pulled at the glowing compass.
Tommy glanced to Techno, the male glanced down to lock eyes with with the teen. The male shrugged a bit confused himself and glanced back to the conversation between Phil and Dream.
"Dream, what does that mean?" The king panicked as the compass flowed a bright red.
"He's in the room...?" Dream asked the compass, a bit confused as he glanced around the entrances to the room before landing his eyes on the two standing by the door staring at them.
"Tommy...?" Phil stood up, his wings fluttering slightly as his brain and instincts told him 'flock' immediately.
"Dad..." he managed to find a small voice as he stared at his father he was so sure that he was dead. Phil immediately flew over and crashed in the boy, flying a bit off the ground as he held the boy in a hug. Tommy hugged him back, closing his eyes as he didn't like the sudden height they were at.
They landed softly in the ground after a moment. "Strawberry... you're finally back." Phil stated as he held the boy closely.
Tommy didn't speak as he just held his father, he felt someone else join in the hug... he knew it was Techno as the person was almost too silent as he walked over and joined in on the hug.
The teen fell asleep in his families arm... he did have to wonder where Wilbur was during all of this.
The teen slowly woke up as he heard soft playing of a guitar. The noise was soothing to the boy but he managed to sit up and glance to the male in the corner, strumming a guitar he swore he knew.
He glanced at the males face and smiled, Wilbur...
"Wilby...?" He softly asked as he watched the male pause the quiet strumming and finally look up. The male smiled and stood up, placing the musical instrument down, leaning against the wall slightly. He walked up to the boy and picked him up, laying down with Tommy laid on his chest.
"Go to sleep Toms..." he spoke softly, calming the teen more, "we can talk in the morning." Tommy quickly complied and fell asleep once again, hoping this wasn't a cruel dream and he wouldn't be back at the last place he was, on the way to the kingdom, ready to take back the thrown.
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