(19) His Mission
AU: originSMP AU
Information: Tommy is a hybrid rescuer, he saves hybrids from facilities which capture hybrids and experiments on them (sometimes even torture). He had escaped from the facility he was in and had made it his goal to destroy the organization. Tommy does know a few spells to help him out to keep hybrids he's saved/finds hidden until it's all over. He doesn't talk very often only in certain situations. He wears a masks twenty-four seven, never taking it off in front of other people.
Family: motherinnit (mentioned), Fatherinnit (mentioned), Philza (adopted father), Techno, Wilbur.
Trigger Warnings: mention of murder, mention of burn marks and scars, possible mention of suicide attempt, fire, murder.
He hopped down, holding tightly onto the small child in his arms. He swore to protect him, even more to the people who mattered most in his life. Arrows flew past his head, rockets were fired from crossbows that just barely missed him, the after effects hitting behind his legs and lower back. He knew a few minor burn marks will do nothing to his endless amounts of scars. He quickly jumped off the nearby mountain, slowly falling down as his wings automatically flared to catch his fall.
Each avian has something in their brain to stop themselves from falling to death. No matter how hard they try, they'll never die from falling. Tommy found that out the hardest way possible but it ended up being for the better.
A whimper hit his ears half way down the mountains side. He glanced down noticing the child trembling with his eyes squeezed shut... a fear of heights?
Tommy hummed, he didn't want this child to feel scared but it was for the best right now, they risk death if they stayed any longer. He landed on the solid ground and bolted, a wetness was felt on his shirt as the child gripped on tightly. He had no time to waste as he ran behind the covers of the trees. The quicker and farther he got away, the better it would be for them both.
"Shh..." Tommy managed out in a attempt to calm the small child in his arms. "I'm taking you to your fathers," his voice was a bit hard to use as he hadn't need to speak in months. Saving hybrids from facilities became his job... a job he's had ever since he was taken from his home all those years ago. A memory quickly came to his mind... one he rejected as it was too painful for him to imagine what happened to them.
"Papa...?" The kid started, "dada?" He looked up at Tommy, a eye with redness from crying. Due to this kid being a zombified Piglin hybrid, he was missing an eye and his skull was partly shown. He did get more physical features than most did, the only thing that can tell him apart from the other zombified piglins are the fact he can actually speak the human language.
"Yeah..." Tommy trailed off, "you'll see dada and papa soon." The teen continued at a continuous pace to not get too tired. He didn't want to rest until this kid was safely out of a few hundred blocks away with a few random turns being taken every so often.
"What's your name?" He asked, "'m Michael." Tommy, of course, knew that after all... Tubbo and Ranboo has asked Tommy to find their unofficial son. He didn't care how they came to unofficially adopt a kid as long as they were happy and safe.
"Just call me..." Tommy paused, his name brought back too many memories. Stories of his brothers mythology suddenly rang through his head. "Theseus, I'm Theseus."
A fire bloomed out from a small light of a torch. The house was in flames in moments. Smoke trailed in the air creating a dark cloud above many as they watched this fire burn. The flames only grew larger as he arrived, panic and unfiltered rage flew through him. His home... burned to ash, everyone was surely dead.
He took a step back and glanced to the villagers who crowded around as if it were some sort of show to watch the family of avian's home burn to the ground. If he were to go back, he'd be killed before his wings even came in. He looked human enough but soon he'd get his wings and they burn him alive...
Tommy, being only five at the time, did the only thing he knew how to in moments like this... he ran deep into the forest to never be seen again by those cruel villagers.
He didn't quite remember how long it had been, he just continued to run. He didn't stop until his feet gave out from under him. He cursed lightly as he remembers his father doing countless times. He attempted to push himself up, with tears in his eyes, but failed once again. Slowly, he gave up and laid on the ground.
He was Thomas Kraken Innit, the last member of the Innit family blood line.
. . . . . .
His eyes reopened, unsure of when he closed them, he sat up. A soft humming was hitting his ears. He glanced towards the noise to see a tall man sitting in a chair reading as he hummed a soft tune. Tommy did nothing but listen with questions that he hoped the man would answer.
As some point the elytrian looked at Tommy, a soft smile on his lips as he stopped humming. He slowly closed the book and placed it on a table by Tommy. "Good morning, how are you feeling, mate?" The man asked, Tommy stared at him for a moment longer before answering.
"I'm-..." Yet he paused, "I'm Thomas but call me Tommy please." He spoke quietly, silently questioning if he spoke loud enough for this adult to hear. That was quickly answered when the male smile widened and he nodded.
"Alright Tommy, I'm Philza, but call me Phil. I found you in the woods, can you explain what happened?" The question made the boy pause, what had happened? He hummed a bit in thought.
"I was coming home from playing fishies... I then saw..." he breathed in, tears fell from his eyes. Phil had jumped to help, pulling the boy into a hug, letting him cry into his shirt.
He shot up, his breathing uneven as he glanced around. His family... his two families. He had wanted to suppress it for a bit longer... a sigh passed his lips. He glanced to his side, Michael laid asleep near him. They slept in a well hidden cave, nothing could get to them. Tommy was positive it was a good hiding place for them both to rest. The journey tomorrow was long. It had taken him a few days to get to the facility himself, now with a curious kid who's excited to get to his father's was going to take a bit over the few days he's taken.
His mind faltered back to his family... Phil had adopted him after the unfortunate death of his birth parents. His two new older brothers didn't seem too fond of another kid but slowly grew to love him as time went on.
Tommy sighed, he picked Michael up carefully as to not wake him and laid the child on his chest as he laid down once more.
He was Tommy Kraken Innit-Minecraft, the youngest - also missing - member of the Minecraft family.
Days quickly came and went as they finally arrived to the protected circle. A circle that humans couldn't see thanks to a protection spell. The circle only welcomed hybrids and monsters alike to come through its barriers. If a human should find out about this than rules have been set for what to do.
Michael was clinging onto Tommy as they jumped over the small gap that the spell made. Tommy hoped it would've been slightly safer but nothing could be done about it... at least everyone he's rescued can be themselves within this spell.
"We're nearly there Little zombie," Tommy spoke softly as he continued onwards. Little zombie was a nickname given to Michael after he pretended to be a zombie after seeing some walking around. Tommy swore if that child hadn't been a zombified Piglin hybrid, he would've been killed by them.
"Yay!" Michael cried out in relief. He wanted desperately to see his dada and papa. Tommy smiled, if his mask were off the boy would be able to see the soft smile that crept onto Tommy's lips. "Thank you Theseus!" He cheered before he even got to see his parents.
"It's no problem, but Michael when we get there I can't talk to you again Alright? I don't talk to adults," Michael slowly nodded, understanding. Tommy continued on, eventually ending up in the small village.
A few people were stood around by the lake, Niki in the water as she looked up at the others. Tubbo and Ranboo were sat down near the waters edge but not close enough to actually touch it. "Papa! Dada!" The child immediately ran to his parents once he was set down by the teen.
Tommy didn't stay long enough to watch the reunion, he merely turned around and walked away.
He was Theseus, a hybrid rescuer... he couldn't allow himself to show weakness. He risked them getting in danger despite this area being impossible to be found by humans.
His father and brothers all lived there happily... that was all he needed to continue on with his job.
"Wait!" A familiar voice hit his ears. Tommy turned, Philza quickly landed on the ground. "Can I ask you a favour?" Tommy hummed, it was the most the group ever heard out of him. At Phil continued, "can you find my son? He was taken a few years ago by the organization. He's a blond avian, last time my family was six years ago." He explained, making Tommy stare freeze, "every time you come I don't get a chance to ask. Please," phil pleaded, "I just want to know what happened to him. I want him home but if you find out he's dead please just tell me so we don't have to worry any longer that he's still suffering."
Tommy slowly nodded, humming a yes as he turned away. He didn't know what to do... how could he? He needed to continue to save hybrids yet his family was worry for him each day. He had escaped three years ago from the hellish facility they had him in. He had murdered each one of those fuckers yet he could never truly be free if he didn't stop this organization.
Maybe... jut maybe... when this organization falls he'd finally be happy and free with the rest of his family. Yet for right now, he'd just push through and wait for that time to come.
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