(18) Small Teen... {part 2}
AU: hybrid!Tommy
Information: this is a continuation of chapter 14, Small Teen.... please read part one first. Also a little bit that is useful in this chapter, Tommy isn't meant to have any types of potions in him. At least not any deadly ones... regeneration, healing, fire resistants, slow falling, etc... are allowed but any splash potions aren't.
Family: Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur.
Trigger Warnings: lava, fighting, swords, pain.
A/N: I am working on a part three of the vampire AU but it's taking a bit longer.
He stared off into the night sky, a sigh passing his lips. He didn't go into his magma form too often but when he did it was mainly forced. He was way more carful not to let his family worried when anything revolving around his hybrid self cane up.
Unlike Techno, he can't touch water without some sort of consequence. Tommy being a magma cube hybrid was 'hurt' by water. By 'hurt', he feels a sharp burning pain wherever the water landed.
"Toms, are you up here?" The teen glanced behind him and smiled slightly at his brother as the male joined him on their roof. Wilbur was silent for a moment, seemingly waiting for Tommy to start up a conversation.
The teen faced the stars in the sky... he wanted to keep calm as a part of his skin burned with pain. He had accidentally spilled water on himself, Sure... he can drink the liquid but it can't touch his skin. When he had spilled it, his family was in the room. Not much came of it as they still hadn't known much about magma hybrids. His wrist was burning in pain, he hated it so much, cursing his hybrid.
"What are you doing up here?" Wilbur broke the silence making Tommy upset a little that it was broken. He felt eyes on him as he still stared at the sky. He wanted nothing to do with his family right now. He was terrified he'd be babied, kept far away from liquid besides lava. He hated being pitied... he hated being taken care of.
"Just distracting myself..." Tommy mumbled not bother to come up with a lie. The less he says is better, it's not like they can help the pain if they do know.
Wilbur hummed, knowing something was wrong with his little brother. He looked to the sky, how could he get Tommy to admit he wasn't fine? "Why do you need a distraction?" The older softly asked as his hands were moving slightly on the tiled roof.
"Just..." Tommy trailed off with a sigh, "Just a bad dream I had. That's it," the lie was quick, he didn't care if it was believable or not. Wilbur couldn't call him a liar, he can't see into his dreams.
The plan was simple, Techno and Tommy would enter the nether for a bit. It was supposed to be so simple...
Techno walked a bit ahead of Tommy in the hellish dimension. They were in the nether for about an hour to find a few magma cubes for Tommy to communicate to. When you are looking for something, it's harder to find while your looking for it. In this case, magma cubes were difficult to find at this moment.
"Heh...?" Techno made a noise of confusion as he suddenly stopped. He put his arm out to stop Tommy from going forward. The teen raised an eyebrow as he followed his older brothers gaze.
There was a steep hill with a small pool of lava by the end of the said hill. Three people stood there talking quietly. Tommy didn't recognize these people but it was clear that Techno had. "Theseus, we need to leave... they can't see you." Techno whispered sternly, leaving zero room for a debate. The teen lowered his eyes and looked back to the trio down there before backing up. "Where is the last one...?" Techno mumbled suddenly as he started to back away as well.
Tommy tensed as he backed into someone, he jumped and was about to flip but remembered quickly about the people nearby... they couldn't be spotted by them if Techno wanted them to leave immediately. Yet Tommy turned around quickly to see a rather tall male, a blaze hybrid from what it seemed.
"Uhh... Techno...?" Tommy backed up slightly to his brothers side. The male hummed and froze when he saw the male behind them.
"Get behind me," his voice was stern as he pulled out his sword. The blaze hybrid chuckled as he rolled his eyes at the male, having his own sword in his hands.
"The all mighty Technoblade," Tommy didn't know why but his brain was immediately untrusting of the man. He didn't know if it was the fact Techno was being protective over him, willing to fight this male probably to the death... or the fact there was a off tone in his voice. "Who is this kid?" The makes eyes went to Tommy.
"That doesn't matter, Sapnap. If you don't leave I'll kill you." Techno glared harshly at the male. Tommy thought about the hybrids powers... fireballs could be shot but since both him and techno was a nether hybrid as well... it wouldn't effect him.
"I don't think you will, otherwise..." the said Sapnap trailed off as he looked behind Techno and Tommy, somewhere down the hill behind them. Tommy was about to turned around but a hand covered his mouth and a arm grabbed him, lifting him slightly off the netherrack ground. Muffled screams immediately made its way to Technos ears making him turn.
"Put him down." Techno gripped his sword tighter as he wanted to attack the male who held his baby brother. Tommy was attempting to escape the males grasp but it was impossible in this form but in his hybrid form...
Tommy's mind supplies him with a plan, the moment Techno attacked... he would turn into his magma form, attacking immediately by bouncing and kicking them down the steep hill, hopefully falling into the lava below. Tommy isn't mind killing someone, his brother did it all the time... he was the blood god after all.
The plan was put into action closer than Tommy imagined... Sapnap swung his sword leaving techno to defend himself and attacking back. This was obviously a distraction so the three could flee with Tommy while techno was distracted with Sapnap.
The male holding him slowly backed up, about to turn around when Tommy shrunk and hit he ground. He didn't waste time before jumping up and with his full force, kicked the male square in the chest. The male holding him was a masked male with a green hoodie... odd.
He fell backward as Tommy turned to the other two and cane back to him human form, taking out some potions and swords. He splashed the potions down, blindness and nausea potions. The two felt the effects almost immediately as Tommy swung his sword a few inches from each of their faces making them stumble back just as the masked male had. All three fell down the hill, Tommy didn't care enough to check if they landed in lava or not.
The teen turned to Techno to see him standing over the male with a sword to his neck. "Dream, let him go or-... heh?" Techno turned around with a raised eyebrow. He hummed and removed the sword from the other neck. "Don't try and threaten me." The male left the male there and quickly grabbed Tommy's arm and pulled him away from the scene.
Tommy placed his sword back where it had been as he was pulled along. He didn't mind but dreaded the fact Techno would probably ask what happened. They managed to make it to the bastion before Techno stopped pulling Tommy along. With his arm being finally free from his brothers grasp, he rubbed his arm since Techno held it a bit too hard but it was okay.
"What happened?" The question made Tommy sigh as he thought about how to explain it.
"I turned into my magma form and killed the masked guy down the hill. Then I made the other two stumble down the hill. I don't think their dead... maybe." He whispered the maybe as he wasn't sure if they landed in the lava or not.
Techno hummed, nodding slightly after hearing that. "Alright, lets get home," the male walked away, Tommy followed quickly. The two of them was silent as they walked to their nether portal. When they stepped through the portal, Tommy cursed under his breath. It was raining quite heavily.
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