(15) "You're Strong Theseus."
AU: Blindinnit
Information: the DreamSMP lives in a village, Tommy is the newest member. Everyone sees him as a little brother as they do their best to protect him. Tommy was born blind but did want to be able to see for once in his life. He wanted to see colours, animals, what he looked like, what others looked like...
Family: Unknown
Trigger Warnings: blood.
Tommy couldn't remember a day he hadn't been blind. He was just born like it and forced to adapt to his surroundings, only listening to the sounds presented around him. The teen, even at a young age, took his disability as a weakness he must never speak a soul to. Pity was something he seethed at, no matter who from.
In the small SMP village filled with hybrids, Tommy was the only human. It hadn't mattered much as he was like everyone's little brother.
The teen folded the last piece of clothing, placing it in a drawer. Sure he may have been a minor still but he was capable of caring for himself. A house to himself... he may have never seen what it looked like but he didn't care all that much. The one story house was enough for him.
Loud knocking on the door came as Tommy closed the said drawer. He pondered who it could've been... the knocking patterned he grew familiar with. He guessed from the pattern it was Wilbur coming to get him for a bonfire everyone in the village was doing.
He walked over to the door and opened it, waiting for the male to start first. "Hey Toms! Ready for the bonfire? It's starting soon." As he suspected Wilbur, the male shifted slightly telling Tommy he was holding some sort of bag.
"Of course I am!" The teen glanced down to the small little movements of the fabric blowing in the slight wind. "What's in the bag?"
Wilbur hummed, Tommy could only assume a smile rested on the males faced. "Just some games Dream wanted me to bring. C'mon!" The male started to walk off, his feet making loud footsteps away in excitement. Tommy waited a moment before closing the door and following slightly behind. The chatter was heard from about twenty feet away, Tommy guessed as the voices were still too far away to make out what conversations they were having.
As they walked about ten more feet, each conversation was clearly heard.
"... that's not what you said last night." Quackity's voice flirted with Karl and Sapnap presumably.
"... I will speed run win," Dream stated. A clear smirk was on his face as Tommy followed behind Wilbur. The teen was clueless to who Dream could've said that too as the male had said that to almost everyone in the village if they dare him to do something.
"... hey! Don't mess with my flowers!" Hannah screamed as she ran and hit someone lightly on the hand. The light smack could be heard.
"... no, I will not summon lightning down." Foolish sighed, clearly annoyed with the question.
Tommy tuned out the other conversations, it wasn't useful to listen to as many were casually talking. It was of zero interest to the teen. "Tommy glad to see you again," The teen was hugged suddenly, the talking had distracted him he forgot to listen for footsteps near him. Everyone in the village knew Tommy liked physical affection as the teen often leans into it and sometimes, very rarely, refuses to let go. Yet the voice clearly belonged to Sam.
"Hey Sam, nice to see you too." Tommy hugged back, leaning into it. The creeper hybrid had went on a mission out of town leaving for a couple weeks. Tommy guessed he had just returned just in time for the bonfire.
Tommy sat a bit away from the group, he refused to play the simple card game... a simple excuse of, "Card games games never really stuck with me." So, he sat alone listening to the different sounds around him. The sound of the fire crackling near him... the sound of birds chirping... the sound of the wind blowing harshly... the sound of footsteps approaching with something metal hitting metal for a moment.
Tommy wondered for a moment if this were someone challenging to a fight. It had been common for this village to challenge each other... after all it made them stronger than ever before. Despite the challenges, minors weren't allowed to fight adults. Minors on minors were allowed to fight and adults on adults were allowed too, yet never minors on adults.
"Theseus, follow me." Techno's monotone voice was clear as he approached. The teen merely hummed as he stood up and quickly walked to the male who now stood still waiting for the teen.
Techno started walking away, leading Tommy to carefully track his footsteps. Techno's footsteps were quiet as he walked ahead of him. Despite it being difficult... he didn't care as it got easier to follow as they walked farther and farther from the loud bonfire.
Rushing water was heard, birds chirping to each other as the wind moved against the trees around them. Tommy didn't know where they were headed as he never bothered to explore much outside the village.
The blood god stopped moving and stood somewhere. Tommy walked next to the male as he heard the metal clank against metal. Techno suddenly wrapped a arm around the teens shoulder. The male was the less likely to touch him as he didn't really like being touched. Yet Tommy leaned into the touch and waited for the male to speak.
"Theseus," techno started after a moment of silence, "I found this place a while back." Tommy's chest pang with sadness, he didn't know whether it showed on his face or not but the teen felt it in his heart. Techno showed him a rushing river that seemed too loud. He guessed a waterfall from how loud it seemed to be.
"It's beautiful," Tommy allowed his eyes to scan the river, making sure that Techno hadn't accidentally found out now of his blindness. "The current is strong," Tommy stated as he wanted to keep a conversation going.
"Tommy..." technos voice trailed off, a slight confusion in his voice. Tommy tensed as techno didn't normally call him by his actual name. "Can you see?"
Tommy, confused to how Techno came to that conclusion, panicked. He had attempted to hide this fact, he thought he was doing it well. He faked his emotions as he smiled, "of course I can big man! Why would you assume I couldn't?"
"Every time there is a game that involves seeing, or even reading, you avoid it. I can see the panic in your eyes each time someone offers you to play or join them." Techno stated, yet before Tommy could protest that this didn't mean he was blind, the male continued. "This river is red, Tommy... there are trees o the other side of us with leafless trees, dying as they are against the top of the river about to break." Techno let the teen go for a moment before turning the teen to face him. "Tell me Tommy... what colour is my eyes?"
The teen thought back to each conversation, none of them were about eye colour. Tommy sighed, "fine, I'm blind, but why did you take me here?"
"Well Theseus," techno hummed, "I wanted to show you the cursed lands nearby. Everyone knew about this and knows not to go this way." Tommy nodded slightly and sighed.
"Can you not tell anyone? I can't seem weak in front of them." Techno pulled the teen into a hug.
"I won't tell them, Theseus... but it's not weak for being blind. It makes you stronger as your other sense have to work twice as hard then mine and everyone else in the village does." Techno paused, "you are strong, Theseus."
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