(13) A Vampires Fledglings... but not yet {Part 2}
AU: Vampire AU
Information: this is part two of chapter 11, please read the first part before reading this part.
Family: Unknown
Trigger warnings: blood, blood bags, dead body.
Hands ran through his hair as warmth engulfed him like it never had before. Every time he woke up in the past, each time it was cold and unwelcoming as he came out of the dreams world he loved. The pain he had felt just mere hours ago had faded to nothing, just as his human self died.
Tommy felt his bones, teeth, and head ache... he was unsure why as he shifted slightly to lean into the unknown persons touch. A chuckle was admitted, yet Tommy didn't care to find out the owner of it. His stomach growled, throat dry, as he whined a bit.
"Fledgling... are you awake?" A male voice, quite familiar, asked. Tommy slightly opened his eyes, confused to what was going on around him. It took a second of glancing around before his eyes landed on the crow father's form sitting down on the side of the bed, pushing his hair out of his face.
Tommy immediately sat up, pushing the crow father's hand away. He was frightened... had he truly been turned? His hands went up to his neck slowly as he remembered the agony he had went through after the males teeth sunk in.
"Oh great, I was worried you wouldn't wake up. You've been out for a while, mate." The vampire stated, unfazed by the fact Tommy seemed to be having a inner crisis, fear was the only thing the male could see. "I'm Philza, but call me Phil, Fledgling. I know your hungry but you're gonna have to wait a bit longer, Techno and Wilbur are gone to find one."
Tommy blinked, he attempted to hide his clear fear in his eyes. "What do yo-you mean find one?!" Tommy screamed as he managed to stand up, stumbling a bit as he walked backwards. His back quickly hit the hall soon after.
Phil chuckled, "I think you know, mate..." no remorse hid behind the males eyes as he carefully watched his new fledgling stand there in a defensive position. Tommy didn't know what to do... if he ran he'd surely end up attacking someone. He'd be a feral vampire running from the site who turned him. Fighting the site would be useless as Tommy knew he was weaker in this state. Panic was clear... it was clear to all. Tommy hadn't wanted to harm anyone, hell he was a hunter just a week ago... and now he's what he was brought in this world to fight against.
The sire carefully studied the teen, everyone reacted differently to being turned. Techno reacted, in his words, the best way he could in his situation years ago. Wilbur hadn't had a very good reaction but quickly accepted his new life as it did stop him from doing his dream. Phil could see Tommy's inner struggle as the boy absentmindedly glanced to the reinforced, locked window, and Phil.
Suddenly, the silence of the room was interrupted when a iron smell his their noses. Tommy was caught off guard by the smell, he shook his head clear. He pondered why it was so strong... had him being turned tuned up his senses?
"Looks like their back," Phil smiled as he stood up and turned his body to face the boy. Tommy's eyes widened as he would've took another step back but his back was against the wall. He didn't want this... was the person they brought still alive? Fear was admitting off of the boy, Phil could tell the teen attempted to hide it from the world. "I know your not used to it Fledgling..." Phil said a bit of a worried tone, "but you have to eat."
"No I don't! I'm not drinking someone's fucking blood!" Tommy yelled suddenly as his fear was filtered through as rage. When the fear becomes too much for him for a bit too long... it can be filtered as hellish rage.
Phil sighed, "you are going to have to. You physically can't starve yourself unless you lock yourself in a steel room. You will go feral at one point Fledgling." Phil stated, Tommy rage only increasing as his fear grew. His mind spun a thousand questions that wouldn't be answered. The main one: why didn't they just kill him instead?
Before Tommy could speak, the door opened, "father, we have..." the blood god stood there in the doorway. He locked eyes with the teen and hummed. "We have some blood bags." The male walked inside the room with Wilbur following behind holding actual blood bags. The smell of iron was strong despite the only blood in the room was in sealed bags.
Tommy gave a confused look, Phil nodded, grabbing a blood bag from him. The male turned back to Tommy, "fledglings start off by drinking animal blood. Their bodies can't take human blood until after a few months."
Tommy glared, "how do I know your not lying?"
Phil hummed, a sick smile on his face. "You were a vampire hunter, you needed to know the difference between animal and human blood. It's one of the tells how to track us."
Despite the rage and fear Tommy felt, he knew he was right. Yet there was techniques to tell the difference. There was a device Tommy was given to tell him the difference immediately... yet there was a less great way to tell. Each hunter was given a shot that, if needed, to tell the difference in blood by tasting it and then spitting it immediately. If it was a bitter taste, it would've been human blood... yet, if it tasted as nothing, it was animals.
Tommy carefully snatched the blood bag from the male. He didn't want to be too close to the vampires who forced him to be one of them. Tommy hated the iron smell of the bag, he hesitated before opening the bag and letting a drop of blood on his tongue. Sweet... it was sweet? Tommy was confused as he glanced at the bag. What did sweet even mean? The boy didn't know as he hadn't needed to taste blood before. The bitter taste wasn't there... was animal blood sweet after being bitten?
"Why is it sweet...?" Tommy asked, his rage and fear being calmed down a bit.
"When a Fledgling is still young, animal blood is sweet. It slowly changes over time, human blood will be bitter to you for a few months." The blood god stated before leaving. He rather leave the room than watch the teen drink the blood.
Tommy, knowing he couldn't eat normal food, glanced down at it. If what the vampire said was true... he'd have at least a few months of drinking animal blood. He didn't want to ahem anyone yet he knew he needed to keep his mind. The fear and rage dying down, he needed to at least drink some blood to make sure he didn't go feral.
Wilbur sighed, "I'll be back Dad." The male laid down the blood bags on the bed before swiftly leaving after Techno. Tommy watched as Wilbur closed the door in a clear hurry. He pondered why the two vampires rushed off quickly. Phil didn't mind as the two rushed off, seemingly knowing the two can handle it on their own.
The male turned back to the teen to see if he decided to drink the animal blood or not. Questions swarmed the teens head... could he survive the rest of his vampire life on animal blood. He glanced at the blood bag, lowering his eyes. Tommy couldn't hide his fear in his eyes, despite his emotionless face. His fear didn't filter through as rage now.
Tommy steadied his breathing, he put the opening of the blood bag to his lips before drinking it. He refused to think of it as blood... anything else but blood. Something in him told him to drink more as he finished the animal blood bag.
He hadn't realized he had finished it as he held it away from him. It felt so wrong to the teen... yet unless he was killed, this was his new life.
Phil smiled slightly, kind eyes looking at the teen. He grabbed another blood bag knowing Tommy was still hungry. The teen was about to refuse but he hesitant's as his mind screamed at him to keep going.
Months on months of drinking animal blood, Tommy realized how bitter it tasted. It slowly faded to the bitter taste instead of the sweet taste he was used to. The teen was slowly accepting his new life but he was set on not harming anyone.
Every second day, the two of Phil's sons went to get some animal blood. Tommy didn't mind he wasn't aloud outside as he feared going feral and attacking someone. There was also the slight fear of running into one of the hunters he worked with in the past. Would they kill him with no second thought...? Would they remember him...? Would they even care that he was turned?
Tommy was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt something coming up his throat. He rushed to the bathroom, he threw up. The teen growled, blood was in the toilet... the animal blood he had drank this morning.
Tommy, being clueless to what was happening, vision turned red as he felt himself slip away from reality.
Muffled screams were heard before Tommy's vision fully came back. He groaned as his head pounded in his head. He glanced around feeling the cold breeze on his exposed arms.
He wiped his mouth, blood... Tommy stared at this blood for a moment before looking quickly on the ground. At his feet was a pale corpse, two bite marks were in her neck which was a sick red.
The former vampire hunter slowly backed away, panic settled in. He killed someone... tears brined his eyes as he just turned and ran. He needed to leave the area. As if a cruel fate dealt him shitty cards, he bumped into someone. The person caught him and pulled him to their chest. They whispered soft reassurances into his ear.
"... it's okay, you didn't mean too..." the voice paused. Soft humming started in a attempt to calm the boy. Tommy, once filled with an overwhelming fear, calmed down in this hold.
The vampire fledgling managed to open his eyes, he noticed the familiar clothing as the one and only Wilbur.
Had he fully accepted this vampire life? No. yet had he grown too attached to leave...? Yes.
Tommy allowed himself to fall asleep in the older vampires arms. The dead person long forgotten as he was protectively held by the male.
"Wilbur! Did you..." a voice trailed off, a sigh of relief was heard. Footsteps came closer and brushed the strawberry blond hair of the teen back.
"He's Fine Dad... he went feral and killed someone." The sire smiled, nodding to the male.
"We need to get him adjusted to human blood..." Phil sighed as he slowly took the teen away from the male. He picked the teen up bridal style and started to walk in the direction of their home.
Tommy shifting slightly as blood still stained his lips.
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