(10) His Plan...
Information: the SBI family has a family with abilities, each blood relative has one. Yet when Tommy got his ability, he could see into the future. He developed a plan to get his family back together after they were split up in the old future Tommy refused to allow to happen. Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy are biologically Phil's children. Fundy is eighteen, almost nineteen, and was born just two years before Tommy came. Sally was murdered in cold blood, Kristen had died due to an illness.
Trigger Warnings: death, blood, gore, dead body.
Family: Philza, Kristen, Wilbur, Techno, Ranboo (adopted), Tubbo, Michael, Fundy.
Blood soaked his clothing, it wasn't his blood as he stared at the dead body that laid before him. He smiled slowly with empty baby blue eyes. His normally strawberry blond hair was slightly covered in blood spatter. His plan worked... he was going to fully have his family back.
On the prisoners dead body, Tommy kneeled down and whispered quietly, "give it up you bastard. I'll take it one way..." Tommy allowed his hand to glow as the spirt was clearly still in the body with full intent to revive himself when the teen left and gave up. "Or another." Tommy's voice was cold and calculating as his power ran over the Dreams still chest. The revive book, a normal looking book at first with a bright light admitting off of it, rushed out of the chest and went to its new, alive, owner. Tommy reached out to it, the book was grabbed and slowly faded into his veins. Power surged in him for a moment, his veins in his hands being a bright white. Slowly, it faded to normal leaving Tommy to look down at the dead body of his former enemy.
A click alerted him to the lava being retracted, Tommy turned his head before whistling. Suddenly, he was teleported out, his enderperal was in a containment chamber that Ranboo had closed the lid on.
"Did you do it?" The boy asked nervously as he fiddled with a grass block nervously.
"He's dead," Tommy stated turning to see Tubbo and Michael laying near a tree. Micheal was cuddling to his papa's chest. "And I have the book," Tommy looked back to Ranboo as he flicked his hand wit the bright book appearing.
Ranboo smiled, "We'll head to Techno and Phil's home. Can you handle Will?"
Tommy nodded, "I'm a big man bitch, of course I can!" He yelled, calming down after a moment, "but really ill be fine. Wilbur knows the plan just as Techno and Phil do now. You did tell them right?" Tommy asked to be reassured that Techno would kill him for his supposedly betraying them despite it being in the plan they, Techno and Philza, didn't quite know at the time.
"Yeah, I told them a few weeks back. I remember that conversation since Techno turned full Piglin. Don't ask why," Ranboo pleaded as he didn't want to remember the full conversation.
"Right..." Tommy trailed off, "just get there safely brother."
"I will Toms," Ranboo simply walked to his platonic husband and child, picking them up with his long ass enderman arms and teleporting out of sight and mind for right then. Tommy looked at the book which was still in his hands. He opened it, jumbled symbols or words were unreadable to most. Yet the language was clear on what it was written in, enchantment table. A rare language to be able to speak and read in, yet Tommy did know it from his time in exile. He had too much time on his hands which lead to him picking up a few skills that proved to be useful now he was free and farther into the final stages of the plan he had set from the very moment he got the special gifts in Pogtopia.
He allowed the book to disappear as he reached to pull out his communicator. He paused when footsteps were coming towards him.
"Tommy?" Ghostbur's familiar, innocent, voice came through the wind. Tommy smiled, the blood definitely worried the ghost. "Why are you covered in blood...? Are you hurt!" The ghost asked startled by the realization. He flew forward as Tommy summoned the book.
"I have the revive book Ghostbur," Tommy smiled at him, making the ghost pause.
"You can revive me...?" The ghost asked with a smile himself.
"Yeah, I can..." Tommy nodded, "you do get what that means don't you Ghostbur?" The ghost nodded, knowing this was his official death and that the true Wilbur will be back. "Good..." Tommy flipped to the right page and smiled, the enchanted table lettering was indeed strange but nothing too difficult to say.
Tommy spoke slowly at first, picking up the pace as he spoke in enchantment table while sticking out his free hand to touch the said ghost. The innocent ghost closed his eyes, waiting for his time on the train.
Tommy's eyes closed the moment he finished the last word on the page. He waited for the screams he expected. He thought it would've been painful like he was revived... it hadn't been. No screams happened, nothing. Had he done it right?
Tommy pondered this for a moment before a hand touched his face, wiping a bit of the blood away that spattered. Tommy opened his eyes, the book being gone from his hands. Yet in front of him stood him brother, fully there with his brown eyes having the kind aura he didn't realize he missed.
"Tommy?" Wilbur asked after a bit of the boy jut staring, "when you said it would be bloody... I didn't think their'd be this much on you."
"I would hug you but I don't want to get you covered in blood just yet. Especially not the green bastards blood." Tommy hissed our the last sentence.
Wilbur smiled, his eyes flashing a red for a moment as he adjusted to the rush he felt. Being in the afterlife can make you forget most of the feelings while alive. Tommy waited a moment for the male to adjust as he knew after being revived isn't easy... he did go through the same thing.
"Let's go see Phil," Wilbur stated after his eyes turned back to their normal brown colour. "What's the next part of your plan?" The male asked as Tommy gestured for Wilbur to follow. The male agreed and followed leaving the question left in the air.
"There is one more thing I need to do, remember Fundy...?" Tommy asked knowing fully well he could tell Wilbur the next part.
"Of course, my lovely furry son," Wilbur smiled fondly at the blurry memories of the last time he saw the said fox hybrid... but the memories he mostly remembered were of the boy when he was younger, a mere baby, toddler, and child. "What about him?" Wilbur questioned with a raised eyebrow.
Tommy was silent for a moment, "he may have truly betrayed us but he's going through pain too much right now. I want our family to be whole again, and I mean whole. Wilbur," Tommy stopped leading Wilbur to stop walking as well. "If I give you a map, will you go straight to Technos and Phil's home? I want to get Fundy before something happens. Ranboo knows everything about the plan I have so when you get there tell him to start going through with it. I'll met up with you soon, once Fundy is..." Tommy trailed off for a moment. He knew Wilbur couldn't hear the next part. He thought for a moment, "Fundy is agreeing to come with us. We'll all be away from the wars and risk of our lives again."
Wilbur smiled, despite knowing the boy lied, he ruffed the blood hair with spattered blood. "Alright Toms, I suggest cleaning yourself up before seeing him. Fundy isn't good with blood after..." Wilbur trailed off, "Sally's death." The male sighed, looking away as he thought of the salmon hybrid. Tommy smiled slightly, hoping the revive book could bring someone back who's been dead for more than a decade.
"Here, go to the snow biome. You'll know it when you see it. If you get lost message Tubbo, Ranboo, Techno, or Phil on your communicator that you need help. I need to go now brother, I'll see you later." Tommy pushed a map and compass into the males hands before rushing towards Fundy's base.
The fox hybrid shot up, tears in his eyes as he pushed his back to the wall. He growled to himself at the nightmares that pledged his mind. He buried his face in his knees, he wanted nothing more than comfort... did it matter where from? No. His mind went to the family he's betrayed and too long ago lost.
The door opening startled the fox hybrid, was he still in the nightmare? He looked up in silent fear. The question was answered when Tommy stepped through the door. The uncle didn't hesitant to get to the fox hybrids side.
"Hey, it's okay little fox," Tommy pulled the hybrid into a hug. Despite neither being close during their years on the SMP, Tommy still cared about all of his family deeply.
"W-what are you doing here?" Fundy managed to ask attempting to seen stronger than he actually was.
"Came to get you..." Tommy admitted, "but that's for later, I know about your 'nightmares' and I can help but you have to trust me." Fundys ears twitched, he wanted the nightmares he was having to be over... but doubt clouded his mind. Could he really trust his uncle he's barely spoken to in so long...? Thoughts of doubt was quickly forgotten as Tommy started to run his hand carefully through Fundy's hair, avoiding his ears as the males ears were sensitive and only meant to be touch by those he most trusts.
"Fine..." Fundy mumbled a agreement, leading Tommy to smile. He was familiar with these types of 'nightmares', they can be startling at the start of it.
"Okay... close your eyes," Tommy whispered into the fox's ear. The teen pulled away from the hug, Fundy closed his eyes as Tommy instructed.
Something was wrapped around his neck, a necklace of some sort as Fundy assumed. "Open your eyes," Fundy followed the instructions to look at his neck. A amulet that was a slightly glowing orange slightly. "Until you can control it, you can go back to sleeping normally as long as this is on you." Tommy stated, "now, I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with us. We're going far away from this SMP, we can't stay here any longer."
"Who's we?"
"Me, Ranboo, Tubbo, Michael, Philza, Techno, and... Wilbur."
"Dads revived?!" Fundy screamed in shock as he was clearly in shock. Tommy softly smiled, Fundy was a bit confused as Tommy seemed... calmer than he normally seemed. The older noticed the empty look in the teens eyes and concern was clear in his eyes.
"Yeah, do you want to come with us?" Tommy asked sticking out his hand for the still sitting male to take.
Fundy thought for a moment, "don't Phil and Techno hate me?" Worry slipped through his voice, despite his instincts telling him to immediately take the younger hands.
"They don't hate you, they just don't trust you... yet trust can be earned back after a time, it may take a while but it's worth it for family, isn't it?" Tommy asked, his empty baby blue eyes stared into Fundys eyes.
The male thought for another moment before grabbing Tommy's hand, "Let's go..."
Tommy's plan was perfect, yet it didn't go through without trauma and patience. His dulled eyes were a clear sign he wasn't fine but as he lead Fundy out of his house, the boy let a smile come across his lips.
He would get his full family back... yet getting far away from the SMP was the best option before attempting to revive Sally and Kristen.
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