(I'll let you know when to play the song,actually you can play this song some of them are a part while others are just there while you read the story so yah)
Morning in the big tree in the spruce forest (trying to think of a name for the kingdom)
It was a nice day with a nice breeze blowing and the sun shining on parts of the sky as everyone in the kingdom of the woods (got that name from @09savertooth shoutout to them and there beautiful stories) slowly wakes up and starts there day and mean while in the nurse hallow ,Tommy wounds are starting to heal as his bag eyes fade away and his hair seems to be bright a little as it was dark before.
Tommy: does a little wake up groan and slowly opens his eyes to see a wooden ceiling as some sunlight peaks out from the cracks and he yawn as he sits up where am i?
Nurse:oh i see your awake
Tommy:who are you
Nurse:im the nurse and ive been taking care of your wounds ,they were pretty deep but luckily i had enough healing herbs to help you
Tommy:thank you
Nurse:no problem also i there some new clothes for you on the corner of your bed sense the ones your wearing are torn and ripped and a little dirty,ill go ahead and leave you to change walks away and leaves Tommy alone to change
Tommy:... gets up and looks at the clothes
There was a white t-shirt and dark brown jacket and some black pants and his green bandanna,just looking at it reminds him of tubbo and the times they have together and after a little bit Tommy is wearing the new clothes and then felt some extra hair grew and decided to put a ponytail on then put the bandanna on his neck.
Tommy:looks at the mirror huh not bad ✨
As Tommy walks out of the nurse hallow the first thing he sees is a lot of people working or flying and walking around ,he was happy by he sees how beautiful the place looks and then sees Dj and he walks over to her.
Tommy:hey Dj
Dj:hey there,how'd you sleep
Tommy:im feeling.. really good ,i haven't had a good sleep sense....sense i got exiled also thank you for saving me and im sorry that you have to come and save me 😔
Dj:hey hey it's going to be ok,we will protect you
Then 4 hybrids appear around Tommy as he turn around and was surprised.
Tommy:holy shit?! ,what the fuck?!
Dj:Tommy meet my general,tracker,blacksmith and soldier
General fang (wolf hybrid):hey there
Crystal tracker (owl hybrid):oh my
Richard blacksmith (bat hybrid):hi
Frank soldier (cat hybrid):kid's got a mouth there,i like him
Tommy:so what's going on
Dj:well we decided that we are going to train you to be stronger but also let you have fun
Tommy:r-really..i-i-i can finally have a childhood
Dj and the hybrids:*nod*
~at la'manberg~
Everything was quit and tubbo was sad because he misses his best friend Tommy and wears the red bandanna and looks at his "your Tommy" compass and wished he hadn't exiled him and now that he heard he is was to late when he went to where he was exiled and saw the destruction and cried for so long and wished he take it back and make things right.
Tubbo:Tommy...i wish you were here..
Big q:hey big ma-
Tubbo:don't you dare! You don't get to call me that! Only Tommy-..only Tommy can...
Big q:i was just trying to cheer you up
Tubbo:well your not doing so well i just want to be left alone right now
Big q:alright..*walks away*
Tubbo:..*goes over to the rest of the country to check out anything and while walking around he thought of making a festival something special for everyone and Tommy*
And mean while in the kingdom of the woods Tommy was playing with the children and having fun and watches some of the hybrids that are his age ether work,play or train and he was happy that he was able to be a kid again and not grow up so quickly and to just have fun and then sees frank the cat hybrid training and doing sword lessons to some kids that are his age for defending themselves or to just play as knights and Tommy wants to do that too and frank notices him.
Frank soldier (cat hybrid):hey kid , wanna join?
Tommy:yah 😃
As Tommy joins in his fighting skills improve more better as well with his defense and watching more of his surroundings and was able to have fun with the others that are his age and as this goes on back at techno place he was thinking of how Tommy could still be alive and about what happened in his exile and that techno looked around there he noticed some papers and as he now looks at them and see they are notes for everyone he knows and one for him to (the notes are for certain people he care about and trusted and each of them are assigned to tubbo,Rambo,Phil,big q,fundy,sapnap) the others he then opened his up to read.
Note:dear techno-
(And that's it for now i hope you enjoy this one and what the note will say will be on the next chapter and thx for reading this story and hope you have a great day or night)
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