Tommy's "missing"-4 (edit)
(This is what happened after Tommy left his exile)
~where Tommy is exiled~
After dream read the note he was for once speechless that he wrote this and surprised that he had the guts to say this and angry that he left because he needs him for his plans but rethinks about what he did and remembers his face filled with tears and sadness and seeing he had lack of sleep and clothes torn up and then maybe he was being a little harsh on him (a little?! yah right your nothing but a disgusting green basturd that should rot in hell for what you did 💢) and thought that if he goes to find him and bring him back here he could be nicer and still have Tommy trust him and think that he is his only friend and still have power over him but now that he doesn't care about the discs this make things tough a little bit but knows he cares for tubbo and could use that for his advantage as he thought of a plan to look for Tommy and not have anyone disturb him while he goes back to la'manberg.
~at the kingdom of the woods~
As Tommy was working around the tree and gathering supplies or food for the kingdom and as he works he still feels like that everyday is a little death as his feelings for his family and friends he know slowly dies away in his heart ❤️ as he remembered that no one came even though it was dreams probably wouldn't make a difference that he was annoying and selfish to care about items that aren't actually important but..he still has this feeling that maybe dream did care about him because he was the only one that visited him and helped him a little bit but every time he visits Tommy would feel so sick in his stomach and chills down his spine and then get nightmares about dream killing his best friend and family and seeing himself looking like a puppet,a felt so disgusting that he saw dream as a friend when in reality he was just manipulating him and using him like a fucking toy.
Tommy:*sigh* techno was right...this is what happens when you try to be a hero.. *tears fell down* even though i never even wanted to be one in the first place...
(Note:changing the lyrics so it wouldn't say tubbo and tommy are lovers,just friends)
Tommy:all I've ever wanted was a home and have peace and not fight anymore. I wanted to feel safe and loved and I given everything to make everyone happy and safe but now , I don't want to be alone and I don't want to hate anyone because it's too hard to hate someone that exile me and I don't wanna feel alone anymore. (🎶 another day~,another week~,another month~,another year~,another day~,another night~,until it's day again~,the sun has fled~,i go to bed~,and do my time again~,another day and nothing changes at all~,and everyday shuffles by like the day before~,on its way to the blackest of skies~,and everyday a little death comes and paces the floor~,and a little bit more of me dies~, another day~,another week~,another month~,another year~,another night i spend alone~,until it's day again~,our little star has moved away~,and all the world is a blur~,i only see~~,i am not me~,without him~~,everyday a little death~,for everyday i die~~,everyday a little death~,and now i know why~~)
~in la'manberg~
Dream got out of the portal and look around for tubbo and then sees him walking around with hope to see Tommy again and is so tired of being president and also sees rambo trying to talk to him and dream listens in.
Rambo:tubbo are you okay?
Tubbo: I miss Tommy Ranboo, I miss him so much (🎶 he will come back~)
Rambo: I miss him too (🎶 perhaps but still...~)
Tubbo: I don't want him to be in exile anymore (🎶 he will return to me~,another prayer~)
Rambo: I agree but what about dream,he said- (🎶 you've got to live for today~~)
Tubbo: I know what he said and you know what fuck him and his stupid reason, Tommy said it was a accident and maybe it was a mistake but I have a country to run (🎶 i will live~,when we're together again~~,everyday i will pray~,until then~,amen~~,and everyday~,another prayer~,will bring him close to me~,and every night~,our little star 💫 we will share~~,then one day~,when i open my eyes~,he will be standing right over there~,one day~~)
Dream thinks of an idea so tubbo and everyone in the sever don't get in his way to go look for Tommy and got something and walks in and acted sad.
~in the kingdom of woods and la'manberg~
Tommy:i miss everyone so bad it hurts so much (🎶 another day~)
Dream:hello mr president and Ranboo (🎶 there something i must say~)
Ranboo:uh hi..
Tubbo:what do you want dream 💢
Dream:I'm afraid I have bad news about Tommy
Ranboo and tubbo:what?!
Dream:looks at tubbo (🎶 i wanted to protect you~) Tommy is dead
Tommy: (🎶 another year~)
Dream: he killed himself in exile (🎶 i wish there was another way~,i could make it untrue~~)
Tommy: (🎶 another day~)
Dream: I was just on my way to check on him and he was nowhere to be found (🎶 i heard the news today (from the server)~,i feel the worst has happened~~)
Tommy: (🎶 another year~)
Dream: Tommy is gone (🎶 an accident occurred~,Tommyinnit is dead~~)
Rambo and tubbo:?!?! (Know he was on his last canon life)
Tubbo: tears fell down and cover his mouth with his hands
Tommy: (🎶 another year~)
Dream: (🎶 dead and gone~)
Rambo: hugs tubbo to try and comfort him (🎶 rest in peace~,may flight of angels~,sing him to his rest~)
Tubbo:... tears fell down
Rambo: come on tubbo let's get you to rest for the day (🎶 let us (meaning him and fundy and big q and others) hold and help to heal you~) takes tubbo to his house to rest
Tommy: (🎶 everyday a little death~)
Tubbo: y-yeh (🎶 everyday a little death~)
Tommy: (🎶 everyday a little death~)
Rambo and dream: staring at each other and looked away (🎶 everyday a little death~)
Tubbo: (🎶 everyday a little death~)
Tommy: (🎶 everyday a little death~)
Tommy and tubbo and Rambo and dream: (🎶 everyday a little death~)
Tubbo: immediately goes to his room and shuts the door and is in bed crying im sorry Tommy!!
Later dream goes back to the portal and search for Tommy and bring him back to his exile and also be a little bit kind to get his trust again for his plan and then he sets off to go look for Tommy and bring him back to his exile and as weeks turn into months dream couldn't find him as he looked and looked everywhere.
(And that's it i hope you enjoy this chapter and if you did thx for reading this story and sure it with your friends or make roleplays out of this you have my permission anyway see ya later bye also shoutout to 09savertooth with this great idea)
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