As weeks turn into months dream been searching and searching for Tommy but couldn't find him and through the time he searched he started to feel worried because he did enjoy the times he hang with him even though it was just for his plan and he now starts to see what he has done and doesn't want him to be alone and this time maybe make things right.
Dream:..Tommy where are you..
(Note:some of this video is based of what tubbo is going through sense he heard Tommy is "dead" and also again this is just about there friendship with this video even i think they were closer as brothers sense it's a beautiful bond of friendship)
~in la'manberg~
Everything was quit and dull as everyone goes and doing there normal thing as for tubbo he becomes depressed and his spark fades away slowly as he has bags under his eyes and looks like he hasn't sleep at all and every night when he tries to sleep he ends up having a nightmare and screams having everyone that is on the sever jumped up awake to go to tubbo (meaning like Rambo and fundy and big q and others,not techno because he is in the snow biome or phil but he does get surprised) and try to calm him down,it sometimes happened every night.
~at night~
~in tubbo dream~
Tubbo: *is walking around a green field with flowers and smile then sees Tommy from afar* Tommy?
Tommy:?..hey big man *soft smile*
Tubbo:Tommy?! *runs to him*
But as tubbo runs to Tommy he seems to be not getting any closer and seems to fade away and tubbo call out his name while having tears in his eyes but everything starts to go dark and Tommy fades away with a smile.
~outside of tubbo dream~
Then tubbo screamed and it woke up ranbo as he rush to tubbo room to wake him up as tubbo woke up he had tears in his eyes.
Rambo:tubbo tubbo shh it's ok
Rambo:another nightmare..?
Rambo:*hugs tubbo*
After that tubbo and Rambo go back to sleep and while they are asleep ghostbur floats around while having friend and mean while with techno he is just in his house as he heard the news from phil that Tommy is dead as he was stunned even though they had there differences he was still his little brother and remembered that when he visited him he laughed at him and he was supposed to be there for him to protect him,as he gets geared up he goes to where he was exiled and looks around then notice something near where his tent use to be and investigate mean while with Tommy he is getting some wood from the forest while dream is also walking around in that same forest as he then sees Tommy gathering wood and noticed his bags have faded a little and his clothes are sewed up and wounds are healed as he felt happy that he found him.
Tommy:?! *turns around and sees dream and eyes widened as he dropped the wood and started to shake* d-dream..?!
Dream:Tommy look im sorry for what i did to you but now you have to come back to exile
Tommy:no! I hate you! , your not sorry! , your a monster!💢
Dream: *feels hurt from that* (*cough* you deserve it green basturd prick *cough*) Tommy look ik i hurt you-
Tommy:hurt me?..hurt me?! You fucking traumatized me and manipulate me and torture me and play with me like a fucking toy you basturd!💢 *hold on to his chest as his heart beats fast but also hold on this necklace and it calls for Dj*
Dream:yes Tommy ik but still your my friend come on we had some good times right? *walking to him*
Tommy: *walks backward* stay away!
Tommy:im not going back with you! ,your a toxic monster! *feels tears fell down and voice break* you hurt me so bad..i get nightmares about how you hurt me and my family and my best friend tubbo...
Dream:they are not your friends anymore they didn't visit you i was the only one who visited you
Tommy:you were only there to play with my emotions to break me you prick! ,i hate you! *trips over himself and fell down* you were never my friend you monster 💢
Dream: taking you back to exile..,wither you like or not! 💢
Tommy:no! *takes out a sword and gets up and charge at him*
Dream: *sigh and takes out his sword to only wound him enough so he could take him back to exile*
Tommy and Dream: *fight each other and dream wound him with some cuts and a little bit of deep ones but Tommy was able to get some wounds in Dream but it wasn't enough as Tommy lost his sword and fell down and sees Dream and covers his eyes in fear*
Then as dream was about to grab Tommy he heard footsteps coming fast and has his sword but then the ground shook and he fell down on his butt and his eyes widened behind the mask as he sees a giant purple fox and it and standing over Tommy as it is protecting him and see Tommy eyes open and smile seeing Dj and as for her she stared down at dream and growled as her eyes glow.
(Just imagine the wounds there )
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Dj:don'! *growling*
Dream:?! What the?!
Dj:if you ever come near or even touch this child ill hunt you down and rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat so you can see my teeth tear apart your corpse!💢 *snarl* get out
Dream:...wait you can't just-
Dream:?! *had no choice but to run away as he sees others coming from afar*
After that Dj nudge Tommy and licked his wounds to keep clean and picked him up and put him on her back.
Dj:i want scouts to watch this perimeter in case he comes back or other intruders the rest of you back to your stations
Hybrid guards:yes your highness
After that Dj takes Tommy back to the kingdom of the woods to have him healed in the nurse hallow and mean while with techno as he investigated Tommy exile he knew that he wouldn't give up so easily he knew the kid is so spirited and full of hope that techno know that he couldn't be dead so techno thought Tommy could of just ran away from his exile no ran away from dream he knew he would be somewhere in the world hiding and possibly need help and then techno goes back to his base and think of a plan to find his little brother and help him and make things right..
(Hope you guys enjoy that this took so long to do anyway thx for reading this story and yah see ya later)
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