As the weeks past by Dream has been working on with his plans for the smp.While he makes messes and whenever everyone is around he makes sure it Ramboo's fault. As he uses his disgusting manipulation and acting on the people that live in l'amanberg actually works on some as Ramboo trys to explain that he didn't do anything.But Dream manipulated him too in his panic room making him lose his mentally while trying to do the best he can to cope with everything.But the stress is getting to him and the next day , did it when dream destroyed the (i forgot the name but it was made out of crafting tables).And when everyone came to the site and saw rambo and dram putting the blame on him ,everyone is so confused and unsure what to believe in.And tubbo has no choice but to banish Ramboo too, as he ran away from l'amanberg he decided to go see if Dj would accept him to stay there as he made it to the kingdom and requested to speak to Dj.
Dj:what is it you request to speak to me?
Ramboo:i was wondering if i could live here too ,i got exiled and wish to stay here
Dj:hmm thinks very well you can stay ,but we're gonna have you in the nursery to check your health
Ramboo:thank you bows
Dj:no problem and no need to be formal ok
Ramboo:ok thank you
Ramboo follows a servant to the nursery and goes inside and sees a white bunny tending to a warrior.
Nurse: notice Ramboo oh hello I'll be right with you in a second,you can have a seat on one of the beds
Ramboo:ok goes over and sits down and waits patiently
Nurse: walks over to Ramboo hello
Nurse:let's see *checks around Rambo health to see anything , noticed some scars and seeing that he's eyes full of hurt and fear* oh you poor dear,i see so much pain in your eyes
Ramboo:y-yah i had a lot going on..
Nurse:you poor dear,let's treat those wounds then shall we *smile*
Meanwhile at l'amanberg tubbo was walking around.Then started to think of what dream been saying about how tommy was doing "fine" in exile and wished he never did it in the first place. But it would also mean losing l'amanberg and doesn't want to be anything like jshaltt (*cough* bad goat) and be a good president for everyone.And wished he visited Tommy more than he still be alive.
Tubbo mind:im so sorry Tommy...
Tubbo: walks around l'amanberg trying figure out a way to stop dream for all the pain he's caused to himself and Tommy to everyone.
Meanwhile in the snow biome where Technoblade (may he rest in peace and never die) lives along with Philza as they are aware of where tommy is but are unsure about telling others about this kingdom and "Dj" as yes she took care of him and helped him but find it strange they didn't hear or know where and how she came into the smp and hoped that Tommy is safe to be around her. Back in the spruce kingdom Tommy was showing Ramboo around so he knows where to go and showed him a little garden with some roses , orchids and lilies but mostly alliums as this is their flower and enjoy the time looking at them together. (I love allium duo moments)
Ramboo:this is cool Tommy
Tommy:yah it is *smile*
Ramboo: *smiles back with his tail wag*
Tommy: *suddenly felt a pull and looked around* ?
Ramboo:you ok Tommy?
Tommy:yeah,yeah I'm fine boo *has his hand to his heart wondering what was that pull*
Somewhere in the village of the kingdom is a person that is currently walking around until they stopped and looked at the direction where Tommy was and smiled.
???:looks like i finally found him and i wonder what he would think of seeing me again after so long, i may as well wait to surprise him at the ball *chuckle* i hope you're ready sunshine.
(Hi everyone sorry for being gone so long , I was dealing with a lot of stuff and my work and needed some time to myself but i think now i can continue with this story so thank you for being patient and I'll be sure to update more but will also be letting you know that I'll be taking breaks anyway with that said i wanted to say comment what you think about this story and some ideas for next parts that's all i have to say so thank you )
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