New home-2 (edit)
It was a long night flying and Dj made it back to a spruce tree forest while holding Tommy as he is still asleep and in the middle of the forest was really bigger trees as there are bridges attached to them and some hybrids are walking on the bridges and she flies up then lands on a platform of a really big tree and her wings disappear as see walked over to a nursery hallow (like from the guardians of gahoole movie) and place Tommy on a bed and tuck him in.
Dj: smile sleep well little one
Dj: looks at the nurse that is a white rabbit hybrid take care of him will you?
Nurse:of course your majesty bow
Dj:clam smile thank you
Then Dj walked out of the nurse hallow and flies up and calls for a meeting in the gathering hallow as she goes up to another platform and into the gathering hallow where there are seats around in a circle as Dj sits in the one that is covered with gold leaves as the other ones sat down ,they were 4 hybrids , a wolf and owl and 2 others were a cat and bat as they are Dj general,blacksmith,tracker,soldier(note:ill make a info for these characters here).
General fang (wolf hybrid male):my queen forgive me but what have you brings us for this meeting today
Dj:it's alright fang clear throat ive gather you all here because i there is a new enemy that is horrible and disgusting,he has tortured,manipulate and hurt the boy i brought back home and he is special
Tracker crystal (owl hybrid female):how special is he my lady
Dj:...he reminds me of myself when i was young
The 4 hybrids looked at each other and then Dj told them what has happened to Tommy for the past years when he was with his adopted father and brothers and everything from the wars and his friends especially his best friend tubbo and the torture he got from dream as they were pissed off and disgusted by dream and the others at la'manburg and from the past of what he's been through except for tubbo and ranboo and techno for they have also suffered too.
Frank Soldier (cat hybrid male):that is awful what in the right mind would do this to a child
Richard blacksmith (bat hybrid male):a disgusting psychopath that's what
Tracker crystal (owl hybrid female):what about the parent ,Phil was it?,where was he when this happened and what a awful brother Wilber he is dragging him to wars and pressing him and what about his other brother technoblade
Dj:from what i have seen and heard he is on house arrest for protecting his eldest son and not giving a location to where he is and also that's not the worse part...the worst part is that the country is being run by Tommy best friend and he is being controlled by dream like a puppet,we must do something about this
Richard blacksmith (bat hybrid male):i agree we must stop this man from hurting more people and children
Dj:then we are in agreement to protect,train and raise the boy as our own
The 4 hybrids nod in agreement to protect Tommy and care for him as well as train him to become strong and kind.
Dj:alright this meeting is over thank you for coming
Then everyone leaves the gathering hallow and Dj goes over to her hallow and goes to sleep as tomorrow is when Dj takes Tommy on a tour around the tree to see if he wants to has this place as his new home as she fells asleep.
The next day in the dream smp
It was morning and a certain green hoodie man with a smile mask on his face was on his boat and rowing it to where Tommy is exiled so he could see if he learned his lesson and he guess that he's been away from Tommy long enough and to burn his stuff in a hole was funny as he smile behind his mask and as he made to shore he got off the boat and on land.
Dream:oh Tommy~~~ im back , have you learnt your less-
Before dream could finish his sentence he noticed something different aside from Tommy home being blown up by him he sees what to be a cobblestone pillar on the ground and then starts to look and call for Tommy but no answer as he was starting to get angry and worried (because he needs him for his plan) he then sees a chest with a sign that says "dream" he walked over to it and opened it and looked inside and his eyes widened as there were the discs "cat" and "mellohi" the most important things to him and there right here,he questioned how and why then he sees a note inside and picks it up and reads.
Dream:? picks up the note and reads it
Note:hey dream i hope you find this letter because i have had enough of your fucking bullshit of how you treated me...i hate you and you know what,im done with your sick games ,im not gonna be some fucking toy for you to play with,your a sick basturd and you actually got me to see a friend and i realize you were just playing with my feelings and pretending to be my friend just so you could watch me and manipulate me,you hurt me so much that i couldn't eat for the past months and have panic attacks in my sleep also about the discs you can have them i don't care anymore im done with the wars and it's bullshit so do what ever you want with them,burn them,trash them,i don't care about them anymore i only thing i care for it my friends and family and most importantly my best friend tubbo because even though he "exiled" me i know it wasn't true because in reality it was you that forced tubbo and exiled me,your nothing but a sick disgusting green basturd and i feel bad for George and sapnap because you don't care about them why you may think i say because me and sapnap talked and he was heartbroken 💔 when you don't care about him and George anyway if you have read this it means that im done with you and la'manberg and everything also i know your the reason that people didn't come to my party ,you really are a dickhead and i hate you but i guess i did see you a little bit as a friend and i will say thank you for visiting me even though you don't care but at least you have the discs so yah.....goodbye dream.
ps.thx for giving me more trama and pain from what i had as a child even from the wars and everything.
From Tommy
(And that's the end of this part so what do y'all think is going to happen now,is dream going to go find Tommy or is he going to go and rethink about what he has done and go find him and make things right or he is going to go back to la'manberg and lie about what happened or trick them to think Tommy is dead,you guys think also hope you enjoy.)
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