Run aways part 1
This takes place after the newest stream
It's my own ending this probably won't actually happen but we don't know qwq
Tommy POV
"Tommy..I don't think I can keep doing this..please, we have everything..why stay?" Tubbo was desperate to get the other to agree.."tubbo..I-, no I won't joke..this bullshit has really taken a toll on me. A-and we do have everything..b-but are you sure?" I asked not wanting to regret anything." Tommy, look at us. Look at this! Yes oh corse I'm sure. Wilber has basically lost it, Shlatt doesn't care, a-and..I cant keep doing t-no we can't keep doing this..please." "..fine" was all I needed to say. Nothing would really change they wouldn't notice. It was fine. "We go at midnight yeah?" I asked to make sure. " oh corse, don't forget to take stuff we might need ok?" " yeah yeah I won't " I say happier to know this will be over soon.
Epic time skip
Getting my stuff from my room I find a picture..why did I have to find this picture. It was a old picture of everyone smiling on the smp before shit went down...I get up and put it into my bag..getting up I look at some Cotten..Well need to blend in and it would waste time...getting up I start sowing 2 jackets one with my favourite colour and the other green..for tubbo. After I'm done I get up and open my door..Wilber should be in a meeting with Dream and tecno is probably asleep, good. Going to the food area I grab 2 stacks of potatoes, some cole and of corse some carrots. My favourite! Looking both ways before I leave I get my stuff and get ready to leave. I would of wrote a goodbye note but I don't think I have much to say to them anymore..I wonder if tubbo made one..probably. Getting out I start walking to the spawn we're we were gonna meet. Waiting I get bored and look at my phone..
Tubbo's pog
As Tommy is on his phone I deside to jumpscare him. "BOO" I say he jump's like a cat that just got water on it! " Pfft oh my god tommy. " " oh would shut up that wasn't funny!" " sure sure mr innit." I say back still laughing. " so...we're do you wanna go?" He asks more serious now. I wanna live near bee's and a lake so I guess when we hit one of those then will stop?" "Sure why not," he says not really caring.
Next day wilbers POV
"I'll go wake tommy up! " I say to tecno and dream. Walking down I knock on his door. No response, that's weird normally he's up before I get to him.." Tommy time to get up" I say again....
HA cliffhanger UwU welp hope you enjoyed this part
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