" Woah!, Tomisin is heavy," commented Tayo
" That's cos you cook delicious food." replied Anjola
" Very funny, Anjo." replied Tayo sarcastically.
" I'm really happy for what God has done to my family," said Anjola
" Me too. The door," instructed Tayo and Anjola opened the door to Tomisin's room.
" I'm happy about a lot of things, I'm happy about the fact that we'll be having another baby." said Tayo, placing Tomisin on her bed while Anjola tucked her in.
" Yeah, me too, I'll have to three naughty people in the house to control." said Anjola with a smirk
" Who's the third person." asked Tayo already knowing who the third person was.
"Which third person?" asked Anjola playing charade.
" Ohh, stop it, I really hate seeing that smirk of yours." said Tayo irritated by Anjola's behavior but internally happy about it.
" Really," said Anjola smirking again
" or is it that I'm irresistible?" said Anjola winking.
" You really do want to annoy me now, Anjo." said Tanya now annoyed by Anjola's childish nature.
" What!, why would I want to do such a thing," replied Anjola playfully.
Tayo, pulled out one of Tomisin's pillow and threw it at her husband.
"Wow, what a way to respond to your husband when he's flirting with you." said Anjola faking hurts.
He threw the pillow that hit him and pretended to want to go out of the room as he stood up.
Tayo had a satisfactory look on her face as she combed her daughter's hair with her palm but was suddenly taken off the bed.
" Anjola, stop it. This isn't funny. I'm serious." said Tayo in the midst laughter
" RO-AR." replied Anjola
" You're a monster," chuckled Tayo
" RO-AR." shouted Anjola as he kissed his wife.
" You'll wake Tomisin," warned Tayo
" She won't wake up, don't worry," reassured Anjola
" Mum, Dad, I'm sleepy." said Tomisin in her sleep
Tayo hit her husband chest
"Ouch! " exclaimed Anjola
" You always seem to love hitting me." complained Anjola as he carried his wife to their room.
" Awwn, sowe, does it hurts." replied Tayo with a puppy look on her face.
" It won't hurt if you kissed me," replied Anjola.
"Okay." said Tayo as she kissed her husband.
Anjola had a silly look on his face when Tayo looked at him with her arms wrapped around his neck.
Tayo smiled before kissing him again.
Then she felt the feeling of not wanting to lose him. She felt as if this was going to be the last time, they'll be like this.
" Tanya," said Anjola as he broke away from the kiss
" What's wrong?" asked Anjola looking into his beautiful wife's face
" I don't know I'm just scared that something bad might happen." replied Tayo
Anjola kissed his wife before replying
" Nothing bad will happen and if it will, we'll always be together, supporting each other and also praying." reassured Anjola
Tayo smiled before resting her head on her husband's chest
" I pray nothing bad happens." sighed Tayo
" Nothing bad will." replied Anjola as he opened the door of their room with his free hand.
When they got in, Anjola placed his wife on her feet.
"Let's pray." said Anjola
Tayo smiled and stretched forth her hand for her husband to hold.
" In Jesus name, Father Lord, we thank you for the heaven you've brought down on our home, we thank you for the happiness and joy in this house, and we also thank you for the daughter and oncoming baby, you've given us,"
Tayo smiled at the last part
" Thank you, Lord." replied Tayo.
" Lord, we place every trial, every sorrow we're going to face before you. Lord help us to lean on you in our darkest moments and teach us to listen and obey your words," prayed Anjola
" Lord, whatever nudging you've placed in my wife's heart, Lord let YOUR WILL be done. Help us Lord to love you always and to seek you always. Also teach our daughter to always put her trust in You," continued Anjola
" Lord, we don't know what tomorrow may bring to us or what new challenge you'll want us to face, but Lord, all we know is that you're there with us and comfort us." prayed Anjola
" Amen," replied Tayo
Both opened their eyes and felt a wave of peace engulf them.
" This means that whatever may happen tomorrow, God is there with us." said Anjola to Tayo
" Even though it may be terrible, He'll be there to support us, right?" asked Tayo
" Right, let's go to sleep."
Both prepared to go to sleep but Tayo still had something to tell her husband.
" Anjo, do you know that politician that have been after you?" asked Tayo.
" Yeah, that greedy and selfish man." said Anjola in a relaxed manner.
" I'm having a feeling that he'll do something bad to our family." said Tayo with fear etched in her face
Anjola frowned at his wife's demeanor.
" Tayo, what just happened now. Don't you have faith? If anything will happen, let it, God is with us. If the man wants to hurt our family, he'll have God to contend with." said Anjola in anger
Tayo gave her husband a weird look then she turned around to look at the mirror.
Realizing what he had just done, Anjola went to his wife and hug from behind.
" I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have spoken to you in that way. Everything will be alright, okay?" reassured Anjola before placing a kiss on his wife coily hair.
" I know, just that I don't want anything to go wrong, I just want to have a peaceful family life." replied Tayo
" Tanya, look at me." commanded Anjola
Tayo turned to face her husband.
" God's will is our outmost priority. I couldn't have kept quiet after finding out the truth about Dr. Daniel Popoola and the governor. He's a fraud and a liar. I don't want to be among the people who will get shut by his filthy money."
Tayo looked into her husband's eye and saw the passion he had for his country. She might not have been a full blood Nigerian but Nigeria had been her home for a while now.
It might not have been the safest place her father decided to move to, but it was still the place she met God and also Anjola.
" I know." replied Tayo as she rested her head on her husband's chest
And both went to bed.
How many of you agree with me that God acts in weird ways
It's good weird but sometimes it looks silly but it's not
Anyways God has the final say
God teach us to trust Him completely
~Persistent Jesus Addict~
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