"Dad, how did you meet mum?" questioned Tomisin with an inquisitive eye.
"Now that a tricky question,"
"How so?" said Tomisin making her face puffy and putting her elbows on her dad's shoulders
"Because...," said Anjola as he tried to figure an answer to her question.
"That question must be simple, you're just pulling my legs,"said Tomisin frowning.
"Ok, ok, I met your mum in University," answered Anjola after his daughter's little display.
"And then what?" inquired Tomisin
"You know, you are just like your mom, always trying to get to the bottom of everything," stated Anjola
"That's why I'm her daughter in the first place," said Tomisin with a 'matter of fact' expression on her face causing Anjola laughed at her visage.
"Ok, your mum and I met for the first time in University," said Anjola
"So how did you know she was going to be your wife?" asked Tomisin
"Let me guess," said Anjola trying to play charade so as to annoy his daughter.
"Come on dad, see my cute face," said Tomisin making the best puppy face she could with her face but failed in every attempt.
Anjola couldn't keep himself from bursting into laughter. He laughed so hard that he couldn't catch his breath.
"Ok, I never knew, God showed me my wife. He chose her for me," answered Anjola in-between laughter.
Tomisin raised her brows and chin to indicate to her dad to continue
"Your mom was different and I knew that she was the right person for me. The two of us were somehow similar to each other in terms of spiritual life and other things. And... , " said Anjola cleaning the tears that formed in his eye caused from the hard laughter.
"And what daddy?" questioned Tomisin .
"And God told me that she was the one," replied Anjola after getting a grip of himself.
"So you are trying to say that you hear from God," whispered Tomisin suddenly feeling as if someone was listening in to their conversation - maybe God.
"Yes, and you can if you maintain a steady relationship with Him, " imitated Anjola jokingly causing Tomisin to laugh at his ridiculous imitation.
"Dad, you copied me, "
"Really, did I ?" answered Anjola. And both laughed at the response.
Tomisin laughed and hugged her father tightly at his neck. As Tomisin laughed, Anjola admired the beauty God had given her. And it distracted him for some minutes.
"Dad what are you looking at, we're at the gate. Let's get inside, else we'll be totally wet, " said Tomisin, with traces of laughter in her voice, snapping him from his reverie.
"Yeah right!" said Anjola as he quickly ran to the door with Tomisin in his arms.
"Tomisin, do you know your smile is infectious, it can brighten someone's counternance and it's beautiful," confessed Anjola.
"Thanks dad, so is that why you were looking lost?" questioned Tomisin.
"Umm yes! you should thank God for it, cos He's the one that gave it to you, " said Anjola as he placed his daughter on her feet and pressed the door bell.
Someone immediately answered and opened the door after a few seconds
A familiar face appeared with a worried expression on it
"Oh my goodness, where have you guys been? I was so worried and you're drenched. Wow!," said the person at the door with worry itched in her tone.
"Relax mom, it was daddy's fault, he lost track of time, that's all," joked Tomisin gesturing to her dad.
"What! " exclaimed Anjola in surprise.
"Okay, okay, it was my fault, you just wanted me to admit it, right? "said Tomisin pouting and folding her arms on her chest.
"Okay, when you two are done with your drama, you may enter and get cleaned up for dinner cos you guys are not sitting on my dining looking like this," said Tanya, leaving the door opened for them.
"Tomisin, you were asking for the definition of bossy, there you have it, "said Anjola as he opened the door further for his daughter.
Tomisin didn't get what he was saying
'I wonder what he's saying. I really have to check the dictionary for the definition of bossy,' thought Tomisin as she entered the house.
Wow, another chappie. I do hope you guys loved it. Please do comment and vote. Thanks
What do you guys think of Tomisin. She's amazing, right?, for a child. 👧
Cos is the short form of because
God bless
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