This chappie is dedicated to the most amazing brother ever❤️
And also to a special friend of mine, Tomiwa.😀
Anjola Ogunyemi, had a less complicated life than Tanya. His family was of four, two sons with he being the first born. His family were all together none divided. His mother died after he graduated from the University of Ilorin. If not for God's grace, Anjola would have been shattered over her death because she played an important in his academic success.
Anjola is from Ogun state, so he's basically a Yoruba boy. Though he didn't go through all what Tanya did but he also had fallbacks in his family. Anjola grew up in a Christian home. His parents brought him up well in the Lord but they were kind of harsh towards him regarding his academics. His parents, like any other parents of good reputation, wanted their sons to follow in their footsteps. But the biggest problem was that Anjola wasn't academically inclined but his younger brother was. He wasn't really good in school but his parents expected more from him. They wanted him to be the best in his class but Anjola always failed. And he never ceased to leave them disappointed in every of his primary school examinations.
When Anjola graduated from primary school, they threaten to disown him, if he didn't pass his common entrance exam to secondary school. But that didn't stop him from failing yet again. The way his parents always treated him regarding his academic life, made him feel unworthy and useless. They called themselves Deacon and Deaconess in church but aren't ready to help their first born improve in his academics.
"What kind of a son am I? Jesus what did I do to You that you made me a dullard. I'm the cause of my parents daily argument. I'm so unworthy to be a son" He thought during a Sunday service after his parents fought that morning before going to church in separate vehicles.
Esther and Tomiwa had fought the sunday morning Anjola had failed his common entrance examination. The results were out the other day and they were discussing the issue on that Sunday morning. Tomiwa had blamed his wife for his son's failure. He had even slapped her when she retorted, stating that it was the witches from her mother's background that's making their son to fail. Meanwhile Anjola was eavesdropping on their conversation.
"If not because I'm a Deacon in the church, I would have divorced you and send you back to your miserable witchcraft family " He ended before walking out on his wife.
Esther didn't cry, she wasn't a weakling. She got dressed and prepared for church but she didn't spare Anjola in his share of suffering that morning.
His father had left them at home and had gone to church with Àrise, his favourite son. When Esther finished preparing herself for church, she came out of her room and walked straight to Anjola's room.
"What have I ever done to you to deserve this?. My marriage is failing because of you." Esther shouted at Anjola in her native tongue (Yoruba).
" Or I shouldn't have given birth to a son again. Please tell me what's your problem. Ehn? " She asked him
At this point in time, Anjola was crying. He was being injured emotionally by his mother. To be honest that's the most painful wound a child could ever receive
" I'm sorry, mummy" he pleaded while moving close to his mother.
" Please don't come near me. You're not worthy to be called my first born son "
So you can see the reason behind Anjola's lament in church.
That night Anjola cried behind closed doors. He pleaded to God to change his brain or something. He cried so much that his eyes got swollen the next morning.
"God, I'm finished. My parents are going to disown me because I'm a dullard. Lord I won't ask you why you created me this way but I'll ask you to please help me. I have no one to run to. My mates will soon enter secondary school and I'll be at home suffering under my birth parents. Lord please I'm begging you. Please change my brain. Please I promise to serve you always. I'll do your will Lord. Please. Lord, and if I've offended you I'm sorry. Please help me" He cried.
God heard the cry of a broken son. He felt the pain Anjola felt. God answered his prayers because Anjola prayed the prayer of faith. God gave him a brain eager to learn and retain information. God then checked Anjola's book, it was written that he would be the worthy Vessel to be used to change the Country.
As Anjola knelt down beside his bed, an angel appeared and touched his head and Anjola slept off at that instance.
God wasn't yet through with him, the Lord gave his mother a vision in her dream.
Esther dreamt of her son that night, she saw her son placing the Nigerian flag on a high mountain. She woke up immediately and started praying.
"Lord, thank you for giving my son hope. Thank you for this wonderful dream. Lord may your will be done in Jesus name" she prayed. But God wasn't satisfied with that prayer and the Holy spirit knew it so immediately she led her head to sleep. She dreamt again.
In her dream, she saw her son designing the Nigerian flag with beautiful pieces of his raiment. She immediately woke up. She was breathing heavily this time.
Then the Holy Spirit whispered into her ears.
"Maybe God wants you to train your son to fulfill his destiny." Then she prayed but this time in tongues throughout the night. She asked God to make her a better mother to her sons. She also asked God for the gift of sensitivity so as to know her sons well. And that's how she continued to pray in tongues. Her husband didn't wake up because she prayed in the bathroom. After she prayed, she went to her son's room.
She was shocked at the sight in front of her. Anjola was sleeping on the floor in his own tears.
"God, I'm a bad mother" she thought to herself before walking to carry her son. She laid him on his bed then wiped the tears on his face with her night gown and kissed his forehead.
"I'll never insult you again and I won't let your father do so. I promise to help you and your brother fulfill your destinies"
Though God only showed her Anjola's future, the Holy Spirit remembered her that she also had to do the same for her younger son.
From that day things changed for the better, Anjola had a supportive and encouraging mom, who always insists on him never giving up. He wrote his common entrance thrice before passing excellently. Tomiwa had lost all hopes on his son when he failed his entrance exam the second time. He even went to the extent of throwing him out of his house. But Esther was against it. She coaxed him to give his son another chance. She did all she could to please her husband so he wouldn't throw his son out. Esther didn't tell Tomiwa the dream that she had. She kept it to herself and made it her purpose in life to help her sons fulfill their purpose.
On the third trial, Anjola passed excellently. Tomiwa was the happiest man on Earth. He announced his son's wonderful feat to the entire world around him. Esther was behind Anjola's success. She'd played her role well. She sacrifice her nights for her two sons. She would sit till day break with her sons to read. She would make sure Àrise did all his assignments and also help him read for tests and exams at the same time sit down with Anjola to practice questions in preparation for the next common entrance examination.
And she continued this even when her sons graduated from secondary school. Both graduated as the best student of their set. Anjola made his parents proud and he also received the love of his father.
Anjola developed a flare for engineering during his secondary school days. And with the support of his mother, he got admitted into the University of Ilorin to study engineering.
Anjola made it his goal to be the best in his department because he wanted to make his mother proud. So he worked towards that. And being a responsible guy, he held two important positions in his department and also in the university. He was the class representative of the engineering department and as time went on, he contested for the position of President of student affairs which he won. His tenure brought alot of structural and academic improvement in the school. Anjola's tenure was known to be the best and most popular regime in all the university's history of presidency and that was because he had the Lord's backing. In every decision he made, he prayed and fasted about it. And he also humbled himself to God and also to man ( authorities and colleagues ). He seek advice from past presidents and people of high rank in the university and also honoured the advice from his colleagues. He never forgot his parent's counselling.
On a beautiful afternoon, Anjola had come back from church and was taking a stroll to student affairs office. He walked unconsciously, thinking about his latest decision to renovate the student affairs building, when he was suddenly hit across the face with a Bible. At first he was startled but then he shook it off and labelled it a mistake. Then he raised his head to see the person behind it and that when he met the most beautiful girl ever.
" Ohh God, I'm so sorry, please forgive me" Sha said feeling really embarrassed.
"No problem, it's okay. I'm fine. Besides I'm glad it was the word of God that hit me, get it, hit me" said Anjola trying to make a joke out of it.
And he succeeded in making the beautiful girl smile.
" My name is Anjola " said Anjola
" Tanya" said the beautiful lady.
After that day, Anjola couldn't forget Tanya. She was always appearing in his thoughts but he always shook her off. Anjola knew better than to fall for a girl because of her beauty. Or to love someone out of emotions. There must be something more to it than emotions. As time went on he found out that Tanya was his church mate. And that was the main reason they started their friendship. Tanya was a good motivator like his mother. She's the first person he'd go to for encouragment. She always had the right thing to say at the right time.
There was a time he told her that he was feeling spiritually down and she suggested doing online Bible study together. And that's how they did Bible study and prayer together on WhatsApp. They both started helping one another cope with emotional and physical stress from home and school.
They even studied together despite not being in the same department. And they set academics goals for themselves. Anjola helped Tanya study harder for her final year exam when it seems she was getting lazy. And Tanya helped Anjola when he felt down with all the stress that accompanied his position as president. At the end of the day, their friendship brought out a lot of improvement in their lives. And they were not only the best graduating student both also the best of friends.
After Anjola's graduation, his mother died of cancer. The worst part was that she'd been suffering from it and didn't let him know about it. The pain and anguish Anjola felt was immeasurable. But he got over it with the help of God and Tanya's words of encouragement.
While he locked himself up from the world thinking about suicide, God used Tanya's words to help him fight through his pain.
" Life is full of so many disappointment, pains and sorrows but as Christians we have hope in Christ to endured it and come out the best"
Anjola was happy after that moment because he had a friend like Tanya to help him. That's true friendship. And Anjola also had the chance to help Tanya during her own sorrowful moment that was caused by an encounter with her history.
Four years after their graduation, Anjola married Tanya with confirmation from God and man ( their parents ). And they made a beautiful baby girl named OLUWATOMISIN ( God is enough for me to serve )
NYSC is for a year.
Anticipate the next chappie 😊😁😀😊😀😊😀😁😊
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