Chapter 4 : Faëre
- NEMAMIAH - The Angel of Discernment
To my great surprise, I don't feel any imminent fall. When I finally open my eyes, I'm stunned by the scene unfolding before me. Floating in the air, weightless. As if the laws of gravity no longer apply to me, and a sense of freedom washes over me.
I can't help but smile as I feel my hair being gently swept by the cool breeze.
– This is incredible!
Wait a second... I'm flying!
– How did I do that?
– It's simple. You just have to imagine your wings in your mind and truly want to fly.
– It's really that simple? Just wanting to fly?
That thought must have fleetingly crossed my mind without me realizing it—probably out of a desire not to crash to the ground.
– Come on, take my hand, sweetheart, I'll guide you.
He extends his hand, which I ignore.
– Guide me? To where?
– Far from here. It could get dangerous if we stay.
– Right now, the only danger is you. I could've been injured or even died with a broken neck when you threw me over the railing of my bedroom.
– Still complaining, huh? he remarks, putting his hands on his hips.
The nerve. How can I *not* complain about being pushed off a ledge?
I cross my arms in silence, waiting for him to justify his behavior.
– While you had your eyes closed, I was right underneath you, ready to catch you in case something went wrong, he finally admits.
– How do I know you're telling the truth?
– An angel doesn't lie. At least, not about this. Right now, I'm being honest—believe me.
An angel. So, we're angels. Me, an angel...
In his eyes, at that precise moment, there's no trace of deceit. Or if there is, he's an excellent liar.
– Alright, I'll believe you. But still, there are other ways to handle this.
He holds his hand out again. I stare at it for a moment before finally taking it.
– Don't worry. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you, he says, looking into my eyes.
That sentence soothes me. I don't know what to think of him anymore.
– How do I move?
– You just need to want it and always imagine your wings fluttering in your mind. Stay focused, and don't let go of my hand. That way, I'll be here to catch you... just in case. But don't worry—it'll go fine... probably, he says with hesitation.
He doesn't sound very convinced by his own words. I tighten my grip on his hand because, honestly, I'm not reassured by this new... feature growing from my back.
– It's nothing to worry about. Usually, you get used to it quickly. The first time is just a little tricky.
– Where are we going now?
– Someplace safe.
As I soar over my city, a sense of desolation takes hold of me. The once-bustling streets are now deserted, and the buildings stand abandoned. The atmosphere is chilling, as though the cold has crept into every corner of life.
I scan the surroundings, hoping to catch even the faintest glimmer of hope, but no living creature appears. No humans, no animals.
It's as if a veil has descended over the city, swallowing every trace of life.
I wonder what could have happened, what force could have caused such chaos?
Questions swirl in my mind, but the answers remain elusive.
– The city is empty. Not even a bird is flying over it. What happened here?
He gives me a surprised look, as if he doesn't understand my language, and says nothing.
– You could at least answe—
– Silence.
He's infuriating. His moods are far too mercurial.
For quite some time now, we've been flying through the air, mesmerized by the landscape unfolding beneath us—a dense forest that seems endless, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. The air is cold, like in winter, yet the trees still have all their leaves, as if it were summer. Strange.
Our hands are still entwined as we silently take in the scenery. But I remain focused, determined not to lose control of my wings. I'm starting to get the hang of it—he was right; it's getting easier.
Suddenly, I'm captivated by the sight of a dark, majestic castle rising proudly amidst the trees. Its towering spires pierce the sky, while its ancient stone walls seem to jealously guard the secrets they hold.
Slowly, we approach, the clouds drifting around us, casting moving shadows on the towers. I wonder what awaits me inside.
As we prepare to land, he releases my hand, leaving me four meters above the ground to fend for myself.
– Hey, how do I land? I ask, panicking at the sudden absence of my parachute-like safety net.
He lands gracefully, while I hover awkwardly in place.
Overthinking it, I lose focus, and the wings keeping me aloft decide, in an instant, to let me fall...
Once again, I plummet, unable to do anything but brace myself for a violent impact. Yet, I don't feel it—unless the ground is somehow soft and warm.
I open one eye to see what I've landed on to avoid injury. I find myself in his arms, which, by the way, are impressively muscular. Relieved that he caught me, I stare at him intently, my gaze diving into the dark depths of his eyes, which reflect the last rays of the setting sun. His hair, as dark as an abyss, seems to merge with the surrounding shadows.
What is this mysterious aura emanating from him?
Without warning, he lets me go, and I feel my body fall again, completing my initial descent with a short, startled cry.
One eye shut, leaning to the side, I rub my sore backside, trying to dull the pain.
– Ouch, that hurt.
– Follow me.
– No! I respond firmly, standing up.
Who does he think he is?
His jaw tightens, and he places a hand on my head. His fingers grip my hair, forcing me to follow him into the castle, leaving me uncertain of what will happen next.
– Ow... ow... let go, that hurts!
I claw at his arm so hard that I leave marks, but he doesn't stop until we've passed the entrance hall and are inside.
– What kind of manners are these? I yell, fixing my hair.
He says nothing.
– Jerk, I mutter, finishing up my hair.
– What?
Seeing the anger rise in his face, I go silent, too afraid of what he might do next. He takes a deep breath, calms himself, and finally speaks.
– Fold your wings inside yourself.
– I... don't know how to do that.
– Close your eyes and imagine your wings retracting into you, he says, arms crossed, visibly impatient.
– Alright... I'll try.
I focus on imagining them on my back. Two large white wings, slowly folding and disappearing into me. My body suddenly feels lighter, making me think I've succeeded. Feeling rather proud of myself, I smile unconsciously.
– And now, what does the gentleman desire? I ask sarcastically, arms crossed.
– I saved your life; you should thank me.
– Great, and now who's going to save me... from you?
He looks at me as if what I've just said hit him—or rather surprised him.
Raising my eyes, I examine my surroundings. High gray stone walls tower above us. Behind them, split staircases on either side of the wall meet higher up. Chandeliers are mounted all along the cold gray stones, providing a dim light.
– Where are we?
– We're at the Fëare Academy.
– Okay, but... where exactly are we... I mean...?
– What are you talking about? We're in Fëare, west of Ailys.
– Ailys?
– Yes... the world... of dark angels, he mutters, perplexed. Are you doing this on purpose? You've been asking me weird questions as if you were just born.
It's almost as if I was. I don't know this world.
– So, we're in another world, I whisper to myself, noticing the ceiling painted entirely with a fresco of angels and humans waging war.
My eyebrows lower as I fail to grasp the meaning of this mural.
– Alright, listen to what I'm going to tell you. Don't talk to anyone or show your wings if you want to stay alive, and most importantly... act like I don't exist.
Hard to do, considering you strangled me, pulled my hair, and threw me off a balcony, I think to myself.
With those last words, he begins walking away, leaving me perplexed and lost. I feel relieved, but a sense of dread at being abandoned in this unknown world rises within me. I don't know this place or the creatures that inhabit it. I grab his sleeve, but he quickly shakes my hand off as though I were nothing and continues on his way.
– Wait!
Quick, I need to convince him.
– ...and I... I'll do whatever you want!
Feeling the weight of my own words, I fall silent, swallowing hard. Hearing what I've just said, he stops walking, hands still in his pockets, his back to me.
What's wrong with me, saying something like that—especially to a guy like him, the kind who wants absolute obedience without question.
I clench my hands and silently hope he'll keep walking without responding.
Please refuse, please refuse.
After a brief moment, he replies in a voice laced with a mischievous smile:
– Follow me.
Apparently, that's his favorite phrase.
I trail behind him discreetly, unable to stop myself from noticing how handsome this guy is—even though I've just given him all the tools to blackmail me without even knowing his name. What an idiot I am. But after all, he's an angel. What's the worst he could do? I can still refuse when he asks for something... Yes, that's what I'll do.
For now, I'll follow him to learn more about this place—and especially about myself. An angel? Me? I still can't believe it. Later, I'll find a way to return to Earth and to my family.
Now I know I'm no longer on Earth but in another world, and I'm relieved to think that I'm the only one who's been... What exactly happened to me?
Transported? Teleported?
I don't even know how. What I do know for sure is that it happened in that abandoned house. Could it be because of that strange object?
No matter. It's better to stay on his good side than be against him—he's made that quite clear.
I observe him as my thoughts spiral in every direction, and suddenly, I realize that despite his temper, he's an incredibly handsome man.
His black, silky, slightly tousled hair frames his face irresistibly. But it's not just his appearance that draws me in. His muscular frame, clearly visible through his black t-shirt now that I'm looking closer, and his tall stature give him a commanding, almost intimidating presence.
During our silent walk, we encounter a group of people.
– You... take her with you, he orders, pushing me toward them without warning.
I watch him walk away until he disappears from my sight. Great, there goes my plan.
How could he just hand me over like that, to people I don't even know! Then again, I don't really know him either.
– Hi.
– Oh, uh... hi, I reply awkwardly, glancing at her.
– I hope Hayden didn't give you too much trouble.
– Hayden? I repeat, puzzled.
She smiles.
– I'm Hailey, his little sister.
She extends her hand to greet me.
So, he has a little sister, yet he acts like a jerk with other women. Clearly, he doesn't understand what karma is.
– I'm Marie.
I extend my hand as well, and we shake for two brief seconds.
Both of them have an aura that's both captivating and intriguing. She looks like him. Her dark, smooth, shoulder-length hair and her deep black eyes are striking. She seems much kinder, though.
– Nice to meet you. Let me introduce you to my two roommates, Elise and Ambre.
Returning the polite greeting, I notice the intensity of Ambre's gaze as she stares at me, focusing more on her flame-colored hair than the fire in her eyes.
– Wow, your eyes are mesmerizing, Elise remarks.
She gets a little too close to my face, one of her blonde curls tickling my cheek.
– Are you new? I've never seen you here before, she continues.
– Yes, I'm...
– Tell us what you were doing with Hayden, Ambre interrupts sharply.
– We met...
Hailey wraps an arm around my shoulders and silently reassures me to ignore Ambre's bad attitude.
– No need to answer; don't worry.
She leads me away with Elise, while Ambre stays behind, arms crossed, glaring daggers at me.
– Where are you taking me?
– To the dorm. You're lucky—we have one of the largest rooms in the castle.
– Alright, I smile.
Maybe it's not so bad that he left me with them.
We walk, climbing long stone stairs covered by a burgundy carpet.
– So, Marie, how was your journey here?
– Pretty long, I'd say. And very quiet, I reply, remembering when her brother told me to stay silent as we flew here.
– You come from far away?
– Pretty far, yes.
We stop in front of a large double wooden door.
– Here we are. Come in.
I open the door on one side, and in this spacious and sumptuous room, I am immediately dazzled by its beauty.
The walls are covered with golden wallpaper. The red carpet covers the entire floor, offering a sensation of warmth and comfort with each step I take.
Three large beds are placed in three corners of the room, and the fourth is in the center against the far wall. They are all draped in red velvet, creating a luxurious ambiance. The headboards are delicately carved with intricate details, adding a touch of artistry and sophistication.
The ceiling is a masterpiece, adorned with gold, complex patterns, and meticulous details in every corner. And, of course, at the center of this magnificent ceiling hangs an enormous antique chandelier sparkling brilliantly.
– We have an extra bed. You'll take the empty one and everything around it, over there, at the far end, near the big window to the left, she informs me, pointing it out with her finger.
I nod and smile, feeling slightly overwhelmed that complete strangers are socializing so quickly with me.
Hailey moves toward the bed in the middle, facing us, followed by the others, who settle comfortably on it.
I get the impression she just gave them a silent order.
– How old are you? Elise asks me.
– I'll be 20 in a few days.
– Come, join us, says Hailey, patting the mattress.
– Yes, come sit with us, Elise adds enthusiastically, playing with one of her blonde curls.
– Pff, scoffs Ambre, still frowning.
I ignore her completely and approach the bed, sitting carefully on the edge, trying not to take up too much space.
– So you're turning twenty? That's great! We'll be able to do the ceremony together, the four of us, Hailey says excitedly.
– A ceremony?
Elise grabs a teddy bear lying on the blanket and hugs it tightly, making me think it's her bed. Then Hailey finally answers me:
– Yes, the passage ceremony. At the end of every summer, those who've reached the age of twenty must undergo the passage ceremony.
– Are you talking about some kind of... birthday celebration? I try to guess.
Their heads tilt to the side, and I can see the same confusion on their faces that I feel during this strange conversation.
– It's not... Forget it, I say, cutting myself off.
Elise looks at Hailey, and they both start laughing. Then Elise asks me where I'm from.
– From Talmase.
– From... Talmase? That's a risky area, Ambre remarks, finally joining the conversation.
– I understand now why Hayden was with you, Hailey continues.
– Risky? Why? I ask.
– It's a town where demons have been gathering a lot lately.
– Demons?
Did she just say... demons? So angels and demons really exist, I realize. My blood runs cold as I suddenly remember Hayden's reaction when he threw me out of my room's window after hearing those loud, chaotic noises. Could those noises have come from demons in the house?
A shiver runs through me, sending chills down my spine.
– Yes, it surprised us that you're from there. How did you manage to survive? Elise asks, letting go of her teddy bear.
– You look pale. Are you okay, Marie? Hailey intervenes, placing her hand on my shoulder.
– Uh... Yes, I stammer, trying to collect myself.
Suddenly, the main door slams against the wall with a loud bang, making all of us jump at the same time. Two of the girls let out brief cries of surprise. A figure appears before us, casting a large shadow that stretches to the foot of the bed we're sitting on.
I freeze in horror at the sight of an unfamiliar person, covered in blood, collapsing onto the floor in a chilling silence, the only sound being the heavy thud of their body hitting the ground.
– Hadrien!
Hailey rushes to him, followed by Ambre, who joins her and crouches down, trying to turn him onto his back. She quickly examines his wounds before bringing her ear close to his face, getting blood on her cheek. Horrified, I remain frozen, unable to move, watching the scene unfold before me and following the trail of blood flowing onto the red carpet, blending in like a chameleon.
– He's breathing, Hailey exhales in relief.
– Heal him, Ambre, she commands desperately, her tearful eyes filled with urgency.
– I... I don't know what to do, Ambre panics.
I feel my body being shaken. It's Elise, trying to snap me out of my shock. She grabs my wrist, pulling me toward the motionless figure while giving clear instructions.
– Move, girls. Hailey and Ambre, you take a leg each, and Marie and I will take an arm.
We comply without question or hesitation. Carefully, I take hold of one of his arms while the others follow Elise's directions. Once we're ready, we exchange glances and lift him simultaneously. Walking cautiously and in unison, we gently place him on the empty bed. I can't tear my eyes away from his numerous wounds and the blood still oozing out.
I can't help but wonder what could have happened to leave him in such a state.
Elise starts removing his torn clothes, while Hailey collapses near the bed, staring at him from head to toe, clearly the most affected by the situation. Ambre, on the other hand, takes charge of retrieving medical supplies as quickly as possible.
Night has fallen, covering the landscape with moonlight that has replaced the setting sun.
While the others have gone outside for fresh air, I decide to stay by the injured man, overwhelmed by stress and worry over the unfolding events.
I probably should go rest to prepare for tomorrow. I sincerely hope I'll wake up in my room, with my mom by my side, comforting me with her reassuring presence and telling me this is just a long and vivid nightmare.
– Where am I supposed to sleep?
I glance around the room. The others aren't back yet, and I can't just take another bed without permission.
Of course, they had to put him on the bed that was supposed to be mine.
I glance out the window, hoping to spot them returning, but there's no sign of them. I step into the hallway outside the room, but there's no sound, no one in sight. Returning to the room, I notice the bed is large enough for three people.
Oh well, I'm too tired to wait, and besides, he's the one intruding in my bed.
I carefully climb onto the edge of the bed, settling in as comfortably as possible without disturbing the injured man.
Once I'm situated, I feel better. The sheets are so soft and cool. It would have been perfect if I were wearing a light and comfortable pajama set. My eyes are heavy, and I can no longer stay awake. Closing my eyes, I allow myself to drift off. I can't help but have one last thought about my mother.
I hope she's okay and isn't too worried about my sudden disappearance.
With my eyes closed, I let sleep take me into its soothing embrace. The fatigue and stress gradually fade, pulling me into a deep slumber.
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