Name: Texting/'Calling'
Draken's POV
Today felt like a long day, first Mikey had dragged me around to find Dorayaki since our regular stop was sold out today. However, now that it was almost nighttime, I was going to pick up Takemichi from daycare. I hadn't told the others about him yet, because of all the danger it could bring Takemichi if he was seen hanging around Toman. I stopped my bike outside of a small building with Rugrats Daycare written across it, chuckling to myself as I heard someone yelling about no running.
I swear that kid could hear me from miles away. I thought, turning off my bike and getting off.
"Dragon!" Takemichi yelled, running into my legs.
"Michi, you are supposed to wait inside with your teachers," I told him as I picked him up and placed him on my hips.
Takemichi just nuzzled into my side as I walked into the building to sign him out for today. Though as I was walking, I noticed there were dried tears on his cheeks and his eyes were red.
"Mister Ken, could I have a ward before you leave?" one of the teachers asked as I was grabbing Takemichi's bag.
"Yeah," I replied as I set Takemichi down. "Wait here, Michi."
"Okay," he answered, holding his dragon to himself tightly.
I ruffled his hair with a smile as I stood back up, and went to speak with his teacher.
"You wanna tell me what's going on?" I asked the teacher dryly, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Ugh, well," she started nervously as she rubbed her arms. "There was a little incident this afternoon, and Takemichi had been crying until you pulled up."
"What do you mean? why wasn't I informed?" I yelled as my fist balled up by my side.
They keep letting this happen. I thought, relaxing again as she tried to explain that they called the number in their system and no one answered.
"Tch, whatever," I scuffed, turning to get Takemichi and leave.
"I'm sorry," Takemichi said as he laid his head on my shoulder while I walked to my bike.
"You didn't do anything wrong, Michi," I explained, rubbing his back as I placed his bag in a compartment on my bike. "Wanna tell me what happened?"
"I was playing hero," Takemichi said, pulling on his cap that I could never get him to stop wearing. "But, Reiji no like me as the hero and he pushed me down and said I was a useless hero cause I cry all the time, and cause I don't have a family like him. But, I have Dragen and Jiji."
I sighed, placing Takemichi on the front of my bike and putting my helmet on his head.
"Your right," I told him as I started my bike. "You have me and no one else matters."
Kicking the stand up, I took off towards the downtown area where our home was. It didn't take long to get home as usual, though Takemichi was a little restless and kept shifting so I had to hold him and try to drive with one hand. I had a feeling tonight would be a long night, and that he would be a little tough to pass on to someone so I could go out. However, the annoyance I felt at the idea seemed to fade away at the sound of his laughter as we swived in and out of cars.
"We're home," I said, walking into the brothel.
"Kenny, Michi," Jack said, smirking as he waved us in. "How was daycare, Little man?"
Takemichi didn't answer Jack, he hid his face in my neck, causing me to sigh as I shifted him to a more comfortable hold.
"He cried most of the day, again," I told him as I headed towards our room.
Jack sighed as he shook his head. "I guess the poor kid doesn't want to let you go," he said, noticing that Takemichi held my braid.
"Nope," I replied, unlocking the door to our room. "Though, I have to go out later and I don't want to have to take him with me."
"I can't have a crying kid in here again, Kenny," Jack told me, shaking his head. "I had to offer the customer a free massage to get him not to call the cops."
"Tch, fine," I scuffed, slamming the door as I walked into our room.
"Dragen mad," Takemichi mumbled as I set him on our bed.
I chuckled softly as I ruffled his hair. "No Michi, I'm not mad."
"No," he said, tilting his head in curiosity.
"No," I told him, thinking for a moment about what to tell him. "I'm more worried, than anything."
"Worried? Why?" He asked, looking up at me with his blue eyes.
"I have a meeting tonight, but I don't want to leave you alone," I explained, poking his stomach.
Takemichi giggled as he pushed my hand away from his stomach. "Then I go with Kenny," he said after he stopped giggling.
"No," I said, a little harsher than I wanted. "You are too little to go with me."
My eyes widen as I noticed Takemichi's eyes start to tear up and his lip wabble.
"Wait, Michi," I stated as I felt panic settle in my stomach. "I didn't mean it like that."
"I wanna stay with Dragen!" Takemichi yelled, crying loudly.
Shit. I thought as I quickly picked him up.
"It's really dangerous where I'm going," I told him, walking back and forth as I tried to calm him. "Plus, I'll be out late and you need to sleep."
"NO!" He yelled, hitting my chest.
It had felt like hours before I had finally calmed Takemichi down. He fell asleep after getting me to agree to take him with me. I wasn't happy about this, but I knew it was inevitable. Sighing heavily as I sat on my bed, I thought about everything I would need to bring with me.
Little brat always gets his way. I thought, putting his blanket back on him as I leaned against the wall.
(Tokyo Revengers - High Hopes)
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