Toms point of view
I woke up to whispering and silent giggles at my door. I knew exactly who it was.
Matt and Edd.
I shot up out of bed, waking up Y/n in the process, and chased them out the door.
"Tom! You woke me up!!!" Y/n called in frustration.
"Sorry Y/n!!" I said as I continued to chase them around the house. I then ended up tripping and falling on my face.
"Ow..." I muttered as I heard someone snickering behind me. I turned around and saw Y/n standing there with her hand outstretched towards me to help me up. I smiled and accepted as she helped me off the ground.
"Thanks." I said with blush, scratching the back of my neck.
"No problem." She smiled causing my blush to spread.
I didn't notice I was still holding he hand until Edd and Matt started singing.
"Y/n and Tom are sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G!!"
I quickly let go of her hand and chased them around again.
"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!!" Tord shouted from his room.
"Shut up Commie!" I shouted running after the other two again.
I kept running around and growling as I chased them, until I heard a glass smash in the kitchen. Me, Matt and Edd stopped and looked to the kitchen. I turned to where Y/n was standing to see she wasn't there. I raced into the kitchen and saw a glass on the ground and Y/n with blood all over her hands as they covered her ears.
"Y/n! Are you alright?!" Edd said rushing in.
"I-I'm fine..." She whispered.
"What happened?! Did you hurt your face?!" Matt said running in and nearly tripping over.
"She just smashed a glass and cut her hand. Y/n let me see you-" Edd looked at her hand and his expression went blank, then it went to fear and worry. "Y/n... Your hands are mangled!" He said. "MATT GET THE FIRST AID KIT! TOM START THE CAR! WE NEED TO GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL!!"
I raced out the door and turned the car on, I then ran inside and picked Y/n up bridal style and carried her to the car. I sat her in the back seat and sat next to her. I pulled her close to me as she silently sobbed from the pain. I ran my hands through her hair and made shh noises to calm her down.
"T-Tom, your hoodie. I-It'll get blood in it." She whimpered.
"I dont care." I said as Edd and Matt jumped into the front.
"Step on it Edd!" I shouted as I held her close to me.
Edd sped off in the direction of the hospital, but before we could get there she blacked out from blood loss.
(Smol timeskip.)
After the doctor took the glass out of her hand we took her home so she can rest.
We got home and I heard her breath hitching. I carried her inside and placed her on my bed. I settled down next to her as she still whimpered in pain as she shifted her bandaged hand. I pulled her close to me in a warm hug, which calmed her down.
I ran my fingers through my hair and soon fell asleep next to her.
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