Toms point of view.
"Hey Tom. Here's the last of the stuff from our house." Edd said walking in with a box.
"Just put it with the rest." I said while fixing Susan.
He turned the box upside down and a ton of ashes fell onto the bigger pile of ashes.
"Good thing you got this place when you did." He said looking around.
"Yeah. Sucks there's only room for me and Y/n tho." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Speaking of which, have you see Y/n since we got here?"
"No actually. Maybe ask Matt." He suggested.
I stood up and walked to Matt's new apartment and knocked on the door.
He answered with a big smile.
"Hey tom! What's up?" He asked.
"Hey Matt. Have you seen Y/n?" I asked.
"Uhh. Now that you mention it, while she was outside, I thought I heard her screaming at someone to let her go- oh no." Matt said with his face dropping. "TOM!!! I THINK SHE WAS KIDNAPPED!!"
"EDD!!!" I called in panic.
"What?! What's wrong?!" He calf back franticly.
"WE THINK Y/N'S BEEN KIDNAPPED!!" Matt screeched.
Your point of view
I only walked outside for some fresh air when someone knocked me down and tied my hands behind my back.
"L-LET ME GO!! SOMEONE HEL-" My screams were cut off when a chloroform cover cloth was put to my mouth and I blacked out.
I woke up two hours later locked in a cage.
My breathing became rapid when I heard footsteps coming towards me.
"Oh I see your awake. How are you feeling subject 542?" A man asked.
"Subject?!" I thought.
"W-What are you going to do to me?!" I asked with fear.
"You'll see in mere time deary." He said grabbing the bars. He then picked up a walkie talky and started talking.
"How's subject 541??"
"What to you mean he's dead?!"
"That means you fucking failed again!!"
"God woman. You're useless!"
"Fine! Just come collect subject 542 and get this over with!"
He turned to me and he smirked evilly.
"Looks like its your turn." He said with a chuckle.
"W-Who was subject 541?" I asked, worried that it was one of my friends.
"Just a small boy. About 9 years old." He shrugged.
"You killed a child?! You sick fuck!!" I screamed grabbing the bars of my cage. "When I get my hands on you I'm going to rip out your throat!!!"
"Tsk tsk. I wouldn't say that to the man who could end your life in a heartbeat." He said grabbing my chin, but only for me to bite his hand. And it was a hard bite, it drew a lot of blood.
"You little slut!" He said drawing a gun. He opened the cage and pointed it at me.
"Out." He ordered.
I couldn't really do much without my weapons so I obeyed. He then led me to a room with a table with straps for my arms and legs.
"Get on the table." He ordered again.
I climbed on and a woman with short black hair and blue eyes walked in. She had a look of regret in her eyes.
(BTW. I'm adding someone special to this story 😊)
She strapped me down and pulled out an injection.
"I'm so sorry." She cried as she injected a thick serum into my arms.
I started to scream and thrash around from the pain.
"Good. Now leave her overnight." The man demanded.
I saw tears fall from the woman's eyes as she looked at the ground with sorrow. Clearly this man was forcing her to do this.
That was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.
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