"I... "
"Peter spit it out" You asked, your voice sounded out shakily as your palms began to sweat. As Peter was about to speak, the front door flung open, the metal handle indenting the wall behind it. Your eyes shot towards the commotion, as well as Peter's. There were masked men, suited up in black clothes surrounding the small living space, two of which attended to both yourself and Peter; taking your arms firmly and tying them behind your back.
"Hey! Watch it!" Peter yelled as he was stood next to you, his blood boiling at the pure sight of them putting you under any pressure or pain. The restraints tightened the more Peter struggled, until finally he was sedated under their touch. Another member of the group came to the front of you, holding up a small monitor which displayed a short live video clip of your headmaster.
"Greetings Miss L/N and Mr Parker, I'm glad we have your attention" she smiled, making Peter scoff. "I'm sorry for the corruption but there appears to be an outset quarantine taking place. My closest lab partners are working on solving the case but while this is underway, we would like to escort you back to the high school where your safety will be ensured"
"What about the test?" You asked, glancing between yourself and Peter before looking back over to her.
"I believe you should have received your results, to which I may say congratulations Y/N, you exceeded greatly above my expectation" she smiled, her profoundness seeming a little salty. She looked over at Peter, her smile fading to more serious expression, "As for you Mr Parker, I would have to say I am highly disappointing in your result. You know I saw so much in you, and yet here we are. I must say, it was nice having you at our school while it lasted" she ended with a smile, her eyes gliding over to you.
Your eyes were spinning between her cheesy grin, and Peter's face. His head had lowered to look upon his feet, and his shoulders had slumped. "Peter what is she talking about?" you asked, but Peter remained silent.
"My dear, he failed the test" she looked over at you, her hands locking together as she leaned over her desk. You mouth parted lightly, your tongue running dry.
"Peter tell me it's not true" you voice came across much more demanding this time, sounding stern and much less heart felt. "Tell me she's lying!"
"She's telling the truth, Y/N" Peter looked over at you, his eyes numbing to a shade of dim red as tears welled up at the sides "I failed"
"No, No-" You began yelling, your shoulders shaking out of the embrace of the soldiers, only for them to grab you twice as hard and began pushing you towards the open door. "No, don't do this to me Peter! Your the smartest guy I know! There has to be a mistake, there has to be-"
"My dear, there are no mistakes" Your headmaster replied. Looking back over your shoulder, you began struggling harder, with Peter remaining in the living room. A soldier was brought to his front, pushing him down harshly onto his knees. Everything ran in slow motion as the last glance you managed to get from Peter was a gun being placed between his eyes.
You had screamed all the way back to the high school. You had screamed even with a gloved hand over your mouth as they lead you to one of the private classrooms. You had screamed all the while your head was tucked between your knees, crying out loud for the world to hear. Despite the fact you saw it, part of you didn't want to believe it. The cursed faith in you was still strong, and the other half told you there was no faith in this situation, and that having those feelings would only break you more.
After being left alone for an hour, your throat was sore and bruised from the screaming, your lips and mouth were dry from the theories escalating in your mind, your scalp was numb from the harsh pulling on your hair and your heart was left empty from the loss of the one person who meant everything to you. The tables and chairs had been thrown across the classroom, the once rather polished blackboard now scraped and cracked.
As silence was ready to consume you, the door opened, revealing the last face who you forgot gave you hope. Michelle walked in, tears in her eyes as she rushed towards you, encasing you in a tight hug which you happily returned, tears falling into her shirt. She slowly lowered herself to sit in front of you as you shared falling tears together, the unspoken situation not in the need of mentioning, as you had both lost someone who meant so much to you.
"Where's Ned?" you finally asked after a long round of silence, your voice sounding extremely hoarse and cracked from the rashness. Michelle looked up to you, her hair unruly and her cheeks stained with tears. She shook her head slowly, making your blood boil.
"Ok, this makes no sense." You stood up, a hand rubbing the back of your neck; "Both Peter and Ned were at the top of there class, heck i've had to go to after school classes to catch up on my work. So explain to me how we passed, and they didn't. Something is not right" you predicted, thoughts racing through your mind. Michelle pondered on the thought too.
"I've got an idea" you whispered, finally stopping your pacing and wiping away your tears before jogging to the door. You weren't very good at seeing the inside of a detail, but Ned had taught you a thing or two about how to seek it if needed. You knocked gently on the door, the metal frame being immediately opened.
"What?" the man asked, his voice low and unrecognisable. You swallowed, looking back at Michelle who was eyeing you curiously.
"Uh, uh miss said that we could check our scores when we got back to the high school, can I please check mine now?" you asked sweetly, adding the small puppy dog eye in small fractures. He looked down the hallway nervously, looking back to see Michelle sat dumbfound on the other side of the room.
"I'm sorry but that information is classified" He refused, holding his stand tightly. You nodded with a smile, before bringing his head towards your knee, weakening him slightly as he became dazed at the contact. Due his body becoming limp, you were able to place your hands firmly around his head and twisted the skull to dislocate the spinal cord. Throwing him limp body to the ground, you removed the Velcro casing which held the proposition device with the needed information. Taking it with a smile, low key one upping yourself, you slammed the door, locking it and headed back over to sit with Michelle.
"Where did you-"
"Long story, now we need those test results" you eyed the program closely, scrolling down through the schools test results. Finally finding yourself on your set of the folder and scrolling down to your place in register, your percentage showed in a dark red colour; 42%. You clocked the number, before scrolling down to find Peter's file. It took you a while, finally finding it.
You slowly picked the gadget up, and turning it to face her. "Look at Peter's percentage grade"
She looked back up at you. "The pass grade was 57. Peter got 89%... Michelle he passed"
"Then why did they say he failed?" She asked, looking back to you. You ignored her question for the moment, running back through the same file to find Michelle's grade. "Michelle you got the same as me, you got 42%"
"So we failed?"
"Yeah, and it says here that Ned got 87%." You informed her, your stomach twisting slightly. You brought your head closer to the screen, a small green flashing camera lighting up in the top left corner. You clicked on it gingerly, the page averting to what looked like a live camera.
"They're alive"
"Look" you passed her the device quickly, pointing to the bottom half of the screen. In the corner of the room, sat the two boys you were hoping to see.
"No mistakes my fucking ass. Wait till I get my hands on her"
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