Requested by _ImASimp05_: Y/N and Tom have a teenage daughter, and Y/N goes away for the weekend to work. Whilst Tom is home alone with their daughter when she gets her first period. Tom is super supportive and gets her everything that she needs, as well as chocolate and snacks before comforting her.
"Do you have everything, my love?" Tom asked, my husband picking my suitcase up from our bed and starting to carry it out of our bedroom as I followed him.
"I'm pretty sure, yeah, but I'm only away for two days, it won't matter." I shrugged.
"Mia, come say goodbye to mum!" Tom yelled to our daughter as we headed down the stairs. We got to the front door, making me look up and give Mia a wide smile as she jumped down the stairs.
"Come here, darling." I chuckled, the girl who was a perfect mix between Tom and I walking into my arms as we tightly hugged each other.
"Be good for dad, yeah?" I spoke into her hair.
"Always am." She returned as she pulled back.
"I know." I teased as I gently cupped her face. Tom and I had been together for twenty years, and had been married for eighteen. He was truly the love of my life, hence why we had welcomed a daughter together after four years of marriage. Mia was now fourteen, and she was the light of mine and Tom's life. Unlike many other teenagers, Mia was so well-behaved and got on well with both me and her dad, which was why I wasn't at all worried about leaving the pair of them for the weekend in order to go on a trip for my work. Even if I would really miss my husband and daughter.
"Have a safe trip, darling." Tom spoke as he pulled me into a hug too.
"I will, Tommy, I'll text you when I get there. I love you." I replied.
"Love you too." He smiled, making me return it as he leant down and gently kissed me. I returned it, our eyes fluttering shut and my hands holding his face as his hands held my waist. I broke the kiss and gave him one last smile before grabbing my bags.
"See you later, you two. Don't have too much fun without me." I teased as I opened the front door.
"We won't." Tom smiled, making Mia laugh as Tom swung his arm dramatically over his daughter's shoulder and pulled her into his side. I rolled my eyes playfully and flipped them off, making Tom smirk as I walked out of the door, and shut it behind me.
Tom's P.O.V
"I'm serious, dad, you're painting more of my skin than you are my toes!" Mia laughed, making Tom return it and shake his head as the pair sat on the sofa in front of the TV, with Mia's feet on Tom's lap so that he could paint her nails.
"Well, love, if you stopped moving, I would be able to be accurate. You're just like your mother, you never sit still." He teased. Mia raised her foot and tapped it against Tom's chin, making him gasp playfully and look at her with wide eyes as his face now felt wet with the polish.
"Really, Mia?!" He laughed, making his daughter return it and nod. Though, Tom had to admit how much he loved that Mia was as playful as him and Y/N. She was the perfect combination of both of them.
"Okay, seriously, darling, stay still so that I can actually finish this masterpiece." He chuckled as he gently took her ankle and put her foot back against his lap so that he could finish her nails. But her stillness didn't last long. Without warning, Mia's eyes widened and she shot up, making Tom's eyes widen too as she suddenly rushed out of the room.
"What-Mia?!" He yelled out after her. He gulped, concern starting to fill him as he heard the bathroom door slam shut.
"Mia, love, are you okay?" Tom called out again as he stood up and walked to the bathroom door.
"Go away!" She responded with a muffled voice through the layer in between them. Tom's eyebrows furrowed at her response. Tom and Y/N were so close with Mia that it was highly unusual for her to be like this, and that was only making the man's concern for his daughter grow.
"Mia, don't talk to me like that! I'm concerned about you, sweetheart, please tell me what's wrong." He responded.
"I need mum, g-get mum!" Mia shouted again. Tom's eyebrows furrowed more.
"Honey, you know that mum isn't here. Come on, whatever it is, I'm sure that I can help!" He insisted. There was a pause, making Tom put his ear to the door and listen carefully.
"I...I-I got my period." Mia admitted quietly. Tom's eyes widened, his heart virtually stopping at his daughter's words. Of course he wasn't the type of guy to get grossed out by periods, after all, they were a natural part of life. Tom's worry came with whether or not he could make Mia feel safe and comfortable with this by himself. And without Y/N.
"Okay, darling, that's fine, that's okay. Do you need anything from your room?" He asked.
"I...I don't have anything, dad. This is my first period." She spoke again. Tom sighed and let his eyes flutter shut, the situation getting slightly worse with each second. But then he started to get an idea. Of course he'd had twenty years with Y/N, meaning that he had twenty years of rough experience on how to deal with periods. Whilst of course Mia wasn't guaranteed to get periods the same that Y/N was, Tom could at least try. And so, that was what he'd do.
"Okay, love, that's alright. Go into the bathroom cabinet, that's where your mum keeps all of her stuff. Put a pad on, and then come out, because we're going somewhere." He explained.
"Dad, no, I feel like shit, I don't want to go out-."
"Trust me, honey, you're going to love it, I promise. And when have I ever broken a promise to you?" He responded. He heard Mia sigh.
"Fine, okay. I'll be out in a moment." She spoke back.
"Alright, darling. I'll be just here." He nodded before stepping back so that Mia could have some privacy. After a few moments, the door opened, making Tom look at Mia as the girl timidly walked out.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He asked, his heart full of concern for his daughter as he gently cupped her cheek with his hand.
"I just want to go to bed." She grumbled.
"Or, we do this surprise, and then you cuddle up on the sofa with your good old dad for your favourite movie, yeah? Because what you're going through right now is perfectly natural and okay, I know that you probably won't feel great, but know that it's nothing to be ashamed of. That being said, I'd be a shit dad if I let you lock yourself in your room for the next week because of it." He smiled. She chuckled and shook her head as she looked up at him with eyes identical to his own.
"Okay, fine. God, this better be good." She teased.
"It's me, of course it'll be good." Tom scoffed, making Mia chuckle and shake her head as they headed back along the hallway.
"I thought that you said that this would be good." Mia scoffed as the pair of them walked through the supermarket aisle, Tom pushing the trolley as they looked at the hundreds of packs of sanitary products.
"We're not at the good part yet, darling, we're still in the necessary part." Tom nodded, his eyes scanning across the products before he grabbed a few and chucked them into the trolley. Mia's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at him.
"What's the good part then?" She questioned. Tom smiled and winked at her, making her chuckle as he led her out of the aisle and to the one next to it. The chocolate, sweets, and snacks aisle.
"Pick whatever you want from this aisle. There is no limit, quantity or price-wise." Tom nodded. Mia's eyes widened and her mouth fell open.
"What, dad?" She scoffed.
"Look, honey, not only did you get your first period, but you got it on the one weekend that mum was away working. So, you're being treated to as much as you can eat. Just don't tell your mother." He chuckled.
"Oh my god-thank you!" She squealed, making Tom laugh as she tightly wrapped her arms around his neck.
"It's alright, sweetheart. Go on, pick whatever looks good." He smiled, making her laugh giddily as she started to run down the aisle, and pick up virtually every bag that decorated the shelves.
~Two days later~
Y/N's P.O.V
I opened the front door, my eyes flicking around the quiet and dark house as I pulled my bag in.
"Hello? Tommy? Mia?" I called out quietly as I shut the door. My eyebrows furrowed, this environment vastly different to the one that I was used to. Because whilst Tom and I only had one child, the pair of them together often made the mess and noise of three kids, and so such a quiet and tidy house was unusual. I headed through into the living room, and my heart immediately melted at what I saw.
"Hey." I whispered, making Tom look up at me from his position on the sofa, where Mia was lying asleep cuddled into his side, and the TV was quietly playing in front of them.
"Hey, my love. How was the work trip?" Tom asked equally as quietly as my eyes started to notice all of the empty sweet, chocolate, and crisp wrappers.
"It was okay, but what happened here? Why did you buy all of this junk food?" I scoffed. Tom sighed and looked at Mia before looking back at me.
"Mia got her first period over the weekend." He admitted. My eyes widened, my mouth falling open and guilt washing over me at the fact that I hadn't been there for her.
"Oh, god, was she okay?" I sighed as I rushed to her side and gently sat down next to her so that I wouldn't wake her up as I started to stroke her hair.
"Apart from being embarrassed at first, she was okay. I told her where your stuff was so that she could use it, I reassured her that it's perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed of, and then we went out and I bought her whatever snacks that she wanted." He nodded. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked at my husband again.
"Wow, Tommy. It actually sounds like you handled that perfectly." I scoffed.
"What can I say, I've had twenty years of periods with you, I know how to deal with it." He teased, making me chuckle and playfully roll my eyes as we continued to gaze at each other.
"In all seriousness, it sounds like you were even more of an amazing dad this weekend than you normally are. I'm sure that Mia really appreciates it." I nodded.
"Thank you, my love. Thank you." He gave me a small smile, making me return it and look down at Mia as I continued to stroke our daughter's hair.
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