I faint for you Tom HollandX(f)reader
So sorry for not updating in literally twenty eight days. I've had a lot going on. On the 14th I officially started going to two schools. On August 30th I started my first school and on September 14th I started my homeschool. I don't know if any of you go to Lakeland Jr. Sr. high school but I do. I'm a sophomore this year and we lost a senior. Her name was Leah. In a tragic boating accident she drowned. If you go to Lakeland or you knew her feel free to talk to me. I understand that right now is a very hard time for everyone. May she rest in peace. I now have been going to two schools officially since the 14th. I am trying to get over my writers block, I do still have one but I will do my best to start updating more frequently for you all. Thank you for sticking around for as long as you did and still are. This imagine is going to be about the reader at a comic con getting lost and fainting because of anxiety. But then he finds her and she faints again because it's Tom Holland her biggest crush. Thank you being here and reading. Keep on reading and enjoy my lovely peeps!! -Ariel
You were at comic con trying to find the Spider-Man Homecoming movie panel. When suddenly you felt dizzy and dark spots were clouding your vision. You knew what was happening, an anxiety attack. The crowds really got to you, although you knew the consequences of going, you still went anyways. You suddenly blacked out from the excessive breathing. When you woke up you saw faces hovering over you and that's when you saw him. Tom Holland standing there hot as always with concern written all over his face. And it was for you and of course you had to go and pass out again. The next time you woke up in the hospital. On a bed with needles sticking in you. You tried very hard not to throw up at the sight, as needles bothered you a lot. Then you sat up and walked out with the machine attached to you and a hospital gown on you. Luckily not showing anything of your chest or behind. Juts your legs, feet, neck, and head. And there he was again. This time you didn't faint but you had to sit down. "Hi I'm Tom Holland," he said casually in that sexy British accent. "Yeah I know. You're super hot! Oh my god! I'm so sorry I just said that!" He just laughed it off, "it's fine but how are you doing? You're the one in the hospital and the one that fainted. "I'm doing OK, I just get bad anxiety attacks. I just hope I don't faint again." You said nervously chuckling, you seriously did not want to faint again though. "Well I'm gonna wait here until you get discharged and I can take you home." You look at I'm briefly before saying, "oh I actually don't live here. I checked out of my hotel today hoping to go back home after the panel." He looked at you with pity, "well you can stay with me at my sweet until we can figure out a way to get you back home." You look at him in utter shock and well up. "I can't ask that of you. I'm sure you have a lot to do and I don't want to be a burden." Your voice cracked whilst saying this. "It's really no bother." He said and you gave him a giant hug whispering in his ear a thank you before going back to your hospital bed because a nurse told you to. You went back to his sweet later on and bonded, little did you know that in your future you would be happily married and with two children and one on the way.
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