The girl in the mansion (Thomas S.)
You pulled your bags out of your car and pulled them into the mansion. At this point you were too pissed at your parents to realize just how old the place was.
You had a very rich family and one day they decided that instead of spending your summer on the beaches of Hawaii like them, you were gonna spend it in a house you never knew. They told you they bought it years ago, and now you believed them as you could see a thrown aside rusty 'for sale' sign on the lawn.
You found a good empty spot and set up your inflatable mattress, since your parents would come in a week with new furniture and you didn't trust the chairs or sofas you saw; they were all covered in cobwebs!
After the mattress was fully inflated, you sat down and unpacked your clothes and books. An old case crashed to the floor across the room and you jolted up, unable to see anything over there. You sighed, sitting back down and mentally nothing to yourself to call pest control.
An hour later, all your food, clothes, and items were set up by the mattress and you decided to explore.
The mansion was empty, lifeless, and honestly terrifying. If you had the choice you would have stayed away. But your parents believed you 'needed some time alone' and 'you're old enough to be responsible for yourself'
You rolled your eyes going up the stares and turning on your phone light.
The creaky steps sent you right back down, despite the nagging curiosity. You dialed your phone and gave your best friend a call.
"Hey y/n! How's the haunted house?"
"What do you mean haunted?!"
"I'm researching that mansion it's called allerdale hall. Some weird shit went down there in the 1900's. A bunch of murders. A author girl that was there wrote about it and it's all documented on this website. She says she married a Thomas Sharpe and he owned the mansion and lived with his sister, yada yada yada, and it turned out this Thomas dude had a bunch of wives before her or something and he lured her to the mansion so him and his sister could kill her, but Thomas actually fell in love-"
"First off, don't talk so fast, second, what does that have to do with the place being haunted?!"
"The author said that after they died their ghosts were bound to haunt Allerdale hall forever. Has anything creepy happened yet?" "A vase fell over but I thought it was a rat-" "sis you're being haunted."
"Oh well that's fucking great. I'll call you back but I wanna call the ghost busters first"
You said goodbye and hung up, slowly looking around you. "Hello?" You said, your voice echoed. "Good evening" you screamed and spun around to see a man behind you. You looked him up and down... realizing he was translucent. "Holy shit" you gaped. "Please watch your tongue-" "holy shit" you said again. He rubbed his forehead in frustration. "Alright- wh- just- what are you doing here?" "My parents sent me for the summer" you said, still stunned. "Ok... what year is it?" "The great year of 2020"
Now it was his turn to stare. "Has it really been that long?" You relaxed a little, curious. "That long since... what, exactly?" "Not important... anyways, welcome to Allerdale Hall, make yourself comfortable, and also that wast a rat it was my sister trying to scare you out. Don't worry about that. If there was a rat here I would know and while it looks rather dirty on the outside I can tell you these halls are impeccably clean... just... ignore the dust" he smiled.
Should I make a part two for this, or is their meeting a good enough story? Idk honestly-
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