Out of the question (Tom)
A warm Friday evening stroll through the park with your boyfriend of four years, Tom Hiddleston, was just what you needed. The sun setting over the London skyline, a cone of ice cream in one hand, and your boyfriends hand in the other. You didn't think it could get any better.
You talked about random things, your conversations going from work to the best gummy bear flavor.
And this evening, the conversation even went to marriage.
"Green? You're husband material" "maybe we should get married then" he gave an award winning smirk, wiping a smudge of ice cream off your nose with a napkin. You rolled your eyes, a grin plastered on your face. "I'm not the marrying type" you replied, taking another lick of your ice cream. "I don't think so" he said. "No no really though, marriage might even be out of the question. It's just a lot of responsibility and I see that stuff fail all the time" you said, lookin down at your melting cone. (I'm not gonna specify the flavor cos everyone likes different things and I'd prefer to be inclusive than to start some sort of frozen custard war in the comments)
You both made your way down the block back to Toms flat, (mAkiNg mY WaY dOwNtOwn, WalKinG fAst, fAcEs pAsS anD iM hOmeBouNd-) and just as you were going to open the door he opened it for you, causing you to giggle.
After he closed the door, you went to take off your coat only for Tom to do it for you, draping it over the chair you always left it at. "Alright what are you up to" you laughed, an eyebrow raised in confusion, while a smirk of amusement grew on your face.
"Trying to prove that marriage isn't out of the question." He said, sweeping you off your feet and carrying you over to the couch. After setting you down and putting a blanket over you, he ran to the kitchen for a minute or two and came back with a bowl of popcorn and setting it in your lap. "Tom I-"
Before you could finish he had already started up doctor who and sat next to you, pulling you close to his side. You didn't know weather to blush and question his antics, or play along and have some popcorn.
It took you a minute to think but you landed on popcorn and cuddles. (Who wouldn't sis)
An hour later the episode came to an end, and Tom looked down at you.
"Marriage still out of the question?" He asked, running a hand through your hair. "Well... I don't know... you still haven't persuaded me" you answered. He smirked "we'll see about that" he said, lifting you off the couch and carrying you into the bedroom.
The end. Seggc mf. For some reason I have a song in my head all of a sudden... k bye...
jUsT tHe TwO oF uS-
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