Chapter 41~
Zhan rushed to the company, only to find everything in chaos.
The staff was already gathered outside Zhan's office before one of the members spoke, "sir, this is a disaster before us. The Varos. inc represented the. date, this matches so much like ours!"
The other said, "sir we have worked so hard for this! How can it spread like sir."
"All our hard work and days of work is gone, sir."
The staff said they were all devastated , overworked and when they thought that their work will finally pay off they suffered a huge setback, a setback so huge that it was a blow to their motivation and inspiration.
"Clam down everyone. We will figure something out." Zhan spoke. He himself was quiet, shocked, and his brain just shut. down everything was going so well then how come everything was collapsing now!
Zhan went to his office and opened his laptop and saw the presentation, he made sure the keept everythinf safe and secure and without his fingerprint it was not possible to get acess to the files then how come this happened?
Zhan was freaking out right now, "Zhan what the hell am I listening." Feng Zhan's father followed by Cheng also entered the room.
Zhan hurriedly got up and kept a hand on his head, "Dad, I have no idea how the hel did this happen I was careful, iw as extra careful, I have no idea who did this?"
Cheng spoke, "Was your computer hacked?"
Zhan shook his head, "My computer is protected by a very tight security program."
"Well hackers can come up with new techniques everyday, maybe we should get your laptop checked, we have to figure out how did Varos got your files, before we can sure them." Cheng spoke and Zhan nodded.
And hence and comouter expert was call, the atmosphere was tense at the office and at home as well, it was like a huge tornade had came in their lives and ransacked everything.
The computer expert took his time to figure out whether the laptop was hacked or not before she said, "sir, your laptop or your monitor nothing is hacked."
Zhan and his family and employes were baffled and Cheng spoke, "Maybe someone from the staff did it? We have to get the cops involved."
Zhan just sat on the sofa with his head in his hand, while Cheng sat beside him adn explained, "If Varos. Inc planted a corporate spy then they can be sued, however if someone did it to sell the information to earn money then we can only sue that person and Varos.Inc won't suffer much harm at mist they might have to pay the fine for buying something illegaly.
But even in that case I assume that they will walk away. I talked to my good friend he might find out something for you as soon as he can."
Zhan who was still in shock and heart broken didn't say anything this set back a huge blow to his peace of mind, however his father came to him and gently encouraged him, "Zhan... I know that you lost all your motivation right now, however where there is a will there is a way."
Zhan looked at him and his father smiled, "how about to work on it again?"
Zhan sighed, "dad, it's not possilbe how can I..."
"Not just you, how about you talk to your staff and take their advice and discuss everything with them before you take any further step."
Zhan got up and went to the washroom to wash his face and after he came back he gathered his staff, and said, "As you know our data that we worked so hard for was stolen and our rival took advantage of it.
The cops have been, prvivate investigaters are call and each and everything will be done to get to the root of this, I had promised myself to give all of you a reward once this project is final however things didn't go as planned but even so, you alldeserve the reward for you hard work.
So I will give you a raise and a bonus in adavance, also as promised a full week off." he said with a smile but the employess were not excited, yes they were happy, money always makes people happy but at the same time they didn't feel the satisfaction that they would get if their project that they worked so hard on would be finalised.
So they weren't overjoyed or jumped with excitement.
"I know that it might be too much of me to ask this but." Zhan spoke, "I would like to ask you one favour, can we work hard again, harder than before and once again do the project? "
The staff looked at him with amusement, "Maybe the new one won't be as good as the old one, maybe the new might not even pass, and may be the new one won't be as perfect as the one we worked on for days, but at least we will have the satisfaction that we did out best.
I will ask the investors to give us some time, to grant us extension of at least one week and in the time we can once give our best... of course there is no force, I understand if you all are tired I am tired too but...If you want to back off I won't be angry and your bonus and holiday won't be cancles so rest assured.
So what is your answer?"
The staff looked at each other, it would be a lot of work and overwork but in the end if the results are satisfying then that would be good besides they were getting a holiday and bonus and a raise in their salary as well.
So one of the staff said, "I am in sir."
And so slowly, slowly the rest of them also chimed in, Zhan smiled proudly at his staff, "Alright, lets get started the sooner we start the better."
Zhan smiled before his phone rang and it was Simon who was calling him, "Hello."
"What am I hearing from my father... is this true?"
Zhan sighed, "Yeah... my files were stolen."
Simon sighed on the other hand, "Are you dumb you idiot!"
Zhan only sighed, he was thankful to Simon for worrying about him. Simon was just like William, instead of saying sweet words, Simon scolded him, but Zhan was used to this way of Simon, in the end Simon spoke, "If you need any help, then I am just a call away."
"Actually I think I will be needing a little bit of help, in the project and also yoyr help in convincing the investors to give me some time."
"On it." Simon said.
"Thank you."
That day Zhan did not come home in fact he did not come home for the next few days..
Fortunatly Zhan had got the extension and since then he and his team were wroking non-stop working themselves to the bone to make thing s work to present even a better verson of data that before.
And Yibo only drowned in guilt, coming back to an empty room and not seeing Zhan's smile hurt.
He couldn't sleep on the bed as well because he missed Zhan by his side and his strong backhugs.
He missed Zhan dearly but did not have the courage to face him.
Finally the next day Zhan's mother who wasn't able to go to Zhan's office called him, "Yibo. Can you take Zhan's clothes to him?I even made some breakfast for him."
Yibo took the bag and smiled before he nodded, "Sure."
So he took out his car and drove to Zhan's company.
Once he reached his destination he pakred his car and walked inside the building and took the lift to Zhan's office.
His hands were sweating by the thought of meeting Zhan, Zhan's smile and his voice, Yibo missed everything.
But at the same time the suffocating feeling came back again, and he once the leift stopped, Yibo walked out he felt that his steps were heavy as he walked towards Zhan's office, Zhan's assistant was already there and she smiled at him greeted him before she let him in.
Yibo took a deep breathe and walked in the office, only to see Zhan lying on the sofa with one hand on his stomach and the other dangling down as he was slept.
It didn't seem like the most comfortablle place to sleep but it seemed like Zhan was too tired.
Yibo walekd closer to him and with each step his elgs became heavier and when he saw the dark circles under Zhan's eyes and his messy hair and wrinkiled clothes plus the unwashed food dishes and beside was the packed food that wasn't even opened.
Yibo felt terrible, what has he done!
And not just Zhan, Yibo's reckless action affected Zhan's staff and also Zhan's father who had to do extra work so that Zhan can completely focus on the project.
Yibo clenched his fists he wanted to tell Zhan everything but he was scared of his wrath but at the same time this feeling of guilt was too much to handle.
Yibo sighed and gently shook Zhan as he called out his name.
After shaking him for sometime Zhan finally woke up and yanwed before he stretched his lips and as soon as he saw Yibo he smiled.
Smile. This god damn that was like a love arrow that peirced Yibo's heart and filled his stomach with butterflies.
Zhan suddenly grabbed Yibo's hand and pulled him to sit on his laps.
Yibo did not resist and neither tried to get out of Zhan's hold. Zhan snaked his arms around Yubo and hugged him tightly squeezing him completly.
Yibo smiled and let Zhan do whatever he wanted, "I missed you so much! I am sorry. I was so busy with work that I couldn't come home."
"Don't say sorry." Yibo said as he patted Zhan's head and Zhan cuddled with Yibo, "I was granted one week's time and finally on the sixth day our work was finally done.
I showed it to father as well for a final review I will show it to Simon and his dad."
Yibo smiled, "Great, you have worked hard."
Zhan looked at him and giggled, "really?"
"Then after I am done with this project will you reward me by finally letting me do it with you?"
Yibo smiled, "Sure."
"Really?" Zhan asked with a huge smile and wide twinkling smile, like a child getting candy.
Yibo nodded, "Really."
The next day Cheng was visited by the private investigator who was also his friend, "What did you find Haoxuan?"
Haoxuan causally sat on the chair as he ate his lollipop, "till now I figured out that Caspian had nothing to do with it, he didn't hire any hacker and neither corporate spy in fact after questioning the servants I found out that someone delivered the pen drive to his house."
"And who did that?"
Haoxuan casually spoke as he placed a photo before Cheng, "This photo was taken by the neighbor's live cam this woman delivered the pen drive."
When Cheng saw the photo of the person his eyes widened and he sat straight in his place Haoxuan spoke, "she is a doctor and her name is Meng Ziyi."
Author's note: One mistake and not only Zhan suffer, but his staff suffered and possibly Ziyi will also suffer if she gets arrested. A completely new relation can be damaged by just one reckless action🤦♀️🤦♀️😫😫
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