"You have a nice house darling." Zhan spoke as he parked his car outside Yibo's house and got down from with a bouquet of flowers.
Yibo who was still in a bad mood did not reply to him, he was mad at Zhan but he was more mad at himself, he was mad at himself for putting his guard down.
He hated himself for getting drunk and even going to the bar.
However, Zhan came beside him and snaked his arms around Yibo's waist, "Shall we go in?"
Yibo tried to remove Zhan's hand from his waist but Zhan had a death grip on him and applied more pressure as he held Yibo's waist, "If you don't want me to do anything then be a good boy and lead the way to your house." Zhan said dangerously.
Yibo sighed and walked towards his house, he opened the door with the key but when he came in he saw a woman.
A woman that Yibo hated with a passion, the woman stood there in front of May and was looking at furiously while May was also glaring back at her.
"Get out of my house Lily." May said.
"I will when you give my husband what he wants, I know this is your plan May you want my husband and that's why you are not giving him the money he desrves."
May rolled her eyes and picked her phone, "I am calling the cops get out or else..."
"I am not leaving today no unless you let my husband go!" Lily said and was about to jump at May however Yibo walked ahead after freeing hismelf from Zhan's grip and ruthlessly pushed Lily back.
She stumbled and Yibo stood before May, "Get out right now." Yibo said as she glared at Lily with cold and menacing eyes.
While Lily gulped she wasn't that scared of May because May was a simple and naive woman and can be easily trampled on howver Yibo was a psycho.
Lily had heard her husband tell how Yibo has a baseball bat that he sued to bash the head of anyone who came to May and sometimes even throw things at them.
Lily gulped and got up, "I will leave but tell your mother to stop going after my husband."
"My mother will never go after a bastard like him and a homewrecker lile you should get lost."
Lily clenched his fist and Yibo who was glaring at his woman felt more and more anger, this woman came between his father and mother and broke hie family well his father was already a bastard but this woman was worst.
Lily has awlays humilaited May and insulted her so many times in front of the relatives from his father's side, "how dare a slut like you even dare to enter my house huh!"
Lily got up and glared at Yibo, "I am older than you Yibo I am the age of your mother show me some respect."
"Yeah sure." Yibo said and grabbed Lily's arm harshly and dragged her outside the house he passed by Zhan who was awatching everything with an amused look at his face.
Yibo didn't care if Lily was old or she was having problem keeping up with his pace he just wanted her out.
So when he got her of the house and shoved her ruthlessly, such brutal force made her stumble and loose her balance she was about to fall on the ground but before she can some one caught her.
The person who caught her galred at Yibo with maddening rage in his eyes and the will to kill, "How dare you treat my mother like that!"
"I treated her just lile how she treats my mother, she reaped what she sowed Caspian." Yibo said as he looked at Caspian.
Zhan was shocked to see Caspian over there, he didn't knew that Caspian his arch rival was related to Yibo.
Caspian has created a lot of trouble for Zhan these past few years and Zhn hated this guy a lot, Zhan felt this urge to punch Caspian whenever he saw his face.
So he went outside and stood beside Yibo and smiled at Caspian who was shocked as well to see him there, questions arose in Caspian's mind but thankfully Zhan answered them on his own.
"I didn't knew that I would meet you here Mr. Harvey... I had no idea that you knew my fiance."
As soon as the words fiance rolled out of his mouth Caspian felt thinderstruck and May gasped she was shocked but more than that she was so happy that she nearly jumped at her place.
Caspian however looked at Yibo, "How can you marry him? he is our rival... have some common sene Yibo, you..."
"Oh shut up!" this time it was May who spoke, she wanted Yibo to marry since a long time, she had shown Yibo many photos and set him up witb many blind dated but Yibo turned them down.
And May was feeling very distreesed she thought that her son will spend her life alone working himself to death howerve today he bought his fiacne home!
But when May heard Caspian trying to discourage Yibo and questioning his choise she felt so mad that she glared at him, "If he is your rival or not it's none of our business we do not care Caspian get lot!"
She said and closed the door at their face before she turned around and looked at Zhan she directed all her attention to him looking at him up and down.
Handsome face. Check.
Tall height. Check.
Money. Check.
And if Yibo chose him, himself then May had no problem.
"Come inside young man what;s your name?"
Zhan smiled at her politely and gave her the boquet of rose, "My is Xiao Zhan, nice to meet you Mrs. Wang... I must say now I know where my dear fiance get's his beauty."
May took the bouquet and smiled at Zhan, "awww.... you are so cute...please come and sit And Yib can you get some snacks? while I talk to him?"
Yibo who was at the worst mood sighed, "Yes mom." he mumbled before he left.
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