Chapter 4: Living Life
A Few Days After The Last Chapter
(Y/N is currently emptying Anteiku's trash into a dumpster.)
(Y/N's thoughts): That kiss with Kaya was...
(Y/N thinks back on the kiss & makeout session he had with Kaya.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Everything I hoped for and more!
(Y/N touches his lips.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I can still feel her lips...
(Y/N): *sniffs* Ugh, I have some trash on my lips. I better go wash my face.
(Y/N heads back inside of Anteiku & heads to the restroom. While Y/N is doing that, Kaya & Touka are looking at the various Anteiku customers.)
Kaya: *proudly looking at the customers*
Touka's thoughts: I guess I could help (Y/N).
Touka: Kaya?
Kaya: Yes, Touka?
Touka: (Y/N) has been with you for a while, huh?
Kaya: He has. I honestly can't remember the time before he wasn't by my side.
Touka: That's sweet.
Kaya: *smiles* It is.
Touka: So, do you like (Y/N)?
Kaya: He didn't tell you?
Touka: Tell me what?
Kaya: That he and I are together?
Touka: What?!
Kaya: [chuckles] By that reaction I'm assuming that he also didn't tell you that we kissed?
Touka: WHAT?!
Kaya: [chuckles]
Touka: So, (Y/N) not only confessed to you but also finally kissed you? About time, (Y/N).
Kaya: Well, not exactly.
Touka: What do you mean?
(Kaya tells Touka about her date with Y/N.)
Touka: [sighs] (Y/N) is so clueless.
Kaya: Yeah, but it's part of his charm.
Touka: If you say so.
(Kaya & Touka overhear a conversation between a pair of male customers.)
Male Customer A5: You see that black haired waitress over there?
Male Customer E9: Yeah, what about her?
Male Customer A5: She's hot!
Male Customer E9: Hell yeah!
Male Customer A5: The things I'd do to her...
Male Customer E9: No, man. The things I'd do to her...
Touka: Argh!
(Touka is about to storm over to the pair until Kaya stops him.)
Kaya: It's okay, Touka.
Touka: Are you sure, Kaya?
Kaya: Yes. It doesn't bother me.
Touka: Okay...
(The pair of male customers continue their conversation.)
Male Customer A5: Too bad we don't have a chance with her.
Male Customer E9: Don't remind me.
(Y/N walks out of the restroom.)
(Y/N): All better!
Male Customer A5: I'd say we have a better chance of getting with her than the janitor!
Male Customer E9: [laughs] You're right!
Male Customer A5: No woman would date a janitor!
Male Customer E9: Just look at him. I bet he smells!
Male Customers A5 & E9: [laughing]
Touka: Jerks.
(Kaya walks towards Y/N.)
Touka: Kaya?
(Y/N notices Kaya walking towards him.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Kaya's approaching me. Do I hug her? Kiss her? Probably not because we're at work. I'll just say hello.
(Kaya is now in front of Y/N.)
(Y/N): Hel-
(Before Y/N can finish; Kaya kisses Y/N passionately. Y/N is surprised by this at first but almost immediately, passionately kisses her back & wraps his arms around her waist.)
Touka: *embarrassed blushing*
Enji: [chuckles] Dogs in love.
Yoshimura: *smiles gently*
(After a minute of kissing, Y/N & Kaya separate from each other.)
(Y/N): What was that for?
Kaya: I just felt like kissing the one I love.
(Kaya glares at the pair of male customers.)
Male Customers A5 & E9: *quickly look down at their coffees*
(Y/N): *smiles brightly*
Kaya: Walk me home after work?
(Y/N): Of course!
Kaya: Good boy.
(Kaya goes to rejoin Touka.)
(Y/N's thoughts): If I had a tail; it'd be wagging right now.
(Cut to Y/N & Kaya in front of Kaya's home.)
Kaya: Thanks for walking me home, (Y/N).
(Y/N): It's always a pleasure to walk you home, Kaya.
(Y/N & Kaya kiss then Y/N begins to walk away.)
Kaya: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yes, Kaya?
Kaya: Stay the night.
(Y/N): W-What?
Kaya: You heard me.
(Y/N): Yes, ma'am.
(Kaya takes Y/N by his hand & leads him to her bedroom.)
(Y/N): Kaya?
(Kaya pushes Y/N onto her bed & gets on top of him.)
Kaya: Don't tell me my Black Beta is that clueless.
(Y/N): Of course not! It's just...
Kaya: What?
(Y/N): I don't have protection...
(Kaya pulls a condom out of her pocket.)
(Y/N): Of course The Black Dog is always prepared.
Kaya: *grins* She is.
(Y/N & Kaya kiss passionately & proceed to take off each other's clothes. The night ends with Y/N & Kaya having passionate sex.)
The Next Day
(Y/N & Kaya are currently sleeping together. That is until Y/N is woken up by his cellphone.)
(Y/N): [groans]
(Y/N answers his phone.)
(Y/N): Hello?
Yoshimura: (Y/N)? Sorry to be calling you so early but I need you to come in.
(Y/N): [yawns] Okay....[yawns] On my way.
Yoshimura: Thank you, (Y/N).
(Y/N ends the phone call.)
(Y/N looks at Kaya's sleeping face & caresses her cheek.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I'd rather stay here with you but sadly I can not.
(Y/N gets out of bed, puts his clothes back on, writes a note for Kaya, & kisses forehead.)
(Y/N): I'll see you at Anteiku.
(Cut to Y/N at Anteiku.)
(Y/N): What do you need me for, boss?
Yoshimura: I'm sorry, (Y/N).
(Y/N): For?
Yoshimura: For taking you away from Kaya.
(Y/N): *blushes* It's fine...
Yoshimura: Follow me.
(Y/N follows Yoshimura to a room.)
(Y/N): Is this room a mess or...?
(Yoshimura opens the door revealing Hide.)
(Y/N): You want me to eat him?
Yoshimura: [light chuckle] No, (Y/N). I want you to watch him.
(Y/N): Okay, but why?
(Yoshimura tells Y/N why.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh, Kaneki...
(Y/N): Okay, I'll watch the kid.
Yoshimura: Once again; thank you, (Y/N).
(Yoshimura leaves the room.)
(Y/N): Hmm.
(Y/N looks over Hide.)
(Y/N): So, this is Kaneki's friend? Yup! He's definitely a normal boy.
(Y/N sniffs Hide.)
(Y/N): He smells fine I guess.
(After a couple of minutes, Yoshimura returns with Kaneki.)
(Y/N's thoughts): He seems happy to see his friend.
(Kaneki feels the blood on his lip.)
Kaneki: hunger has been dragging on for a long time...occasionally at times I feel like I'm at the point where I'll starve to death...and even I don't understand the reason...but, now that's not entirely the case. The blood in my mouth...I get it...this isn't mine.
(Y/N's thoughts): He's putting it together.
Kaneki: Answer me honestly while I was sleeping...what did I...
Yoshimura: If you stayed like would ripped up your friend with your bare hands. Please realize the type of person you've become.
Kaneki: I don't...want to friend. I can't stay together with Hide. And I can't live in the Ghoul's world.
Yoshimura: ......
Kaneki: Because I'm neither a human nor a ghoul...
(Y/N): [sighs]
(Y/N walks over to Kaneki & places a hand on Kaneki's head.)
Yoshimura: *smiles* Thank you, (Y/N). You may leave us.
(Y/N): Okay, boss.
(Y/N leaves Yoshimura with Kaneki.)
A Couple Hours Later
(Y/N is cleaning some tables.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I suppose being a janitor ain't all that bad. It's just cleaning. Plus, I get to be around Kaya.
Touka: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Hm? Oh, Touka.
(Touka punches Y/N's arm.)
(Y/N): Ow?
Touka: How come you didn't tell me that you're finally with Kaya?
(Y/N): Uh, I guess it just slipped my mind.
Touka: Sure it did. Well, I'm happy for you. Don't screw it up.
(Y/N): I won't!
Touka: *smiles* Good.
(Y/N): Are you interested in anyone?
Touka: No.
(Y/N's thoughts): Quick answer.
(Y/N): Hmm, Perhaps Kan-
Touka: *activates her ghoul eyes* Don't. Finish. That. Sentence.
(Y/N): [chuckles] Okay, Touka.
Touka: Hmph!
(Touka walks away from Y/N.)
(Y/N): I better fin-
Kaya: (Y/N).
(Y/N): *smiles* Kaya!
(Y/N turns around & Kaya hugs him which of course, Y/N hugs her back.)
Kaya: I missed you this morning.
(Y/N): Did you read the note I left?
Kaya: I did. But still, I still prefer waking up next to you.
(Y/N): As do I.
Kaya: Okay, let me go and get back to work.
(Y/N): Okay...
(Y/N let's go of Kaya.)
Kaya: Don't be sad.
(Kaya cups Y/N's face & runs her fingers through his beard.)
Kaya: Okay?
(Y/N): *blushing* Yes, ma'am.
Kaya: *smiles warmly*
A Few More Hours Later
???: The shopkeepers seem energetic today, don't they?
???: ...Yep.
???: I'm Fueguchi. Come now...Hinami, say hello.
Hinami: ...!
Kaneki's thoughts: What a lovely mother...
Fueguchi: ...Well, she's still shy around strangers...
Kaneki's thoughts: A middle school student...?
Kaneki: Hello.
Hinami: Hello...
(Touka & Y/N come from around a wall.)
(Y/N): *waves*
Touka: Oh! Fueguchi, Hinawi.
Fueguchi: Hello, Touka. (Y/N).
Hinami: Doggy!
(Hinami runs up to Y/N.)
(Y/N): I missed you, Hinami.
(Hinami holds out her arms & grabs the air.)
(Y/N): [chuckles] I forgot.
(Y/N bends down to Hinami's height & she starts scratching Y/N's face through his beard.)
Hinami: Good doggy!
(Y/N): *happily humming*
Touka: The manager is waiting on the 2nd floor. Go on up.
Fueguchi: Come on, Hinami.
Hinami: See ya later, doggy!
(Y/N): Later, Hinami.
(Fueguchi & Hinami head upstairs.)
Kaneki: They're ghouls?
Touka: Yeah.
(Y/N): Hard to believe?
Kaneki's thoughts: They look just like a normal mother and child...
Kaneki: They're not going to talk within the shop? Though I guess there's no one else here...
Touka: They came to pick up the "package".
Kaneki: Package?
(Y/N): [sighs]
Touka & (Y/N): Meat.
Kaneki: Meat...? Err...w-why's that?
Touka: They're the same as you.
(Kaneki's questions start to annoy Touka.)
(Touka walks away.)
Touka's thoughts: How troublesome.
Kaneki's thoughts: Was I constantly questioning things?
(Y/N): [chuckles]
Kaneki: So, doggy?
(Y/N): *activates his ghoul eyes* You don't get to call me that.
Kanki: Okay...!
(Y/N walks away from Kaneki.)
Kaneki's thoughts: But, there are ghouls who can't hunt humans...?
(As Y/N is walking away, Kaya stops him.)
(Y/N): Hi, Kaya.
Kaya: I saw you with Hinami.
(Y/N): Haha, well, I can't say no to her.
Kaya: Can I call you "doggy" as well?
(Y/N): *blush* If you want too.
Kaya: I'll keep that in mind. Oh! Another thing.
(Y/N): Yes, Kaya?
Kaya: Seeing you interact with Hinami has me wondering.
(Y/N): About what?
Kaya: What it would be like to have "pups" of our own.
(Y/N): *extreme blush* Really?!
(A pair of CCG Investigators who are looking for Fueguchi & Hinami have just disposed of a ghoul.)
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