Chapter 2: A New Ghoul
(Y/N is currently on top of a building, looking over the 20th ward.)
(Y/N): It's been a couple of days, Rize. Where are you?
(Y/N's thoughts): I know our last conversation wasn't the nicest and it didn't end on the best of terms but...
(Y/N): I still thought she'd come see me now and then. Her and I may not get along but she's still my sister.
(Y/N's phone rings.)
(Y/N): Hello?
Kaya: (Y/N). I'm at Anteiku and to my surprise, you're nowhere to be found.
(Y/N): Oh! Kaya-
Kaya: So, where is my...(seductive tone) Black Beta?
(Y/N's thoughts): *embarrassed blush* She hasn't called me by that in a long time!
(Y/N): *embarrassed blush* Uh, I am-
Kaya: Just hurry up and get here. You don't want to be late, do you?
(Y/N): Of course not, Kaya!
Kaya: [light chuckle] Then head over here already.
(Kaya ends the call.)
(Y/N): Yes, ma'am.
(Cut to the end of Y/N's work day at Anteiku.)
(Y/N): Ugh, my feet hurt! I should probably stop worrying about Rize's whereabouts. She can handle yourself. Perhaps more than I could? Maybe she's been at that boy Kaneki's place [chuckles] Yeah, right!
(At the same time as this, Touka just closed shop. Where she's declining to help Kaneki.)
Touka: How was your life not being hunted by anyone?
Kaneki: .....
Touka: Your days spent not living in fear of The Ghoul Investigation Department or other ghouls gone insane? So, tell me!! "Everything is terrible?" Don't make me laugh. So what about me...for me, it's been terrible ever since I was born...
Kaneki: !!
Touka: Who could help you, idiot. Go off and die on your own.
Kaneki: .....?
Yoshimura: Touka. That's enough for now.
Touka: Boss...
Yoshimura: It must have been hard.
Kaneki: .......
(Yoshimura opens Anteiku's door.)
Kaneki: ...?
Touka: Boss!? Why...This guy...he used to be human!
Yoshimura: He looks like a ghoul to me.
Touka: !
Yoshimura: Giving aid to fellow ghouls is our policy. Isn't it, Touka?
Touka: .....
(Touka glares at Kaneki.)
Kaneki: .....!?
(Cut to the trio in Anteiku's basement.)
Yoshimura: Watch your step.
Kaneki's thoughts: A refrigerator? To think there was a facility like this under the store...
Yoshimura: Let's give you one package for now. Come back when you need to. There's no need to be shy.
(Yoshimura hands the package to Kaneki.)
Kaneki: .......
Kaneki's thoughts: Am I...really going human...?
Kaneki: Thank-
(Y/N walks downstairs.)
(Y/N): Hey, boss. Do you think you could give a package of-
(Y/N notices Touka & another ghoul with Yoshimura.)
(Y/N): Sorry, didn't realize there'd be a line.
Yoshimura: I'll be with you in a second, (Y/N).
Touka: What are you still doing here?
Kaneki's thoughts: (Y/N)? Where have I heard that name before?
(Y/N): Well, I'm hun-[sniffs]
(Y/N's thoughts): Rize?
(Y/N): [sniffs]
(Y/N): I can smell her but I don't see her. Her scent is coming from...
(Y/N & Kaneki make eye contact.)
(Y/N): You!
Kaneki: Huh?!
(Y/N runs up to Kaneki & lifts him up by his throat.)
Kaneki: Why...?
(Y/N): You smell like my sister.
Kaneki: Y-Your...sister? Who...
(Kaneki remembers the only other female ghoul he's encountered.)
Kaneki: W-Wait...
(Y/N): That's right, Kaneki. Rize is my sister.
Kaneki: ?!
(Y/N): [sighs] Now, tell me where my sister is! The last time I saw her, she told me that she was going on a date with you!
Kaneki: What...?
(Y/N tightens his grip on Kaneki's throat.)
Kaneki: [gargles]
(Y/N): Don't play dumb with me!
Kaneki's thoughts: Is...he going to kill me?!
Touka: ...
(Yoshimura places a hand on Y/N's shoulder.)
Yoshimura: Let him go, (Y/N).
(Y/N): But he knows where my sister is!
(Yoshimura's eyes begin to glow.)
Yoshimura: I won't tell you again.
(Y/N): [growls]
(Y/N drops Kaneki.)
Kaneki: [coughs]
A Few Minutes Later
(Y/N): Hey, boss?
Touka: Why did you give a guy like...
Yoshimura: Touka. (Y/N). I wonder if you heard the news about the organ transplant incident that happened recently?
(Y/N): Yeah?
Touka: .....? No. Not the details.
Yoshimura: Well, the start of it was... two students who were the victims of a fallen metal construction beam. One of them, the girl, was killed instantly...but the other, a young man, was in critical condition, near death. He urgently needed an organ transplant. So the surgeon decided on his own, to use the organs from the deceased girl. Those organs...seem to have belonged to Rize.
Touka: Rize!? She...she's dead? Because of an accident?
(Y/N): YOU LIE!!
Yoshimura: I wish I was, (Y/N). It brings me no joy to tell you this.
(Y/N): (teary eyed) [yells]
(Y/N storms out of Anteiku.)
(Y/N): [sniffles]
(Y/N's thoughts): I bet Rize would be happy that I'm crying over her. To think that she was killed during some freak accident and not by a ghoul investigator or a another ghoul.
(Y/N): [cries] Dammit, stop-
Kaya: Took you long enough.
(Y/N): Kaya?!
(Without realizing, Y/N had walked right up to Kaya.)
(Y/N): Why are you still here?
Kaya: Isn't it obviously?
(Y/N): ...
Kaya: I was waiting for you.
(Y/N): Why?
Kaya: Because it's been a while since the two of us have really talked. So I figured why don't you walk me home?
(Y/N): That's nice of you, Kaya.
Kaya: Well, let's-
(Y/N): But I'm afraid I must decline.
Kaya: And why is that?
(Kaya notices Y/N's eyes.)
Kaya: Have you been cry-
(Y/N): I'll see you at Anteiku tomorrow!
(Y/N storms past Kaya before she can finish her sentence.)
Kaya: Hmm?
(Cut to Y/N in now Rize's former feeding ground.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh, you idiot! Walking away from Kaya like that. She's just worried about you.
(Y/N): [sighs] I don't want to bother her anyway. The Black Dobers are no more so why should she care about-
(Y/N overhears a voice.)
???: This is my feeding ground, so...get it?
(Y/N): That sounds like...
(Y/N walks towards the voice to find Nishiki choking Kaneki. Touka is there as well.)
Touka: This is Rize's turf, Nishiki.
Nishiki: Touka.
(Touka drops down to Nishiki & Kaneki.)
Nishiki: Did you know? That voracious-eater woman died.
(Y/N's thoughts): I've never liked Nishiki.
Touka: So that means this place is yours now? Don't be stupid. Management of the 20th ward is our job of the stability team.
(Nishiki goes on to dismiss the stability team.)
Nishiki: This was originally my feeding ground, until Rize came along. If she's dead, then it's mine now! Isn't that right?!
(Y/N): He's really starting to...
(Y/N's eyes begin to glow.)
(Y/N): Piss me off.
Touka: [sighs] The feeding grounds Rize took over will be divided among the weaker ghouls. It's not something for you to decide on your own!
(Y/N drops down to the trio.)
(Y/N): She's right, Nishiki.
Touka: (Y/N)?!
Nishiki: Great. The Dog's dog is here.
(Y/N): Now that my sister's dead. Shouldn't be up to me, her brother, to decide what happens with her feeding ground?
Nishiki: No!
(Y/N): I don't remember asking for your opinion, Nishiki. So hold your tongue before I rip it out!
Kaneki's thoughts: This ghoul really is Rize's brother.
(Y/N): I agree with Touka. My sister's feeding grounds should be divided among the weaker ghouls.
Touka's thoughts: Thanks, (Y/N).
Touka: And besides, this tiny back alley was stolen from you because Rize was the stronger one. If you want to blame something, blame your own weaknesses. Idiot!
(Y/N): Hitting the nail on the coffin, Touka.
Nishiki: ........Being treated like a fool by an upstart, impertinent brat and a measly janitor really pisses me off...!
(Nishiki walks towards Touka & Y/N. Before he can attack them, Touka cuts him.)
Kaneki: .......
Touka: Well, as for me...meeting idiots who think they deserve my respect just for being older...really pisses me off.
(Y/N's thoughts): She's fast.
Nishiki: Shut-
(Nishiki is about to counterattack Touka but before he can, Y/N catches him with his tentacles. Y/N is now stretching out Nishiki by his limbs and is choking him.)
(Y/N): I still have one tentacle left. Should I shove it down your stupid fucking throat?!
(Before Y/N can do anything, a bunch of cuts made by Touka appear on Nishiki.)
Touka: Should I cut deeper next time?
(Y/N drops Nishiki.)
Nishiki: ...Tsch. Damn you both!
(Nishiki runs off.)
Touka: Take the corpse and go, weakling. Sheesh, guess I'll ask Yomo to take care of it.
(Y/N): Gone deaf of something, Kaneki?
Kaneki: .......What is this? Just what are ghouls? They kill people, have no connection to their fellow ghouls...
(Y/N): Huh?
Kaneki: They have no concept of morals or order. This kind of...this the worst!!
Touka: .....
(Y/N): Maybe we should've let Nishiki kill you.
Touka: The way I see things. This meat is still uneaten.
Kaneki: As if I could eat it! I'm done with all that, I'm through!!
(Y/N): You really are pathetic.
Touka: You are a fool. I should just give up already. But if you do not have the courage to eat it...I'll help you.
(Touka shoves some human meat into Kaneki's mouth.)
Touka: Eat!
(Y/N): He's just gonna-
(Kaneki shoves his hand down his throat & proceeds to throw up the human meat.)
(Y/N): Throw it up.
Touka: What's wrong? Eat.
Kaneki: Why...why am I doing this? I...I was wrong to eat that meat after all. That was what I thought, and I looked desperately for another way. Even so...this is not what I want...this is not the way! H-Human meat...there's no way I can eat it. How could I possibly eat it...
Touka & (Y/N): .....
Kaneki: Because...I'm human!!! I'm different from you monsters!!! Do you really think I could eat human meat?!! Don't lump me together...with you monsters!
(Y/N): Want me to put you out of your misery?
Kaneki: [whimpers]
(Touka smacks Kaneki across his face.)
Kaneki: Ah!!!
Touka: Well, aren't you awfully fucking noble...
(Touka places her foot besides Kaneki's head.)
Touka: It's true though, you're no ghoul.
Kaneki: .....
Touka: are not human either.
(Y/N crutches down to Kaneki.)
(Y/N): Keep denying what you are all you want. But when you kill someone you care about because of your won't matter what you call yourself, because that person will be dead!
Kaneki: .....
(Y/N gets up & walks towards the body.)
(Y/N): I'll take care of the body, Touka.
Touka: Okay, (Y/N).
(Y/N picks up the body & starts to walk out of the alley.)
(Y/N): [whispering] Stupid fucking hu--gho--whatever he is, he's stupid! [sniffs]
(Y/N smells the dead body.)
(Y/N): [sighs] I need this. I've had-
Kaya: So this is where my Black Beta ran off too?
(Y/N): Kaya?! What are you doing here?!
Kaya: You ran away from me. So asked Yoshimura what happened. And then I tracked you here.
(Y/N): Oh...
(Kaya walks up to Y/N & places a hand on Y/N's cheek.)
Kaya: (Y/N). I'm so sorry about your sister. Her and I may not have gotten along but I know you loved her.
(Y/N): *small blush* Thanks.
(Kaya takes her hand off of Y/N's cheek.)
Kaya: (Y/N), did you kill this man?
(Y/N): No! I'm just-
Kaya: (Y/N), relax. I know you didn't kill this man. I saw and heard everything that happened.
(Y/N): [sighs] Good.
(A moment of silence is shared between the two.)
(Y/N): ...
Kaya: ...
(Y/N): So-
Kaya: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Kaya?
Kaya: Do you believe what that boy said?
(Y/N): What?
Kaya: That ghouls have no connection to each other?
(Y/N): Of course not! We're proof of that!
Kaya: *small blush* We are. Okay, let's go.
(Y/N): Huh?
Kaya: You're not getting out of walking me home, (Y/N).
(Y/N): *embarrassed blush* Okay.
Kaya: Bring him along.
(Y/N): Who? The body?
Kaya: Yes. You and I can share him when we get to my place.
(Y/N): Uh...
Kaya: Unless you want him all to yourself?
(Y/N): No, I'll share him with you.
Kaya: Good. Let's get going.
(Y/N & Kaya begin to walk side by side together.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Wait. Would this be considered!
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