Chapter 1: A Person From My Past
(Y/N is currently taking out some of Anteiku's trash.)
(Y/N): [sighs] This is so demeaning.
(Y/N opens a door to a back alley with a dumpster.)
(Y/N): The Black Beta of the Dobers resorted to a...janitor of a cafe. [sighs] I miss the old days.
(Y/N lifts the lid to the dumpster & throws the trash he has into it.)
(Y/N): [sniffs] Ugh, how can humans eat this stuff?
(Y/N sniffs the inside of the dumpster again.)
(Y/N): [gags]
(Y/N closes the lid to the dumpster.)
(Y/N): I think I'm going to be sick...
(Touka enters the alley.)
Touka: Hey, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): [groans]
Touka: You okay?
(Y/N): Yeah, I'm okay. Need me to clean up a spill?
Touka: No. You have a visitor.
(Y/N): A visitor?
Touka: Yes.
(Y/N): For me?
Touka: Yeah. You hit your head or something?
(Y/N): Who is it?
Touka: She claims to be your sister.
(Y/N): Purple hair & glasses?
Touka: Yup.
(Y/N's thoughts): This is unexpected.
Touka: You never told me you had a sister.
(Y/N): There's a reason for that.
Touka: That reason is?
(Y/N): I'll tell you another time.
Touka: Whatever. Just go see her already.
(Touka walks back inside of Anteiku.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Looks like I've upset. Hopefully she'll get over it.
(Y/N cleans himself up a bit before meeting his sister at her table.)
(Y/N): Hopefully I don't smell too much like garbage.
(Y/N walks out & sits across from his sister.)
(Y/N): What do you want, Rize?
Rize: Wow, (Y/N). I don't even get a hello or hi?
(Y/N): [groans] Hello, Rize.
Rize: Was that so hard?
(Y/N): Now, what do you want?
Rize: Maybe I don't want anything. Maybe I just wanted to see my brother.
(Y/N): Sure. How do you even know that I work here?
Rize: I have my ways, brother.
(Y/N): I bet you do.
Rize: Why do you smell like garbage?
(Y/N's thoughts): Dammit.
(Y/N): Because I'm the janitor of this place.
Rize: [giggles]
(Y/N): [growls]
Rize: The great Black Beta is now nothing more than janitor of a cafe! [giggles]
(Y/N): Are we done?
(Rize suddenly places her hands on the sides of Y/N's face. She then playing with Y/N's beard.)
(Y/N): Rize, what are you doing?
Rize: The last I saw you, you didn't have a beard. It's been quite a while.
(Two boys are watching their conversation.)
Hide: Sorry to break it to you, Kaneki. But it looks like she has a boyfriend.
Kaneki: Y-You don't know that for sure, Hide! They could be friends! Or he could be her brother! Or-
Hide: Kaneki, bro. Do you really think that a girl like her would be single to begin with? Besides just look at the guy she's with. He has a beard! Which makes him way more manlier than you.
Kaneki: ...
(Back to Rize & Y/N.)
(Y/N): Okay, Rize.
(Y/N gets Rize's hands out oh his beard.)
(Y/N): Time to tell me why you're actually here.
Rize: [sighs] Fine. Have you heard of the ghoul known as The Binge Eater?
(Y/N): I have.
Rize: Well, [whispering] I'm that ghoul!
(Y/N): What?!
Rize: [giggles]
(Y/N): You already know how hard it is for ghouls and yet you-
Rize: I don't care. A girl has to eat, (Y/N). Plus it's just so much fun seeing the looks on human's faces before they die.
(Y/N): Why are you telling me this?
Rize: Because I want you to join me. Just imagine it, (Y/N). You and I eating whoever we want, killing whoever we want. Doesn't it sound-
(Y/N): No, Rize.
Rize: Excuse me?
(Y/N): I said no, Rize. I won't join you on your gluttonous rampage.
Rize: What happened to you, brother? You used to be so much fun.
(Y/N): I've matured, Rize.
Rize: Y'know...
(Y/N): Hm?
Rize: Ever since you started hanging around with that mutt and her-
(Y/N): (glare) Her name is Kaya.
Rize: Yes, Kaya and her little pack of dogs. She works here now doesn't she? And of course you followed your alpha like the good beta you are.
(Y/N): How did you know that Kaya works here?
Rize: Please, (Y/N)! Of course I'd know the scent of the ghoul that took my brother away from me.
(Y/N): Okay. We're done here.
(Y/N gets up from his seat & begins to walk away from Rize.)
Rize: Bye, (Y/N)! I've so missed our talks.
(Y/N): Ugh.
(With that, Rize pulls out a book & begins to read it.)
Touka: You and your sister seem close.
(Y/N): We're not.
Touka: And why is that?
(Y/N): You seem flustered? Did something happen?
Touka: *embarrassed blush* No! Stop trying to change the subject!
(Y/N): Okay, geez.
Touka: So?
(Y/N): Well-
(Before Y/N can answer Touka, Rize knocks Kaneki's book out of his hands.)
Kaneki: Ah.
Rize: Ah.
Kaneki: I-I'm sorry...
Rize: I'm sorry!! Oh...?
(Rize notices the book that Kaneki was reading is "Egg Of The Black Goat.")
Rize: It's good, isn't it? I'm actually reading it right now too...Are you a fan of Takatsuki?
Kaneki: ...Y-Y-Yes! I love Sen Takatsuki!! I, mysterious!!
Rize: Oh, me too.
Kaneki's thoughts: Maybe I...dropped the book at the perfect moment!!
Rize: That one's good too!
Touka: ...
(Y/N): [whispering] You've got to be kidding me.
The Next Day
(Kaya & Y/N are currently the only ones in Anteiku. Kaya is enjoying a cup of coffee while Y/N is cleaning some tables.)
(Y/N): I've cleaned the rest of the tables.
(Y/N looks at his watch.)
(Y/N): I still have time. Kaya?
Kaya: Yes, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Do you think you could cover for me for about...
(Y/N looks at his watch again.)
(Y/N): hour?
Kaya: Why?
(Y/N):'s a family matter.
Kaya: Really?
(Kaya walks up to Y/N. They're now face-to-face with each other.)
(Y/N's thoughts): So close...
(Y/N): *small blush*
(Kaya taps Y/N's nose with her finger.)
Kaya: I'll cover for you. Get going.
(Y/N): Thanks!
(Y/N walks out of Anteiku.)
Kaya: (Y/N) is cute when he blushes.
(Cut to Y/N outside of Anteiku.)
(Y/N): Hopefully I'll be able to find Rize before she kills that boy. It's been awhile since we've seen each other but luckily after showing up here yesterday...
(Y/N sniffs the air.)
(Y/N) I have her scent.
(Cut to Rize on her way to meet Kaneki for their date.)
Rize: [sighs]
(Rize walks into an alleyway.)
Rize: Hello, (Y/N).
(Y/N comes out of the shadows.)
(Y/N): I guess I should leave the stalking to you, huh?
Rize: You should. So why are you foll-
(Y/N suddenly appears in front of Rize. He's about to grab her by her throat but Rize catches his wrist before he has the chance to.)
Rize: Now, brother. What have I done to cause such a reaction from you?
(Y/N): You're going to kill that boy.
Rize: What boy?
(Y/N): The boy from yesterday.
Rize: Kaneki? I'm on my way to meet him for our date.
(Y/N): You're going on a date with him?
Rize: Yes. Is that so hard to believe?
(Y/N): Sister. I know exactly what you're doing. You're acting shy and gentle towards Kaneki. And when you feel like he has no chance of escape, that's when you'll strike. I'm here to stop you before that happens!
Rize: You know me so well, (Y/N)! But that isn't the case for Kaneki.
(Y/N): And why is that?
Rize: Because I genuinely like him.
(Y/N): Really?
Rize: Is it hard to believe that I could actually find a human attractive?
(Y/N): No.
Rize: Besides I'm full right now. So he's safe.
(Y/N): I still don't feel reassured, Rize.
Rize: Do I not deserve love?
(Y/N): Of course you do. It's just-
Rize: You're just jealous that I'm able to go on a date with someone unlike you who's still hung up on some old bitch-
(Y/N): Rize. That's the second time you've insulted Kaya. I love you but if you insult her again; I'll kill you.
Rize: Is that a threat?
(Y/N): It's a promise.
(Rize & Y/N's eyes glow red as they stare each other down. After a couple of seconds, they both calm down.)
Rize: I don't want to be late so if we're done here?
(Y/N): Yeah.
(Rize begins to walk away.)
Rize: See ya around, (Y/N).
(Cut to Y/N on his way to Anteiku.)
(Y/N): Perhaps Rize was telling the truth. Maybe she really does like that Kaneki kid.
(Y/N remembers what Rize said.)
"Unlike you who's still hung on some old bitch-"
(Y/N): I'm not hung up on Kaya. It's been decades. I'm over her. Even if I was still interested in her which I'm not, I doubt she feels the same way about-
(As Y/N continues walking he sees Kaya smiling at a customer which melts his heart.)
(Y/N): Okay. I'm still hung up on her.
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